Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] to a " in BNC.

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1 You 'll naturally find your own level — whether it 's getting into the growing competition circuit or sticking to a local reservoir .
2 This might be according to whether the client is new to the bureau or not , whether the enquiry is new or a continuing problem , or according to a client 's age , sex , origin , economic activity or area of residence .
3 In this new , commercial market a major sales point is the energy saving that is possible with central control of heating and lighting , either manually or according to a timed program .
4 It may often seem that some critical practitioners within established disciplinary frameworks which insist on treating literary texts as documents or , oppositely , as eternal works of art or according to a closely defined theoretical structure , proffer pronouncements on texts and history which are exclusively self-confident and definitive .
5 I think we 'd simply need to specify whether ‘ ordinary ’ means selected on a randomized basis or according to a specified distribution by age , sex , class , etcetera .
6 But anything of a bigger scale that involves attracting the public or rallying the faithful or listening to a guest speaker does need forethought and care if it is not to be a shambles .
7 She looked forward rather selfishly to a quiet evening at home surrounded by familiar objects , perhaps reading or listening to a concert on the wireless .
8 These may include information gathering , problem solving , participation in workshops , completing a task sheet , taking part in practical activities , creative work , handling and touching museum objects , looking at related documents or pictures , listening to music or participating in a tape recorded tour , or listening to a talk from an education officer .
9 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
10 This is a great help and you may be able to find out if events intend to rotavate by asking around , or speaking to a competitor who rode at the competition the year before .
11 With the passing of a potential meal , the fish lunges forward with its mouth wide , either swallowing in one go or clinging to a larger item which , once grasped , stands little or no chance .
12 Just as it is possible to enjoy taking part in a favourite sport without either joining a dub or belonging to a team , so it is possible to be a spiritual person even if you never enter a church , synagogue , mosque or any other place of religious worship .
13 This month SHEILA FAIRBRASS advises on how to attach a watercolour painting or etching to a firm backing board and explains the safest method for sticking collage pieces in place
14 This month I shall being by answering a query from a reader in Surrey , who starts by asking if he should glue a watercolour or etching to a backing board , or hinge it by one edge only .
15 She always paused for rather too long before answering a question or responding to a remark for she feared that if she answered hastily she would say something unseemly .
16 Others may buy UnixWare with the intention of adding or upgrading to a NetWare network in the future .
17 At times this was inappropriate ( for example , when he was on the telephone , mending something or talking to a visitor ) .
18 Show the transport manager with one of his fleet of lorries or talking to a driver , the canteen manageress in the kitchen or the sales director at a briefing session .
19 ( 20 ) Listening or talking to a visitor or outside " expert " .
20 ‘ ( a ) no evidence shall be admissible in any proceedings before a judicial authority exercising its jurisdiction or functions in Great Britain to prove that any such person has committed … any offence which was the subject of a spent conviction ; and ’ ( b ) a person shall not , in any such proceedings , be asked , and , if asked , shall not be required to answer , any question relating to his past that can not be answered without acknowledging or referring to a spent conviction or spent convictions or any circumstances thereto ; … ’
21 It is not a cumulative figure obtained by adding up the cost of treating a given volume of specific diseases and of restoring to health , or transferring to a better world , a given number of patients .
22 If you are a person who is classified as being ‘ at risk ’ , that is elderly , frail or disabled in some way , then you should seriously consider either living in a sheltered housing complex where you have the safety net of alarms in every room rigged to a 24-hour warden service , or subscribing to a medical alert system .
23 For example , ordering goods from a mail order catalogue or subscribing to a magazine both mean that you disclose personal information about yourself .
24 The name Empire Flying-boat rings with nostalgia and is linked forever with exotic destinations , superb food , attentive service and surfing to a halt on one of Africa 's great lakes or the brilliant waters of a tropical sea .
25 Her own perception of herself ( courageous , persistent , and sticking to a course no matter how unpopular ) is matched by the public perception , according to Gallup surveys on the personality images of various leading British politicians .
26 There were strict controls over the export of capital and the City 's ability to invest abroad ( outside the group of countries known as the Overseas Sterling Area and consisting to a large extent of former members of the Empire ) was restricted .
27 Time and again , witnesses told parliamentary commissions that women workers were either girls living at home with their parents and contributing to a multi-income household , or that if married , they were earning " pocket money " .
28 A number of our teachers are particularly interested in the field of SPECIAL NEEDS , attending , organising and contributing to a wide range of in-service training to update their knowledge through lectures , seminars , workshops etc .
29 As we went away to the sounds of Mrs Otto 's profuse good-byes , I reflected on the nature of the relationship between her and Otto , almost the opposite to what one might have expected : the gallant captain going off to sea where his authority was absolute and his orders brooked no delay , and returning to a wife whom he clearly adored but where the roles were reversed .
30 There are English law cases of the late fifteenth-century for not providing meat , drink , and lodging to a retired father-in-law , while Swedish High Court disputes of two centuries later show grievances ranging from poor food to cursing and physical violence .
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