Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv prt] on " in BNC.

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1 Where the " source " for a story dies , or is out of the country , or has been promised confidentiality , or goes back on what he said , the difficulties of proving the truth of a true statement may be too great .
3 The dog usually just stops dead or veers off on a different course .
4 The rest of the morning I might spend at the beach , in season , or in the park or a café , reading or catching up on my correspondence , or chatting to friends and acquaintances , as the whim took me .
5 He would wait for an hour or so , reading a newspaper or catching up on paperwork , then he would go to the McCausland counter and hire a car .
6 We need something dramatic to focus it , either to introduce something which will create a potential for change in this situation ( which will potentially destabilise the situation ) or pick up on something going on in the groups which will have the same effect ; we need to focus on an issue .
7 But Ah tell ye this , laddie , Ah 'm a helluva fast learner , so do n't think ye can pull the wool or sit around on yer fat little arse doin' bugger all .
8 Then lie or sit down on the nearest piece of furniture , try to keep warm and wait calmly for help to arrive .
9 The extreme elaboration of the proceedings is intended to emphasize that , in contrast to the kind of marriage which can be entered into or broken off on the spur of the moment , this is a contract which is intended to endure .
10 The heat shields were still intact and the computer assured him that they would not crack or fall off on the journey through the atmosphere .
11 It was pointed out in Dann v Hamilton that the defence could apply in cases where : " the drunkenness of the driver at the material time is so extreme and so glaring that to accept a lift from him is like engaging in an intrinsically and obviously dangerous occupation , intermeddling with an unexploded bomb or walking along on the edge of an unfenced cliff " .
12 Whether they are jamming the bustling streets of Kowloon , elbowing their way on to ancient trams or leaping about on the terraces at the races , Hong Kong people are enthusiasts .
13 They are particularly concerned that the poor , elderly and sick will be forced to run up debts or cut down on the amount of electricity , coal , oil and gas they use .
14 meant to be moving onto the tenth and eleventh floor it only takes them a short time to save time on that or , or cut down on your labour as usual .
15 These go on every day in a Home — they wo n't be planned beforehand or written up on a board , they are the little things of everyday life :
16 Each house has a sophisticated meter attached to its TV set , which records exactly what is being played ( or played back on video ) .
17 Essential for sets , you can sit back and relax with your favourite mag or catch up on the gossip with the girl under the next dryer !
18 You can control the amount of ‘ sink ’ by either pulling up , as I am doing here , or pushing down on the boom .
19 He was not to be summoned at short notice or dropped in on , but was to be treated as one would a man whose time was as valuable as one 's own .
20 Now of course you may not be able to do anything to change the basic situation — you ca n't very well turn the children out onto the street or walk out on a job just because it is tedious .
21 New Zealand lambs and dairy cows grow fat the old-fashioned way , by grazing in sunny meadows , not by munching bags of feed full of additives or wandering about on pastures drenched in chemical fertilisers , as their European and American cousins do .
22 If you are a countryman , you may sit by a stream and contemplate a may tree just coming into blossom , or climb up on the ramparts of an iron age hill fort and let your soul soar with the wind .
23 She knew she did not want to be an employee or to set up on her own and accepted a position as Recorder on the South-East Circuit while looking at the appointments pages in the newspapers .
24 Robert Jones sparkled , Tony Clement was constantly in the thick of things at fullback , whether kicking long and meaningfully or surging through on the counter-attack .
25 His mother would find him slumped across the keyboard or face down on the carpet where he had collapsed .
26 Nor did Mme Guérigny visit the cinema or theatre , or drop in on a neighbour .
27 Renew contacts with old friends Saturday or drop in on a parent or much loved relative .
28 we can maximise the space if you get in that leg room of about one millimetre or lie down on people 's laps and then we can build or may be even lie down on
29 The thinking of politicians for whom education is only important if it helps boost the national economy , and this is important because it helps people enjoy what they want , and this is important because it encourages consumption and thus industry , either goes round in a vicious circle or takes off on an interminable regress .
30 Sometimes such material is simply tipped-in or stuck down on a blank ; the professional may prefer to inlay it on paper to match the size of the volume , which will often be fairly large .
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