Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You expect her to crouch and try to put the robe on before she 's fully out of the water , or to turn her back to you , but instead there 's something like a sneer on her face as she stands up facing you and wraps the robe around herself with a kind of disdain .
2 After a time David relaxed and joined in , complimenting Felicity , chaffing her husband and turning often to Julia to remind-her of earlier conversations they had had or to ask her opinion .
3 But Ruth had no heart either to appreciate or to envy her mistress .
4 Incredulously , she had to accept the fact that there was no hot water in the bathroom neither to bath in nor to wash her face with .
5 And to crown her joy Guy Ferris was an expert sailor .
6 Magistrate Roger Davies , ordered the teenager to live with her parents as a condition of bail and to see her child only under the supervision of local social services .
7 It was as much as she could do to push the hand-cart and to carry her body around with her .
8 Her sole functions — to return annually to Møn , and to acknowledge her Jewishness .
9 The Danish blocking of Maastricht has at least made it possible for Britain to argue for ‘ no Single Currency ’ and to suspend her membership of the ERM , an option formally closed by the Treaty .
10 The patient needs help to build trust and to establish her identity .
11 In the aftermath of Suez , Britain had no other option but to try to repair the damage done to her trans-Atlantic anchor cables and to accept her position as an offshore island of the United States .
12 As Britain has a special responsibility towards her and her country , can the Minister tell the House what action our ambassador is taking to get access to her and to secure her release ?
13 They served only to make her own heart sore and to mar her concentration .
14 But to describe the issue as one which depends on whether or not the bank must be taken to have appointed the husband as its agent to deal with the wife and to procure her consent serves , in my opinion , to mask the basis upon which in certain cases creditors have failed to enforce their security against the third parties and upon which in other cases they have succeeded .
15 Although it was not what Mr. Tucker had intended , the bank did , in the event , leave it entirely to Mr. O'Brien to explain the transaction to his wife and to procure her consent to it .
16 has already indicated , although it was not what Mr. Tucker intended , the bank did leave it entirely to Mr. O'Brien to explain the transaction to his wife and to procure her consent to it .
17 The freedom which is sought is thus the freedom to break out of this position and to assert her strength .
18 Because the way the English drive , on the wrong side , with the brim — ’ and to illustrate her point , Madame put a hand up to her right eye , ‘ with the brim comme ça they can not see the oncoming traffic ! ’
19 An example of the first process is a mother 's tendency to ‘ fuss ’ over a female child 's appearance and to stress her prettiness — ‘ You are a pretty little girl ’ .
20 And to leave her feeling blessed
21 I am glad — as you must be — that she has her adoring courtier , to take care of her in her old age , and to give her gallantry and flattery and sweets .
22 Many of the protesters , together with much of the black press , attempted to publicise the jogger 's name and to vilify her character , claiming variously that she had never been attacked , that she had been raped by her white boyfriend , or that she had gone to the park in search of sexual adventure .
23 I had little to do except to give her steerage way — for a boat simply moving with the water can not be steered — and to keep her head up .
24 She wanted very much to be good and to keep her promise .
25 I think I knew , even then , that she needed not only my mother , but my father , and all the rest of us , to fix her bearings and to keep her world in focus .
26 I had one job to do first thing in the morning — to ring Sir Geoffrey Gillington and ask him to arrange for the manager of the Upper Thames Street branch of the bank to receive Miss Macdonald when she called , and to keep her letter for me .
27 My actual words I believe were something in the line of telling Helen to mind her own business and to keep her nose out of my affairs , but Beth and Ida could never understand why I reacted so violently .
28 Sarah knew she was slow , and she tried hard to grasp things more quickly and to keep her mind on the task or game in hand , but she did n't always succeed .
29 Mr Morton goes on to say it was the Queen who persuaded her not to try to end her marriage and to accompany her husband on their official visit to South Korea .
30 A wholesale buyer of women 's underwear for a large store could not hope to inspect every single item she intends buying ; what she usually does is to inspect a sample of goods and to base her decision on this .
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