Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] what [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In presenting new material to a class , a meaning may be taught by listing or enumerating what it includes .
2 The idea of trusting anyone , or saying what I think , I find daunting and frightening .
3 In post-industrial Britain both the self-satisfied and the desperate are able to feel justified in clinging on to what they have , or grabbing what they have n't ; at no time — even in the middle of the Live Aid telethon — is there a suggestion that there might be more to life than such behaviour .
4 Most of your technical tutors will be seeing everything you do , and deriving what they need to know from it ; they do n't want to find you confused by criticism from senior students which might not be helpful to you at this point .
5 Oh yeah I I both of us would would be always recording and singing what we like ourselves you know .
6 Prosecuting uneducated deaf people with no speech , and accepting what they said in their defence in those days was however a different matter altogether from allowing the same people to go into the witness box and testify against other people .
7 I feel sure that the German Luftwaffe must have looked at it especially the leaders , and saw where the Eighth Airforce hit and seeing what we did and gave them some thought and consideration , actually with our Bomb Group going in we had no fighter attacks on the way in over the target , we had flack but we did not have air opposition , then on the way back we crossed the Danish peninsula and I think of course by this time the Luftwaffe knew we were coming back that way , and they had the fighters up there and this was our first time being on this mission that we saw air to air combat with the fighters against the flying fortress and in our ammunition , in our guns there , every fifth bullet was a tracer and it was amazing to me that as the German fighters came in it looked like just a hail of tracers going out but they were able to get in there knock down a B Seventeen and leave , it seemed , unscathed untouched it almost seemed impossible to me that a fighter could go through that many bullets and escape unharmed .
8 Yeah , would you , but a couple of years because John was busy he bought us all tokens , erm , he bought the others tokens from Woolworths and me token from a body shop and we all , and I we had great fun looking and seeing what we wanted to buy with , with the book tokens , er , maybe , maybe I mention it providing we ca n't find anything .
9 At Riverside Studios during the interval of a play in Russian , I was chatting about anything other than the play to the Guardian 's critic , Michael Billington , when Mark Dignam approached Billington and , most courteously and with a touch of a bow , said : ‘ Mr Billington , I look forward to reading you tomorrow and seeing what I think of the play . ’
10 Thinking these days includes other ways of ‘ treating ’ Cystitis — by prevention , which will involve you actively looking at your lifestyle and seeing what you can do to help yourself ( pages 12–13 ) .
11 just watching Martin and seeing what you 're doing and
12 really , beyond , like you say , telling Simon and seeing what he can do but
13 going out of the classroom and using what you know is an extremely important part of language learning .
14 To be the Devil 's Advocate , to enable/provoke the class into clarifying their feelings and articulating what they believe to be right : " I do n't see why we should share the proceeds . "
15 Winkelmann , and thus Kauffman , were part of the ‘ invention ’ of the Greeks as the ancestors of western art , an invention which Martin Bernal has shown took place in the 18th century by displacing the existing stories of art — that Greek culture grew out of the Egyptian , African and Semitic cultures of the Mediterranean world — and producing what he calls the ‘ Aryan ’ and highly racist version of that history which denied the impact of Africa and the Semitic ( Phoenicians in particular ) peoples in order to redefine the Greeks as symbols of a specifically white and anti-semitic Europe .
16 A lot of his personality , you know you have to like jolly people into liking and sublimating what their own inclination would be to some kind of group style .
17 Charles Booth described how each district had its own peculiar flavour because of its distinctive occupational structure , a flavour that could be detected in the streets from observing the faces of the people who lived there and noticing what they carried :
18 This variation might either be because these forms are tied in some way to a particular kind of context and so are not freely transferable , or because the second context imposes inhibiting conditions which prevent learners from accessing and applying what they know .
19 Her lips moved passionately across his chest , tasting and devouring what she had craved for so long .
20 and imagining what her life was like before she married him .
21 The only thing that really matters is feeling and living what you believe — so long as it 's something more than belief in your own comfort .
22 He waited , remembering Jennifer Morgan 's obvious pain and wondering what her mother 's views about it were .
23 ‘ For a long time I was feeling really lonely and wondering what they were doing , ’ she said .
24 But she was thinking more of Ianthe Broome and the man she and Penelope had seen that afternoon , and wondering what they would be like .
25 I could understand the players walking off the field and wondering what they had to do to win . ’
26 I put it back in the trunk , disappointed that there was nothing right for me to wear and wondering what I was going to do , for I wanted to go out with Sally .
27 I 'm looking out at the moodily lit bathroom and wondering what I would do if I suddenly saw William appear out there , flight bags in hand , a Surprise , honey , I 'm home ! look on his face .
28 ‘ Well , ’ I sighed , leaning against the wall with one hand and wondering what I could say .
29 Then , just as Tabitha was opening her mouth and wondering what she was supposed to say , a hideous crackling noise came over the robot 's speaker , and its picture was torn up by a burst of interference .
30 Carolyn stood by the table , sipping her new tea and wondering what she could cook .
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