Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 This is due to the seasonal nature of so much agricultural work , which makes it cheaper for the company to employ labourers during the planting or harvesting rather than maintain a labour force throughout the year .
2 THE US defence secretary , Les Aspin , yesterday recommended closing 31 major domestic military bases and reducing or shutting more than 100 smaller facilities in a move that will cost tens of thousands of jobs .
3 Seeing that our law refuses to contemplate the possibility of any person either being without a domicile or having more than one domicile , the rules on this subject are not only intricate but highly artificial .
4 As man has always had the desire to compete , whether by running against one another , or throwing further than another man , it was obvious that with the advent of the motor car in the 19th-century , another form of rivalry would soon start .
5 Income Support , means-tested income assistance for those not working or working less than 24 hours a week ; 727 thousand lone families were receiving Income Support in May 1988 .
6 And you can bet no-one in football has been thinking or working harder than Ray Harford in the week and a half closedown of the Premier League — and Blackburn 's dream .
7 They thought it unsatisfactory to say that moral qualities are distinguished by sense or feeling rather than by reason .
8 Given the conditions in which most teachers are working , and given that they are human beings — that is , they have limitations on what they can do , and how well and how fast they can do it — they could not be feeling otherwise than rushed and confused , nor acting otherwise than fallibly .
9 Ian Lang can not remain complacently sitting on his hands in the face of an economic crisis which is damaging all our communities and condemning more than 80,000 Scots to long-term unemployment , ’ he said .
10 Although by and large novices to the art of sevens , the Namibians — the worthy winners of the World Cup Sevens qualifying tournament in Catania , Sicily — provided a sample of the Southern African perception of the shortened version of the game : hard running , support and tackling rather than silky skill and stealth .
11 If you 're administering , you might as well administer something that is new and challenging rather than doing something I had been doing all my life .
12 They speak of opting out in the primary , secondary and further education sectors ; as for social services , they speak of monitoring and enabling rather than providing .
13 The delegates , numbering about 900 and representing more than 100,000 members , elected the union 's founder , Konstantin Trenchev , as president .
14 But it is also a more general process describing the interactive skills of policemen and women : the knowledge of when and in what situations it is appropriate to show sympathy , tolerance , and understanding rather than aggression and force .
15 I should be very reluctant to go back to anything like the old system , which gave a perverse incentive for landlords to provide board and lodging rather than other accommodation .
16 Schaffer ( 1977 ) from his studies on children also claims that even young children are capable of attaching themselves and loving more than one set of carers at the same time .
17 Pain is the main indication for treatment , and the disease should be regarded as chronic and relapsing rather than as an acute phenomenon treatable by a single medical or surgical intervention .
18 Heavy drinking , spitting , and swearing rather than collective violence marked off the ‘ rough ’ from the rest — the self-controlled ‘ respectable ’ elements .
19 Thus , inter-war English studies was devoted to professional scholarship , research , and publishing rather than a programme of cultural intervention .
20 In addition , since 1979 regional selective assistance worth £326 million has been committed to the north-west , creating more than 60,000 new jobs and safeguarding more than 60,000 existing jobs .
21 The country 's worst rail accident since 1963 occurred in Shiga prefecture , near Kyoto , on May 14 , when two passenger trains collided head-on on a single track , killing 42 people and injuring more than 400 .
22 He denied his brother had any role in planting the car bomb that ripped through the garage of the twin skyscraper complex on 26 February , killing six people and injuring more than 1,000 .
23 The second is that staff who transfer from hospitals to the community change their attitudes toward their charges , taking on new enabling and nurturing rather than rule-enforcing and limit-setting care roles .
24 that such an arts education fosters those long established cultural traditions and normative assumptions about gender which tend to be inhibitive rather than enriching of personal development and sensibility , and discouraging rather than encouraging of purposeful action in the world .
25 Mr Freedman said that the aim was to create a platform to propel the company into the future and promote services such as planning and consulting rather than just accounting , to help clients boost their profits .
26 His department said that it only kept records of strikes lasting more than three days and involving more than 100 people .
27 This book covers the legal aspects of buying a business by acquiring its assets and undertaking rather than by acquiring the shares of the company that operates the target business .
28 For a start , it was more expensive ; but it was also a sign of conspicuous consumption , its enrichment slightly too ostentatious for a country with a preference for strong mass and modelling rather than upon lavish detail .
29 Their most obvious effect had been a massive increase in speculation as more capitalists tried to make money by wheeling and dealing rather than by productive investment : hence the huge foreign exchange dealings and the booms in share prices , gold , land , real estate and commodities .
30 Leisure activities still take place here although they are more likely to be water skiing , wind surfing and sailing rather than bathing .
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