Example sentences of "[coord] [not/n't] [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 Soon she was quite alone , and wondering whether or not to go back and make her way around by the fields .
2 And so in the mother church , there is a call to be pioneers again in new areas , and not to settle back , and this leads to growth in faith as people learn to call out to God again .
3 Counting to ten and not shouting back at yet another unreasoning and unreasonable parent is difficult .
4 He worked now with his father at the farm , going every morning as the sun came up and not getting back until it was due to set again , so she hardly saw him unless she hid from Ma when it was bedtime .
5 Ask them to be as specific as possible , — and not hold back on any areas , even if they seem embarrassing .
6 Now that she was going to stay on in France for a while and not go back to her old school , she 'd already let go of those friends .
7 The beautiful house looked just the same , white and gleaming in the sunlight , and Jenna looked away quickly , knowing that she wanted to stay here with Alain and not go back to her empty life , her sterile plans for the future .
8 ‘ Take care , ’ said Rufus , and not looking back any more than he had done when they returned from the cemetery , drove off round the town he had got to know so well , over the Stour bridge , into Essex , heading for Halstead and Dunmow and Ongar and London .
9 It 's all very well telling someone to bite their tongue and not fight back .
10 In addition to explaining the risks of financial loss , the warning notice also explains a number of key aspects of the operation of futures markets which may not be readily apparent to the private investor such as : ( 1 ) The treatment of collateral and the fact that a customer may lose a proprietary interest in the collateral and not receive back the same assets that he deposited .
11 Stella , who for a miserable quarter of an hour had been contemplating going to the ladies ' room and not coming back , was suddenly struck by the curiously fragmented nature of the group about the table .
12 There was a lot of quarrels about me going out , and not coming back till late .
13 The ESC said yesterday : ‘ If it was a choice between £1,650 and not coming back , we would decide not to come back . ’
14 Gone out and not coming back ?
15 Because the light would just be going off into nothing and not coming back .
16 We felt it right to accept the inevitable costs at this stage in the economic cycle and not to cut back on long-term plans that will strengthen the economy .
17 The situation was desperate : Holmes was away on a case , and not expected back for some time .
18 I think I 'd really like to fuck off and not come back . ’
19 ‘ No , I mean go away and not come back . ’
20 She is asking you to leave her , and not come back to see her . ’
21 Students would sit around chatting , leave if they felt like it , and not come back if they found something better to do .
22 Been away and not come back when I should ?
23 And because you could , you could just like ride away and not come back ever .
24 Do n't forget that when food is processed , many of the nutrients are stripped away and not put back .
25 They were moderns , they must keep faith with their generation and not look back towards the old one .
26 The compulsion to get away , and not look back , was as strong as a hand on her shoulder urging her forward .
27 After years of regular waxing , the hair follicles may give up the unequal struggle and not grow back .
28 I gave him the money and they told me to walk on and not look back because they would be following me .
29 ‘ Well , I advise you to work hard , and not to look back into your past .
30 That 's how it happens , all those improvisational sections coming out — me forgetting what I played on albums and not going back and re-learning it . ’
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