Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] [pron] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Domesticated horses , again like , people , can be conditioned to have other needs too , and can learn to like or want something which would be of no interest to a wild horse .
2 You do not have to give formal written notice that you are leaving , but it is important not to say or do anything which is inconsistent with pursuing a constructive dismissal claim .
3 Even in the deep trance state , no patient will do or say anything which he would not do or say when fully aware and awake .
4 Nonetheless , the right of journalists and broadcasters to demand trial by jury , in those areas of criminal law where it still exists , is an important security against interference with media freedoms — for reasons explained in 1885 by Dicey , the leading writer on our unwritten constitution : " Freedom of discussion is , then , in England little else than the right to write or say anything which a jury , consisting of 12 shopkeepers , think it expedient should be said or written …
5 you know it 's almost as if it 's like er you know a sort of negative thing to , to , to find out about somebody erm so erm yeah I mean I think I , so I think you 'll , I think you 'll , you 'll of necessity have to try and do something which captures this , this sort of informal talk because as soon as people commit themselves to writing they 're gon na be erm they 're gon na be
6 yeah so I said oh I see , so that was that , so I think they 've got a , a meeting in a couple of weeks and they 'll sort of tell her discreetly that she has to carry on and do it what she 's been the
7 Well you look as if you 're raring to go and show us what you can do , so I 'll give you a push up and away you go .
8 Fürst Franz Thun-Hohenstein remembers : ‘ When the enormous picture arrived packed up , my sisters and I were curious to see and touch something which really came from Decin , from Bohemia , which had taken on a kind of dream-like quality for us ; Decin did live on for us , but was unattainable .
9 Any of these factors , as well as the renewed need to know and understand themselves which occurs at midlife , may lead to a belated search for their roots .
10 I would owe that to my father … to try and understand something which he believed in enough to die for ? ’
11 ‘ I shall go and tell 'im what a perfect swine he is . ’
12 It will have to be answered , so we had better talk about it in the shelter of our homes , and in the morning we can send and tell him what we think . ’
13 Some twenty years later the District Judge at Kagalla found similar attitudes : ‘ It is a common occurrence for persons to see an animal being driven away under very suspicious circumstances , and yet , although perhaps living within a stone 's throw of the owner , they take no trouble to go and tell him what they have seen , and probably say nothing about it until they meet him looking for his stolen animal , three or four days afterward ; of course then the recovery is hopeless ! ’
14 Do n't tell me where he is , or I 'll go and tell him what I think of him .
15 He dearly wished they would hurry up and tell him what to do .
16 I 'll walk through and tell them what 's happening .
17 Do you think you could try and tell me what you do remember ? ’
18 When you can put bums on seats , then you can come and tell me what flights you want to travel on .
19 However — if I must leave a message I 'd like Miss Lucy Telford to phone and tell me what I 'm waiting to hear .
20 ‘ You 'd better sit down and tell me what you want me to do . ’
21 Why do n't you sit down and tell me what you want for Christmas .
22 ‘ One of us should go and tell her what 's happening , do n't you think ? ’ suggested Melissa .
23 Would you please write and tell her what the hell was going on ? ’
24 Had n't we better go and tell everyone what they already know ? ’
25 Look out for the Outdoor Action team when you do go and tell us what you think of the magazine .
26 Why do n't you write and tell us what you think !
27 And the scout to return and tell us what he can find .
28 So you must come and tell us what makes it go …
29 Anybody in Tadcaster who knows where Karen Smith lives and this is not my idea but it 's a goody could you ring and tell us what she 's got hanging out on the washing line at the moment .
30 Could anybody ring and tell us what she has got on the washing line .
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