Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The dilemma is not even as simple as this , because under certain conditions , exactly what I need is to see someone else going through the steps , or to have my behaviour confirmed , or to hear the generality articulated .
2 And then Boy cut back to the man on the bed , who was saying ( actually it was a different man in a different room , Boy realised ; the sofa and the quilted nylon counterpane were in a different colour in this room , though the man sitting there looked just like the last one ) , the man was saying I like your shoes , please take off your shoes ; and Boy cut backwards and forwards between this man and the politician beginning to lose his self-control and saying I would just ask people to forgive me really and to forgive my wife as well .
3 I read them to broaden my own theoretical thinking , which is important if I 'm to continue to develop as a manager and to increase my effectiveness . ’
4 My work became more consistent , I started to give each assignment as much effort as possible and to evaluate my performance , to see mistakes and room for improvement . ’
5 I was expected to double de-clutch , better for the gear box , and to talk my way through signs and observations .
6 I knew I had to go back to hospital but I just had time to see my mother and sister off and to help my father close up grandmother 's house and to see uncle Henry take her off to the station , with destination Somerset .
7 All I really wanted was to teach quietly in a sleepy public school , to marry a nice quiet girl and to sleep my way through life …
8 By doing so I hope to provide a great example for others to follow and to leave my name and footprints in the history of my school .
9 And to ease my memory , to free from it some of the words , the phrases I had already written — precious seeds — I would walk and walk ; walk like a man without a camera , who only has his diary to record what he sees .
10 Every time I wonder about going to join George and to use my TEFL qualification , I wonder how I would REALLY do teaching English to people , though I guess I have had quite a lot of ad hoc and ungrammatical ( ! ) experience with the various language students who have stayed here .
11 And he moves his queen then , to take my rook 's pawn , and to put my king in check — which is an insanely rash move , sacrificing his queen to my king .
12 God has placed on my heart a real desire to be involved in training , encouraging and equipping Christians to know their God intimately as a Father , and to share my faith in evangelism , taking the Gospel to the people .
13 And to keep my promise to Beatrix .
14 To do my hair and my nails and to forget my role as head cook , bottle-washer , laundress and housekeeper for a while was refreshing , and each job increased my pleasure in the other .
15 I decided , definitely and totally , to become a poet , and to devote my life to the pursuit of Literature .
16 I 'm going to sacrifice maybe holidays this year , and maybe have a couple of long weekend breaks , as long as I earn enough to keep my head above water and to pay my way in life for the next twelve months , keep my family fed and watered I 'm Okay , then I 'm going to take stock in twelve months ' time .
17 As an exercise and to test my familiarity with the material , I drafted a summary of disputes procedures , both national and local , confining myself to a single sheet of A4 .
18 ‘ I was being self-indulgent … wishing to make a confession and to beg my child 's forgiveness for abandoning him .
19 When I intervened in the right hon. Gentleman 's speech he replied in such confusion that I thought it best to give him time to reflect , and to ask my question again later .
20 Her response was to deny everything and to tell my father to stop my allowance .
21 and in the salacious La vie de un vallet amerous , " The life of a lusty lad " , which includes the lines : ( " Dearly beloved one now hear my prayer ; I 'm brave enough to fuck you and to shove my prick up your cunt . " )
22 After my lunch , I thought it better to go down and see them and to show my interest .
23 My case was more straightforward and quite honestly they had little choice but to uphold my appeal .
24 But to confirm my diagnosis I need to do some tests .
25 ‘ Do you know , he told me not to worry about supper tonight but to enjoy my afternoon out .
26 My plan was not to walk its length but to ride my mountain bike along minor roads as close as possible to the dyke .
27 ‘ You will have to lie once more , Cynthia — not for either of our sakes but to save my husband the pain of knowing the truth .
28 ‘ Mohammed had to go to the mountain , I 've subsidised all my previous ventures by working and saving but to get my work published I realised my only chance was England , ’ she says , where she has found three photographic agencies interested in buying her work and eight publications have bought selections of the Bolivian shots .
29 ‘ Mohammed had to go to the mountain , I 've subsidised all my previous ventures by working and saving but to get my work published I realised my only chance was England , ’ she says , where she has found three photographic agencies interested in buying her work and eight publications have bought selections of the Bolivian shots .
30 I may not possess any status or receive a substantial monthly pay cheque , but to have my trade grow entirely through my own efforts is one heck of a kick .
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