Example sentences of "[coord] [was/were] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Whether gossip , bickering and family feuds were or were not a more prevalent feature than a wholesome communion of the population could vary from village to village and is ultimately a matter of subjective judgement .
2 For example : In the event that any person or persons who was or were not a member or members of the Company on the date of the adoption of these Articles ( " the Acquiring Member " ) either alone or in concert ( as such expression is defined in the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ) with any other person(s) , shall become beneficially entitled to more than [ 50 ] % of the issued Ordinary Share Capital of the Company after the date of adoption of these Articles he shall forthwith be required to serve notice on each of the holders of the Ordinary Share Capital of the Company that he is so beneficially entitled and shall thereupon be bound to offer to purchase the remaining shares in the Ordinary Share Capital of the Company at a price per share ( " the Acquisition Price " ) equal to the highest price per share paid by the Acquiring Member for such shares in the Company acquired by him .
3 Either Mr. Woodford had a twinkle in his eye or was just a good salesman , but the upshot was that he supplied my grandmother over many years , in his turn his son carried on and continued serving my mother , right up to 1949 when the Salisbury round had only two customers left .
4 How could we decide whether it had free will or was just a robot , programmed to respond as if it were like us ?
5 ‘ There is certainly little to suggest ’ , he adds , ‘ that personal cleanliness was thought a necessity , or was even a rare virtue . ’
6 Following this , a single probe letter was presented to one or other visual half-field and the subject 's task was to respond , using the left hand , as fast as possible to indicate whether the visually presented letter was or was not a member of the auditorily presented memory set .
7 The whole er test of whether this was or was not a successful proposal , was whether you marry the environment and the economy , and sadly it has n't been married , and sadly the Treasury has yet again won .
8 But , having said that , it is not or was not an issue at the forefront of British politics and in a sense you can say the whole nation was guilty in that way .
9 I do n't believe that this city of ours was preordained , or was entirely a function of the recent past .
10 Did the guild members look after their own coats or was there a central wardrobe at the church , or guild-hall in the case of the trade guilds ?
11 Was change incremental or was there a sudden , sharp turning point ?
12 Did you do it in the cabin or was there a bed made up in the back ?
13 Was it his imagination or was there a certain edge to the way he said that ?
14 Did Could everybody afford to have their own horse and gig or or was there a bus that came in or ?
15 There was no correlation between disturbed gastric clearance , impaired gall bladder contraction , and prolonged colonic transit time in the patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy nor was there a correlation between any disturbed motor function and age or duration of diabetes .
16 In this discussion , Poulantzas relies on a counterfactual claim to defend his view that the peasantry had a pertinent effect at the political level — namely Bonapartism — and were thus a distinct class .
17 Among other things , they had no fixed income , which was a definite stipulation , and were thus a definite threat to the older orders .
18 They would be repairing the skylight , I guessed correctly , and were probably a firm Nassim had shares in so he could fiddle the invoices for the insurance company .
19 So all their efforts to create helium from hydrogen hat been fruitless ; the traces of helium that they saw had been absorbed from the environment and were not a product of fusion .
20 Picasso had never shown publicly at the big Salons , but Braque 's Cubist works exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants of 1909 were widely discussed and were undoubtedly an influence on some painters , while they must have helped others to interpret Cézanne in a more intellectual , objective way .
21 Somewhere in the period between the time that early man first made for himself a ‘ god ’ , and the time when evidence of ‘ god ’ worship was left for later generations to find , the use of ‘ gods ’ for purposes which were largely intended to create unfair privileges , and were therefore a source of evil , gradually crept in and became a widespread part of the social scene .
22 People who were ‘ chronically sick ’ , on the other hand , were familiar : they had failed to benefit from medical treatment and were therefore a problem , usually best left to themselves or to others to cope with .
23 Griffith seems to have supposed that the cracks which he thought existed were scattered throughout the interior of the glass and were perhaps a consequence of a failure of the molecules inside the glass to join up completely when the glass hardened .
24 Like the ‘ Führer myth ’ , they had outlived their purpose even before the end of the Third Reich and were now a liability .
25 The Americans had already displaced the British in Saudi-Arabia and were now a major force in Iran .
26 The father joined the army after meeting the mother and was away a good deal .
27 It had a special message for the Labour Party , and was surely a major reason for Labour 's growing loss of confidence between the 1950s and 1980s , including the failure to produce any convincing successor to Crosland as a theorist of democratic socialism .
28 The United States might have argued that Nicaragua 's concealment of its incapacity constituted fraud and was thus a ground for invalidating its consent .
29 Lansdowne was more exposed to the views of the real diehards and was thus a restraining influence on Law .
30 Held , ( 1 ) that section 18(1) and ( 2 ) authorised an order for payment by the board of that part of the costs of the proceedings determined in the defendant 's favour incurred by him personally at any time when he was not receiving legal aid and was thus an unassisted person ; that , accordingly , the House had jurisdiction under the section to order payment by the board of the defendant 's costs incurred before the issue of his legal aid certificate ; and that the appropriate course was to adjourn the defendant 's application under regulation 143 of the Regulations of 1989 for him to pursue his claim in accordance with regulation 147 ( post , pp. 199G , 201A–B , E , H — 202A , 203B–D ) .
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