Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 The connections between gender and class were apparent enough in the early modern period , and if the transvestite was a pervert or invert it was precisely in the pre-sexological senses of these ideas ; whether actually or only in the paranoid imagination of the dominant , she was regarded as upsetting the entire social domain , even when her sexual ‘ orientation ’ was not the issue .
2 So we never had time to think or enjoy what was going up .
3 For the widowed or divorced there was no difference between those with and without children nor any significant trend with the number of children .
4 As enforcement of water pollution regulations places demands on polluters of time , manpower , and money , one of the basic premises informing routine pollution control work is the assumption that every discharger has a substantial economic incentive to evade enforcement : ‘ Everyone will try to get out of it , or say it was n't them . ’
5 Though he never idealised it or pretended it was anything but ‘ the rude rags of nature ’ , he saw things in it to which Crabbe was completely blind or hostile , and he felt their loss when change and ‘ improvement ’ came :
6 I wondered what would happen if I ignored the call or pretended it was n't me , but I had a strong feeling that they knew it was me .
7 Since we could barely stand up or speak there was little point in dropping in on Ted and Theresia , although perhaps they would n't have noticed much difference in my case , given as they are to ply me with drink .
8 A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of ‘ oppression ’ or if it is the consequence of ‘ anything said or done which was likely , in the circumstances existing at the time , to render [ it ] unreliable ’ ( emphasis added ) .
9 Nor will confessions obtained as a result of anything said or done which was likely to render them unreliable , be admissible , unless the prosecution can prove that they were not obtained in this way .
10 This action by the creditor set in motion the issuing , by the clerk , of a writ or summons which was formally delivered to an officer of the Chief Bailiff who served it on the defendant at his house .
11 Mr Baker said he was concerned solely with whether Miss Giles knew or believed she was infringing copyright by showing it .
12 Would he pull through and , like himself , fall in love — or imagine he was falling in love — with his nurse ?
13 Of the Information and Technology Department by British Aerospace , and that thanks is not used from Apex , it 's also from M S S at or acknowledged it was your efforts and not their that brought that conference about .
14 To die for your lord was noble , to betray or forsake him was base , while to outlive him in battle brought disgrace , not only on you but on your kin .
15 that song , she or tune she was supposed to be singing
16 In the past where an item had been lost , stolen , destroyed or damaged which was originally purchased abroad , and the Policyholder admitted that the item was brought in to the U.K. without being declared at H.M. Customs then the extent of our liability was the value of the item less the amount of duty payable .
17 an elaborately artificial style of writing or speaking which was fashionable in the late 16th and early 17th centuries .
18 Yet he so influenced or anticipated what was to come that he remains still the great point of departure for modern Protestant theology .
19 Of course , nobody saw or heard what was going on .
20 She ran a shaking hand over the wispy tendrils , smoothing them back into the neat knot gathered at the nape of her neck , but without the aid of a comb or mirror it was impossible to return her hair to its usual immaculate style .
21 So if you programme for something which fails to materialise , then you should not blame or punish yourself , or decide it was not meant to be .
22 Or suppose it was someone mean , or even cruel , and brutal ?
23 I could get all sorts of reasonable tones , but live or recorded I was n't hearing the sound of an AC30 ; all I could hear was the Power Tool 's solid state amp and the massive amount of EQ I was adding and taking away .
24 M. Dupont held up his hand , though whether to acknowledge the applause or to stem it was not clear .
25 On the Dipper , if you had your eyes shut and your ears plugged up — so you could n't see or hear what was going on — and you just thought about how heavy or light you felt , and what was happening to your tummy — you would n't know for sure what was happening .
26 In the past where an item had been lost or stolen which was originally purchased abroad and the Claimant admitted that no customs duty had been paid our liability was the value of the goods less the amount of any duty payable .
27 But I was n't there , and this is to your advantage because I 'm not going to harp on about my favourite Shankly saying , or pretend I was close friends with the man like certain people do .
28 A long arm shot out and before she could scream or struggle she was pulled into the car and into strong arms .
29 First of all , he was answering ( or thought he was answering ) an appeal for help and support against the Turks from the Byzantine emperor — the Christian west should sustain the Christian east .
30 ‘ He may have done , we 'd not have heard him , ’ said the Leader , ‘ or thought he was shouting at the horses .
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