Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 All that and more went through my mind , wrote Harsnet , as I sat there in the moonlight in the silence , but it was as if it was the glass which was telling me this , that the glass was my mind as I thought that , or my mind the glass , and that was the reason for the fear and the cold and also for the sense of growing excitement and a fear then , a different kind of fear , that I would not be able to do anything with this excitement , that it would be my failure , my failure to realize what I now saw were the real possibilities of the glass , a failure for which I would never be able to forgive myself , though a part of me would always know or perhaps only believe that it was in the nature of my insight that there could be no realization of it , that it was precisely an insight about non-realization , but by then , wrote Harsnet , it had all become too complicated , too extreme , I did not want to know any of it until it was all over , until I had made my effort , perhaps it had been a mistake to come in and sit there with the glass through the night with the moon shining so brightly , it must have been full , or nearly full , unnaturally bright anyway , something to do with the solstice perhaps , to sit in the room with the glass alone or with the moon alone might have been bearable , in the dark with the glass or in the moonlight in an empty room , but the two together , the glass and the moon , that was perhaps the mistake .
2 but if the elderly pensioner does n't read all the solicitor 's correspondence or the solicitor does n't communicate every fact of the correspondence but relies solely on the brochure they 're carrying in their pocket or their handbag the brochure taken in isolation might mislead might it not ?
3 In other words , in addition to explicit consultation and the pursuit of a visible consensus on any matter , the manager carries within his or her subconsciousness the sediment of many terms and years of other people 's wisdom .
4 A sufferer from alcoholism may have no recollection of his or her behaviour the night before , nor of how he or she got home .
5 At some stage this will require the passage of authorizing legislation and a key figure in the legislative process in this case will be the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee ; without his or her agreement the president 's bill will not pass .
6 When the user is satisfied that the map meets his or her requirements the contents of the DIG file can be sent to the plotter using the ‘ PLOT-DIG-FILE ’ command .
7 The pupil who says ‘ Grace ’ earns for his or her table the privilege of being first in the queue .
8 The size of these advances will vary , but if a writer has already several hit singles in his or her catalogue the advance may be very sizeable .
9 The jail could become university college rooms , or its owners the county council might sell it for a hotel .
10 Section 11(1) of the 1968 Theft Act provides : … where the public have access to a building in order to view the building or a part of it , or collection or part of a collection housed in it , any person who without lawful authority removes from the building or its grounds the whole or part of any article displayed or kept for display to the public in the building or that part of it or in its grounds shall be guilty of an offence .
11 We all know that the common agricultural policy has not given our farmers the return that their efficiency deserves or our housewives the food prices that they should be able to expect .
12 As a regular and valued customer at your local Shell station we are pleased to be able to offer you or your company the opportunity to apply for the Shell Account Card .
13 The M and M I did n't like This trick I obtained from Paul Daniels , and my sister the Amazing Avril uses it in her children 's shows .
14 You know , and my story the following morning included road blocks .
15 Erm my Lord that trial bundle two in part A , my Lord , trial bundle three of part A erm , comprises expert evidence from two accountants er one from each side and my Lord the er evidence of the erm plaintiff 's accountant is that of Mr whose report appears in this bundle and the defendant 's .
16 And my Lord the fact that their retainer and the existence of those implying terms are admitted in the amended statement which starts on page thirty eight of the bundle .
17 But they also say in the alternative that that since the plaintiffs themselves were at this time by mid to late October of nineteen eighty five , not ready or able to complete it would have been improper erm for the defendant to advise the plaintiffs to serve a special notice to complete and my Lord the question that therefore arises er whether , even if that were correct , er and it 's not admitted that it is , that exonerates the defendants from given the advice er and whether they should still have advised the plaintiff erm of the opportunity which was open to him , that the plaintiff could if necessary take that course himself or be advised to go er elsewhere and be advised independently is er this is , this the point of the matter which he regarded as improper and was not willing to do it on the plaintiff 's behalf .
18 and my Lord the my Lord you 'll see at the bottom of page sixty nine , this is the latest edition just published this summer my Lord , erm at the bottom of page sixty nine you have an extract from the European community treaty which er defines a directive and you will see my Lord says in terms that it leaves to the national authorities the choice of forms the methods , and then if my Lord could read the passage er under that on page seventy
19 EVERYONE who grew up in the Sixties has heard of Transcendental Meditation and its founder the Maharishi , the giggling Indian guru who guided the Beatles through their flower power phase .
20 Nevertheless , advocacy of focusing on issues rather than institutions became more insistent with the development of the Politics Association and its offspring the Political Education Project under the direction of Bernard Crick .
21 The only form of private enterprise ( including building ) which aimed primarily at the mass market , apart from the market and small shop , was the tavern which became the elaborate ‘ gin-palace ’ in the Britain of the 1860s and 1870s — and its offspring the theatre and music-hall .
22 When I read Coot Club and its sequel The Big Six as a child , I was a little disappointed .
23 They will absorb the collected Yes , Minister , and its sequel the collected Yes , Prime Minister , in their entirety but not think of opening a real political text .
24 A true map of the London Underground shows the central complex as a shape suggestive of a swimming dolphin , its snout being Aldgate , its forehead Old Street , the crown of its head King 's Cross , its spine Paddington , White City and Acton , its tail Ealing Broadway and its underbelly the stations of Kensington .
25 The Science Library and its counterpart the Business Library are situated on the ground floor of the Central Library .
26 In order to save it and its crew the captain decided that half of the passengers would have to be thrown overboard .
27 The Hadow Report of 1926 , and its successor the Spens Report of 1938 , had envisaged that not all children would want or could profit from the kind of schooling which was available in Cardiff in the 1930s or in Thame in the 1890s , and that different kinds of pupils deserved not only various curricula but also distinctive types of school .
28 It was here that disenchantment with the liberalism of the New Deal and its successor the Great Society began setting in , which eventually culminated in the landslide victories for Ronald Reagan in the 1980s .
29 Even more striking was the growth in Russia of the Posolskii Prikaz and its successor the College of Foreign Affairs .
30 The Prince of Wales was involved in setting up the agreement under which , had the sale gone ahead , Crown Estate commissioners would have leased the land to the Nature Conservancy Council and its successor the Scottish Natural Heritage Agency .
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