Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 Equally , however , it has been driven from within the organisation by reducing beds , shutting old hospitals , or transforming them into nursing homes , and concentrating high technology investment in a small number of centres , well equipped and well staffed .
2 Always carry it with you or push it into the soil .
3 Now tell my why I should not have you killed or make you into slaves . ’
4 Situations in which they can prove useful are in small and/or lightly-stocked tanks , and rearing tanks where feeding is rather heavy and regular , as long as the turnover rate is not too high so as to stress the young fish or drag them into the filter .
5 At first it had been merely a matter of borrowing her mother 's scarves and veils , draping these around herself or twisting them into turbans and sashes .
6 Thus , in addition to the general process in which the market registers people 's choices and these feed back into selected or discontinued types of production , there is an evident pressure , at or before the point of production , to reduce costs : either by improving the technical means of reproduction , or by altering the nature of the work or pressing it into other forms .
7 As new treatments and technologies proliferate and new needs are identified these demands escalate , but even as early as 1954 , the then Minister for Health , Enoch Powell , discovered that it became a " positive ethical duty for ( providers ) to beseige and bombard the government and force or shame them into providing more money … and then more again " ( Powell 1966 ) .
8 His green eyes pools of limpid clarity and wholly deceptive depth , but his swift grin wicked , Michele replied provocatively , ‘ I ca n't make love to a housekeeper or beat her into submission the way I could a wife , and , as I prefer my domestic arrangements to run without a hitch , I have to tread circumspectly . ’
9 Companies raising private finance to build a toll road would probably need to offer at least 9–10% , given that many investors want compensation against the risk that a future government might expropriate the project or regulate it into unprofitability .
10 and they 're doing it again and again and again , it suits them , it suits the ones that are really rich to have ordinary people struggling like that and it suits them not to have that two hundred pounds a week going in to help those people and they 're the people who it suits who will decide whether that two hundred pounds a week goes to help on the mortgage or put them into what is it , a bed and , a bed and breakfast ?
11 Do you think I should put it on deposit at the Nat West ; or put it into Savings Certificates ; or Unit Trusts ; or just spend it ?
12 The next stage is to implement it or put it into action .
13 If it is emptying too slowly you can burn some of the holes a bit bigger with a cigarette end or cut them into wider slots with a knife or pair of scissors .
14 Like Matthew , we will keep creating realities which coax or provoke us into feeling anger — by being hurt , by suffering from injustice , by seeing a world full of hatred and cruelty .
15 With all or the exercises in this book , it 's important to write down your ideas , or speak them into a tape recorder .
16 I did not want to add to his troubles or to lead him into more danger .
17 Craig Chalmers must continue to bring his backs into the game rather than kick away possession or run himself into the thickest traffic .
18 Sometimes they can be given a lump of clay that is too heavy for them to lift and they will gain new experiences as they try to mould or divide it into pieces of a manageable size .
19 Phone Trowbridge 3130 9 am-4 pm. or drop them into my home .
20 Or drop it into their office .
21 This does not mean changing the character of the river , or turning it into a canal .
22 Getting him to eat was no problem , but preventing him throwing his food around or trampling it into the floor was .
23 Moreover when he does refer to ideology it is not to develop the concept or incorporate it into his analysis of capitalism but to refer back to the tyranny of ideas and the emptiness of idealism ( e.g. in the Grundrisse , Marx 1973 : 164 ) .
24 Frequently , they expressed a sympathy for guerrilla activities and direct action , without recognizing that successful guerrilla movements were either controlled by an organized and disciplined party ( as in China ) or turned themselves into a traditional type of party ( as in Cuba ) when it became necessary to consolidate their rule and implement their policies .
25 Mount them on or recess them into a ceiling or down the side of a wall .
26 The defendant supplied the product otherwise than in the course of a business and the defendant did not produce it ( or own-brand it or import it into the European Community ) with a view to profit .
27 There 's no proof , and … and she 's fond of him and she would n't do anything to hurt him or get him into trouble .
28 For certain businesses the purchaser may require the prior consent or approval of an industry regulator before it can commence the new business or amalgamate it into its existing business .
29 This teleprinter machine was a temperamental beast and had to be carefully watched to make sure it did n't run out of paper , or chew it into shreds or otherwise make a mess of things , and it was one of our duties as Met Assistants to keep it in order .
30 For large tensile specimens most test machines use swivelling or gimbal grip mountings to avoid such effects of non-axiality , but when small specimens are used , of a few millimetres in cross-section as is common with polymer tests , axiality may become more difficult to achieve because the mass of the swivelling grip requires considerable stress to rotate or move it into the axial position .
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