Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh det] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 The obsession can be a projection — the paintings or whatever stand for something else . ’
2 This involves the acquisition of goal-oriented behaviour which is more or less formulaic in character and whose capacity for accommodation to novelty is , therefore , very limited .
3 A woman whose energy and appetite for merriment were so enormous and whose gift for friendship was so limitless as to make her unique in high London society .
4 It was Minton , not Vaughan , who was asked to judge competitions , who drew drawings for the Tribune pamphlet The Jews at Home by Woodrow Wyatt , MP ; Minton who was invited by the British Tourist Authority to illustrate their official booklet on London and whose design for the ‘ Christmas Books Number ’ appeared , with a Picassoesque lamp on the cover of The Listener on 9 December 1948 .
5 What a hero and what relief for the Gloucester fans .
6 The latter are clearly evidenced by Gilgamesh , who contemptuously repudiates the normally irresistible advances of Ishtar , goddess of love , but whose feelings for his friend Enkidu are ‘ like those of a man for a woman ’ .
7 But whatever blame for the German failure in the first week at Verdun may attach to Falkenhayn ( and in his Memoirs the Crown Prince heaps all of it on him ) , the Fifth Army Command was not entirely beyond reproach .
8 True , Araminta had no idea of what a poached egg was , but what delight for a man to cook all his life for such an angel .
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