Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Spriggs , I am not accustomed to having my integrity questioned , or my honour smirched , ’ said the Captain standing up .
2 Or my Dad beat up my Mum !
3 I do not want my family harmed or my gallery burned down , so I shall not say who they are .
4 or my sister gives it Sam !
5 ‘ It got to the stage where it was my marriage or my road racing , ’ admits Thomas , a Guisborough motor bike dealer .
6 I 've got millions of beer bottles in my cellar , or My car breaks down every five minutes
7 One of the best ways of knowing , think if you have taken work home sometimes and you get to about ten , half past ten , and suddenly you think , God I 've got a headache , or my neck hurts , my shoulders ache , those sorts of things .
8 ‘ But why could n't my mother or my brother say those words to me ? ’
9 That has to be paid before I or my partner get anything .
10 Some women decided to have their babies before they or their marriage became too old to begin or continue childbearing , as Eversley ( 1980 ) correctly forecast .
11 But most monks stayed , like Orderic Vitalis ( pp. 14–15 ) , where their parents or their vocation had placed them .
12 Then a car was heard pulling up at the gate ; either the bridal car or their uncle had come .
13 Although family farmers and part-time farmers have been the subject of many studies little information exists on their training needs or their capacity to utilise training .
14 Finally we asked respondents whether they individually , their department , or their school had undertaken any self-evaluation exercise not based on the LEA scheme , and whether their school had a staff-appraisal scheme .
15 They also dissolve when children become independent or their parent dies .
16 These concerns must be recognised as specific , which does n't mean that semiotics or Lacanian film theory has no relevance outside the established framework of Anglo-American and European cinema , but rather that their legitimacy should not automatically be assumed or their dominance remain uncontested in the light of developments within feminism at large .
17 ‘ although in the Act of 1990 Parliament introduced a new statutory machinery for supervising and regulating the rules for education and conduct for those who are to have rights of audience in the courts it decided not to interfere expressly with the jurisdiction of the Inns , under the supervision of the judges , to decide who were fit and proper persons to be admitted to the Inns for training or their liberty to decide the criteria which should dictate their admissions policy .
18 The sequestration of SSRP proteins and of HMG 1 and 2 by bent DNA structures resulting from platinu binding , or their ability to block platinum adducts from repair , could have dire consequences for the cell , particularly for rapidly dividing cancer cells .
19 It turns out to be a surprisingly exact science , in which ten or fifteen minutes are spent deliberating over whether someone deserves to be graded ‘ adequate ’ or ‘ limited ’ for their motivation or their ability to organize .
20 Patients with ischaemic heart disease , epilepsy or non-hypoglycaemia related seizure disorder , uncontrolled hypertension , or unstable proliferative retinopathy , and those taking drugs that might interfere with autonomic or cognitive function or their ability to complete the study were excluded .
21 To see whether it is the high alcohol concentration or the possible lack of stimulants or their inability to act in the presence of high alcohol concentrations that is responsible for the absence of stimulatory action of whisky it would be interesting to study the effect of a simultaneous intragastric infusion of beer and whisky .
22 Thanks to American backing , they no longer had to worry about the small size of the British market , the limitations of the native cinematic culture or their responsibility to show Britain on the screen .
23 Not only did many teachers in many schools meet in library committees to discuss for the first time their common interests and sometimes contrasting perspectives with other members of subject departments across the school ; they also , for the first time , were forced to consider seriously the pedagogy implied by their present use or misuse of the resources already on offer or their failure to use them .
24 It may also bring security and improvement in their lifestyle , if they or their family have n't been able to care for them properly .
25 There are terrible stories of how men have had their eyes torn from their sockets , or their tongue ripped from the roots by the sidh .
26 Between three and five hundred people are believed to be in detention solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression , association or assembly or their right to leave the country .
27 We can help them with that , but , you know , I think if we do repress their need to talk , or their need to ask quite factual questions , sometimes , then in the end the damage will be much greater .
28 Almost invariably the first step in the enforcement of a charge is for the debentureholders or their trustee to obtain the appointment of a receiver .
29 The media has delighted in telling tales of people who bought a picture then watched as their house burnt down or their car blew up .
30 Although hinds and their bondagers occupied more substantial cottages , their own tenancy was comparatively brief , so there was little incentive for either them or their employer to undertake any improvements to the accommodation .
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