Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is extremely important at this stage to take unlimited amounts of time and trouble , as the success of your design will stand or fall by the way in which it is finished .
2 Nonetheless the parties may stand or fall by the evidence as disclosed in their witness statements , although a witness will always be free to give evidence in relation to new matters which have arisen since the statement was served on the other party .
3 The storyline was always going to stand or fall by the performance of Tim Guinee as Lazar .
4 The school has an outstanding and deserved reputation , which will stand or fall by the testimony of its pupils .
5 He offered these details for the police to confirm but was still unable to remember seeing anyone enter or leave by the rear door of the Post building .
6 If we are looking for advice on a particular situation which affects us then impartiality of the second type is particularly important ; for instance , the judge who assesses the relevant facts and selects the relevant moral or legal rules must not be someone who has something to gain or lose by the outcome , although this presupposes the correctness of the rules to be applied and so takes us back to the impartiality normally associated with legislators , which is a matter of their involvement in determining rules which are not only universalisable but are actually to be universalised , at least within a given community , and to their impartiality in the third sense namely the adequacy of the consideration given to the various relevant considerations .
7 Given the difficulties of monetary base control , would you expect M0 and broader measures of the money supply , such as M4 , to rise and fall by the same percentage as each other ?
8 The Proconsul offers him a last-minute reprieve , however , if he will repent and swear by the genius of Caesar .
9 The festivals included " mysteries " , dramatic performances of episodes relating to the life , death and resurrection of Osiris , and often involved the planting of seed in Osiris-shaped moulds to germinate and grow by the end of the festival .
10 Anna , knowing nothing of this , and battling to come to terms with the violence of her surroundings , while The Friends seemed to expand and achieve by the month , succumbed every so often to the demon envy .
11 Then out to his bed in a loft over the cowshed , leaving the family to draw in together in a cosy , alien-excluding unit around the flaming and hissing timber , to lie and smoke by the light of a candle and think o better days in the orphanage and wonder in unembittered fashion — for he had been happy there — about the mother who had abandoned him and the even shadowier lover who must have abandoned her .
12 I was a little foolish in earlier years before the electric light , trying to read and sew by the light of an oil lamp and pressing on when I should have stopped and rested my eyes .
13 There is some common ground between these two approaches to selection of materials for Science teaching , but they do result in radically different programmes : the content based approach is much easier to understand and interpret by the average teacher whereas the process-based approach often strikes much deeper towards the prior aim of making learners think more scientifically in a world where this process is increasingly necessary for survival .
14 in line with the Toyne Report , every Further and Higher Education institution , after consultation with its staff and students , should formally adopt and publicise by the 1994/5 academic year , a comprehensive environmental policy , together with an action plan for implementation ;
15 Or perhaps there was some other , unofficial entrance , and right now she was getting ready to give up and leave by the same way .
16 When Mrs Hollidaye said that she and Miss Lilian had to walk over to fetch the milk from the home farm , she suggested that Dot should stay and rest by the fire .
17 ‘ Mr Bodenland , Joe — let's go and walk by the water 's edge !
18 We were already beginning to try and live by the diet .
19 Please pray that the German people will buy , read and live by the Bible ( not that it is only Germans who need to do that ! ) .
20 Those inmates classed as illiterate were obliged to take a compulsory form of basic education , with the aim that they would at least be able to read and write by the time they were released .
21 Khieu Samphan and Son Sen ( the Khmer Rouge representatives on the SNC ) were appointed as chair and vice-chair respectively of the CNUP , which on Dec. 1 issued a " fundamental political programme " in which it pledged " to respect and abide by a parliamentary regime " and to implement " a liberal economic system " .
22 I was going to go and sit by the river with Dorothy Wordsworth .
23 Anyway , you know I have my good days and when I do I like to get up and sit by the fire for a while . ’
24 Everybody knitted , children on their way to school , shepherds minding their flocks , men on their way to market , all would knit , and women would gather and sit by the fires at night knitting and singing and reading aloud .
25 I had thought it would be fun , but I had not expected to be able to rock 'n' roll by the end of the evening .
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