Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Upon his death Charles 's eldest son assumed responsibility , and anxious evidently to enlarge the sphere of the firm 's activities he took an " option " or " take-note " from the Honourable John Pennington Bart. , Lord Muncaster , which issued liberty to " … search for and get lead and Copper Ores & any other ores within the Manor of Little Langdale & Tilberthwaite ( save and except in certain parcel of Ground under a lease to Wilson & which Ground & Premises are to be reserved for the sole use & purpose of the said Wilson …
2 ‘ If you have pictures whose past is confused , or questioned , or whose title and ownership are a matter of dispute , the one way to settle this is to put it up for auction and see what happens .
3 Second , and more briefly , I shall ask some questions about the relevance of the 1988 Act to the particular needs of pupils in our schools who have significant difficulties with learning , or whose behaviour or adjustment gives cause for concern .
4 But what of the farmer who grew crops to feed the enemy 's army , or who paid taxes to the enemy king ( and more and more people were now doing this , in one form or another ) , or whose farmyard provided feathers for enemy arrows ?
5 Well to me when I come home of the Crimean I look at these massive tips you know in Blaenau on your left and the old on the right and that , erm if the old man that first rucked his pick and shovel or whatever trussel and or whatever they started would have known what he was starting then , it was like the Klondike of Wales .
6 And sh they she was given erm some sort of oh something to put her to sleep or whatever gas and I know sh she seemed to know what she was doing but this lady that was there with her she passed out with the smell of gas in the room so she was n't much help .
7 Now but Paula Paul will come with us or Tony or whatever Paul and Tony can come with Paula okay ?
8 and therefore you can have a situation where , I mean if the Queen is there for another twenty years say , say the situation in twenty years time where you have king on throne and a queen who have not lived together for thirty years or whatever years and you know still playing out this
9 Your history department or geography department may say well if we had a micro we 'd be able to do such and such and they 'll think about that in competition with other needs — textbooks or whatever _ so you 'll see departments using them , as I say , in the same way that we 'd use other sophisticated aids .
10 and the first sort of thing they ever had was just like a little screen it just went blip and that 's it , all they could tell you was there was something in their vicinity , it could n't tell you what direction it was or what height or anything .
11 The table he sat at was circular and made of pine or what Hilbert and Adam 's father had called deal .
12 It closes off the street half way and you know George Street is a commercial street erm delivery lorries will go up and not know where to turn round and come back or what entrance or exit they can use , and also because traffic ca n't use it it will simply put a terrific amount on another of the main streets , namely Beaumont Street .
13 So , how many policies were reversed by the incoming government , and which policies and areas of policy were left untouched ?
14 Which are the main canals and which ports and towns do they link ?
15 Right , and after we have released our anger , the next step is to work out why we created that situation , and which beliefs and thoughts support our anger .
16 Through such an examination we can see who has power over decisions and which groups and individuals can achieve their aims .
17 And that would put into that policy the flexibility that we have been given orally today and which Selby and myself and I think Richmondshire I 'm not sure , were were erm seeking for a local plan level determination .
18 Marques de Monistrol £5.59–£6.09 A Cava from southern Barcelona this wine has been endorsed by Decanter magazine and Which Wine and commended in the 1990 Wine Magazine International Challenge .
19 This leads us to propose the ‘ causal direction hypothesis ’ : children learn about the role of causal connectives as indicators of which event is cause and which effect before they learn about their role as indicators of which event happened first .
20 It is clear in any case that the growing size of the middle class must change fundamentally the image of capitalist society as one in which class antagonisms are simplified , and ‘ society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps , into two great classes directly facing each other — bourgeoisie and proletariat ’ , which Marx and Engels depicted in the Communist Manifesto and which Marxists and other socialists generally accepted without much questioning until the early years of the twentieth century .
21 To manage education through a partnership requires that those who are untrained and whose views and reactions are unpredictable must be treated nevertheless as full contributors rather than as nominal collaborators .
22 Many of the people fostering older people are middle-aged women themselves whose children have left home and whose parents or partner has died .
23 In the following twenty years he was responsible for the design and building of many new types of main-line and suburban passenger and freight locomotives of large dimensions , which gave excellent service and whose elegance and symmetry of outline were greatly admired .
24 One of the images showed the trail of a particle more massive than an electron which suddenly turned through a sharp angle making an L-shape , and whose thickness and character changed at the kink .
25 There are many vulnerable people — such as the lady whom I mentioned — who are waiting for treatment , and whose fears and emotions can be exploited .
26 Subsequent meetings with Dr Reid convinced him that a grave injustice had been done to both the parents of the nine children subject to the dawn raids of 1991 , and to Mrs W and her children , removed in November 1990 and whose disclosures while in care led to the later social work action .
27 There is a different tone at the end of this paper , where Freud writes that our attitude to primitives is like that we ought to take towards children , ‘ … which we adults no longer understand and whose fullness and delicacy of feeling we have in consequence so greatly underestimated ’ .
28 Dealers pointed the finger at Credit Lyonnais Laing , which has been chasing the stock for a fortnight and whose paper and packaging expert , Henry Poole , has spotted the company 's recovery potential , advising clients to get in quick .
29 Without question its most enthusiastic supporter was Sir Walter Runciman , whose ear , and whose confidence and friendship , Wilson had first gained in 1887 , and who had in the interim become a considerable steamship owner and a source of radical thinking within the Shipping Federation .
30 What a relief to be among women who approached me positively and whose language and way of being I shared .
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