Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 If anybody if anything survives because it can chew better or gallop better or bring forth it 's young alive or has a better circulation , it 's not the species .
2 If only five per cent of car journeys were made by bus or train instead it would save over a quarter of a million tonnes ' worth of pollutant each year .
3 A further attribute declaring whether the solid was a sub-space of the void or vice versa , would have established whether the pin finished below the surface of the block or extended above it .
4 As the train leaves the woods and turns inland it crosses the route of the Roman Antonine Wall — today marked by a very high road overbridge .
5 This means that if one sibling helps another to survive and reproduce then it is ensuring the further spread of its genes within future generations .
6 For example , if at P the parcel had no motion in the east-west direction across the planet 's surface and the planet 's axial rotation is prograde then it will pick up motion across the grid towards the east , and in moving northwards will end up for example at Q. If it were in the southern hemisphere and moved southward it would also pick up an eastwards movement .
7 l he vehicles entered the western end of this northern bay , and the coach body was lifted off its bogies and placed on moving carriers , the wheels removed from the bogies , the bogies then also placed on carriers parallel with its body and moved alongside it through the shop at the same pace , that of one vehicle every forty minutes .
8 I 'd go a little bit further and say well it 'd be much more likely that husband and wife would be in the master bedroom with in the small bedroom , but as you say er the adults or anybody indeed in the flat is likely to be in the bedrooms at that time , but Sergeant you see went a bit further and said that at the briefing , somehow he got information that was likely to be in the master bedroom so I understand your evidence , you certainly did n't get that impression at the brief .
9 He would lead them into the yard and behind the sheds , and then he 'd point at nothing and say there it was .
10 He got to the car and stopped opposite it , breathing deeply .
11 And if the gentleman having to put bandages on a lady and you want to put your hand underneath there just excuse me a moment , alright , because in the exam one row of you will certainly going to have a lady bandage okay , put slings on and to bandage so it 's just as well not to get to you know used to bandaging up great big chaps and then you 'll find you 've got some little tiny five foot two or five foot nothing lady bandaging in exam , alright , so swap around , so get yourselves so you 've got a partner and use your bandages and let's just see you do the high sling to start .
12 If you left this anywhere left it behind and came away it would be lost in the system you 'd never see it again .
13 On the rare occasion that it comes up she kind of laughs it off and says well it was n't really a marriage .
14 We 've got the see if you can get us this number , and nine times out of ten he comes back and says here it is , and on the tenth occasion he 'll come back and say , Too risky .
15 Then one of the girls comes over and says here it is , straight away .
16 Erm swimming is recommended as about the most all round exercise because it certainly does your heart and lungs , it does all the muscles of the body , it , according to what you do in the water of course , I mean if you just go and stand there it does nothing
17 He says because straw is a bulky material it 's expensive to transport — also it 's very inflammable and deteriorates once it gets wet so must be stored in big , dry storehouses .
18 These flowers are visited by larger bees such as species of Xylocopa , which land on the hood-like ligule and forage underneath it for pollen .
19 My stomach felt as if a huge wheel lurched and turned inside it every time she moved .
20 In the latter group the picture was very similar , a replacement rate of one in the generation following the Black Death , below one in the sixty years before 1437 , and rising above it between then and the end of the century ( 104 , p.204 ) .
21 He reached inside the door , found the key and locked both it and the house against the invasion .
22 I came in by the south door as usual and locked both it and the door in the grille after me .
23 While Newco remains an investment company ( and to do so it must receive income , other than payments for group relief ) it can carry forward any excess interest which is not surrendered to Target against its future income .
24 The cottage lay back quite a long way from the path , but Virginia slowed down and stepped past it with quick , light steps .
25 Relatives in evening — they get lost finding our house and drive past it .
26 Boar 's heart stuffed with cloves , lamb garnished with mint and marjoram , a swan cooked and restored so it sat upon the silver platter as if swimming on some magical pool .
27 committee , if you go downstairs you will see on the notice there a display of various things that we do , and on the windowsills there are various pieces of information free sheets that you can pick up and take away it will tell you about all sorts of issues !
28 He stopped to look at the house and saw below it , on the shore , a large rectangular basin which seemed to have been blasted out of the rock at the foot of the cliff .
29 Automatically she turned so that she could see him , and knew immediately it was a fatal error .
30 Someone has to make it , and the women just sit smiling and nodding so it might as well be them .
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