Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [that] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Under the Protocol the only document which need be translated is the complaint or pleading that initiated the action in which the letter rogatory was issued .
2 The negative side of all this was ben Eliezer 's polemics against straight-faced , over-serious rabbinism ; against those whose understanding of God 's nature was austere and unfatherly ; those who , while seeking to elevate the Most High , merely put him out of touch with his own children ; debarred them from his welcoming presence by a system or learning that became ‘ frivolous ’ in its intensity : not that its perpetrators could be frivolous : black was their colour , even as severity was their posture — as becomes the frozen-in-soul .
3 The word-processor provides the teacher with a powerful resource with which to explore the body of experience or learning that waits to be arranged through the successful use of language .
4 It was never loving that emptied the heart , nor giving that emptied the purse . ’
5 The incident precipitated three days of violence and looting that tarnished Miami 's reputation at a time when the city was preening itself for one of America 's premier sporting events , the Super Bowl .
6 But he 'll go on applying the skills learnt on those days in the Nottingham library to a wider cricketing canvas , and using that cast accumulated knowledge to enlighten others — not least the thousands of schoolchildren who visit Trent Bridge in parties each year : ‘ Last season we had several hundred children through on the day when Derek Randall needed one run to complete his 20,000 for the county — and I made certain they all knew about the landmark .
7 Similarly the National Portrait Gallery , which was permanently established in 1896 , and the Dictionary of National Biography ( 18851990 ) stand as counterparts at the level of individual portrayal and biography , to the work of categorization and charting that went into producing monumental works on the national history , language , and literature such as the Cambridge History of English Literature ( 1907–16 ) and the New ( later Oxford ) English Dictionary ( 1884–1928 ) .
8 Sam was gratified to be alone with his father and identified only the improvization and daring that lay in the situation , not the guilt and apprehension .
9 1977 ) and polynya areas among the channels of the Canadian Arctic archipelago ( Stirling and Cleator , 1981 ) have specially favourable conditions of mixing and upwelling that promote relatively high productivity in summer .
10 The warming and cooling that takes place when the computer is turned on and off expands and contracts circuit boards and socketed integrated circuit chips .
11 Despite all the scheming and matchmaking that went on behind the scenes , when Charles and Diana took their wedding vows on 29 July 1981 , they were undoubtedly in love .
12 In addition , they said they appreciated the sense of acceptance , trust and understanding that emerged in the group .
13 They spoke little , for there was no need of speech between them , there was only the quick accord and understanding that exists between all wild creatures .
14 But what about self-defence or the shaking and pushing that accompanies the control of an unruly mob ?
15 I worried that the growth of PROFS could harm the phoning , travelling and meeting that reinforces such human networks .
16 BOUTS of nausea and vomiting that accompany the first months of pregnancy may be good news for the mother , according to two new theories on the cause of morning sickness .
17 Pupils are capable of articulating a need for information and expressing that need in terms of curriculum-based concepts and keywords .
18 I do n't want to see I I deeply deplore the divisions between left and right and the accentuation of often very phoney distinctions and mislabelling that goes on .
19 Nor , from the sounds of tossing and turning that drifted up through the deck hatch in the quiet dark hours of her watch , was Nathan .
20 THE memories of the love and caring that went on in Lourdes is something I shall always treasure .
21 The loud tugging and pulling that followed — the instructions from the Colonel , instructions from the landlord , banging of levers , banging of latches — eclipsed any small performance Mrs Crump might have been inclined to give and when the company was finally re-seated she was wise enough to let it pass .
22 Because the techniques involved imply a separate implementation of the portability software on each different platform — they also mean that what users purchase and what they see on their screen are two different things — there are obvious questions of support and testing that need to addressed .
23 Careful to avoid the regimentation and overcrowding that characterized the camps of its competitors and anxious to compete in terms of cost , the Association opened the 500 capacity Rogerson Hall camp near Lowestoft in 1938 .
24 They were failing to recognize or were positively discounting the rights of those dissenting from their particular views of public order , and subjecting that dissent to the full coercion of the state .
25 Robyn was quite sure she was not ; but she enjoyed the warmth and companionship of the group , the hugging and kissing that accompanied their meetings and partings .
26 Beneath its Olympian surface , Greek culture evinces an unmistakable and unique sensitivity to the painful truth about life : the Dionysiac truth and suffering that befall us from birth to inevitable death> .
27 It might be that it was the incessant closeness to blood , death and suffering that brought out these sentiments in men who had , on the whole , been raised in an education system that rejected such responses as feminine and unmasculine , and that promoted an abstract conception of justice and a stern morality of obedience to rules .
28 It was almost prophetic in its wisdom : ‘ There is really something morbid about the film as a whole — a fascination , almost a wallowing in death and suffering that represents one of the least appealing tendencies in the audience as well as the film-makers .
29 And that 's of , that 's of course aside from the grief and suffering that happens .
30 While the construction of dams , reservoirs and drainage channels has changed the character of the landscape , many irrigation schemes , through mismanagement , have created problems of salinisation and waterlogging that counteract the beneficial effects .
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