Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Denouncing the demonstrators as " vandals " , and suggesting that behind them stood " dark forces " seeking to destroy Albania , he appealed for the co-operation of opposition parties in restoring calm .
2 And using that as an exit line she stalked out .
3 It 's the classic chicken and the egg problem , that if you try and identify something starting one area , and using that as a sort of causal factor for another area of behaviour , I 'm not sure whether , in the majority of cases , you can satisfactorily identify one as being the cause and the other being the result of that causal factor .
4 These words were used specifically of Whitman 's writing about lilacs or the mocking-bird , and revealing that at such moments his theories and beliefs dropped away like needless pretexts .
5 No more going public and imagining that by the gesture alone you 'll be ‘ improving ’ matters .
6 The speaker must monitor what it is that he has just said , and determine whether it matches his intentions , while he is uttering his current phrase and monitoring that , and simultaneously planning his next utterance and fitting that into the overall pattern of what he wants to say and monitoring , moreover , not only his own performance but its reception by his hearer .
7 of the first thing and fixing that in your mind and then well you ca n't keep abreast of how much .
8 Assuming that dl → 0 and noting that for a closed contour the line integral of the electric field vanishes we get
9 Eventually when one has had enough , he signals submission by contracting the pigment in one set of cells and expanding that in another so that his flank patterns change and he hoists the flag of surrender .
10 v. Grant , or some other authority to the same effect , and saying that by our law an offeror can be landed with a contract even though he never receives an acceptance , since the contract is held to be complete on the posting of the letter of acceptance .
11 She looked at Fand , seeing the white arms shake , and knowing that in another moment a spear would go home and Fand would die ; because of me , she thought , all because of me .
12 By expanding the logarithmic term and assuming that in dilute solutions this can be restricted to the first expansion term , ln a 1 can be related to the mole fraction of the solute x 2 .
13 Setting F t = S t ( l + r ) , ( which becomes F t = ( S t - D ) ( l + r ) if dividends are included ) , and recognizing that at delivery S r = F T , she derived [ E ( F t +1 ; ) - F t ] /S t = [ E ( R M ) - r ] β i , which is unchanged if dividends are included .
14 After repeated attempts to bring the shadow Cabinet around to his opposition to the ‘ permanent deflation and lack of democracy ’ implied in the Maastricht Treaty , Mr Gould resigned from the shadow Cabinet on 27 September 1992 , saying that his wish to speak out on the Maastricht Treaty was incompatible with the burden of collective responsibility , and claiming that over one hundred Labour MPs supported his position .
15 Can you imagine opening a daily newspaper , and finding that on every page , there was the same message from God ; or can you imagine watching breakfast TV — or listening to the Today programme — and finding that every feature was a message from God , with different emphases , but always the same message .
16 And discovering that before 1971 , women artists were pretty well invisible .
17 ‘ You know , ’ he said , ‘ you people have a habit sometimes of coming here to Israel with some specific details and thinking that from them you can deduce some universal truth .
18 The intelligent amongst us have already been looking at the questions on page forty seven and realizing that despite the weirdness of the sound of this music there are some quite direct things that can be asked .
19 Amongst the great majority , the faith of earlier centuries persisted , at least outwardly ; indeed , if we look for a movement of thought and feeling that by the end of the century had penetrated into every class of society except the highest , we shall find it in the revival of ‘ vital religion ’ , or ‘ enthusiasm ’ , as it was also called .
20 Many of us will have had the experience at some time or other of finding ourselves in classrooms ostensibly to help individual children overcome their difficulties , but realising that in fact the problems are more to do with the way the lesson is being presented , with the resources and teaching strategies being used or with the demands being made , than with any specific problems our pupils may have .
21 If , therefore , minorities created insecurity , in Scotland it was not the crown but the nobility who suffered , making hay , no doubt , while the sun shone , but knowing that in the end the sileage would be the king 's .
22 I think that covers most of the items in the agreement , erm , with some identification of new work that needs to be done during the year , but recognizing that during the course of the year , we have succeeded in following the main points from the agreement that was , was put forward er , I think , it was December this time last year .
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