Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 There was no hint of compassion or understanding in those beautiful blue eyes , no hint that he would even consider an appeal , but for Grantham and Marsh 's sake she had to make one .
2 If Damiani could go to Jaffa , most of his fellow exiles are prevented forever from walking in the streets outside their old houses — or knocking on those front doors .
3 And then developing further understanding through actually doing or following through those notions or processes .
4 It shows to be wholly naive claims that the problem of the patriarchal nature of the biblical literature could be solved by for example substituting certain female words for male words , or concentrating on those stories which concern women .
5 Similarly no one who has attended the Yeats Summer School in Sligo will deny that the seminars and lectures are less profitable than driving to Glencar , or Gort , and walking in those places , or wandering in the demesne of Lissadell and under the shoulder of Ben Bulben .
6 Good learning environments are more than the sum of their parts ; they are exciting , attractive , motivating and challenging for those within them .
7 In a thousand remote little farmhouses and cottages , islanded beneath wind-shriven willows or leaning poplars , the racing floods covered the black fields , overflowed the straight dykes … and leaping upon those lonely homes with all the relentless force of wind and gales , burst open the doors , shattered the ground floor windows … and rushed gurgling and swirling up the narrow staircase .
8 One till three as well the Special Needs Support Group are meeting at Ilkeston Health Centre and they offer mutual support and understanding to those parents who have children with special needs .
9 Facing the realities of the background that has moulded their early life and finding forgiveness and understanding for those who , in the name of love , have moulded this type into submission , and learning that it is all right to show feeling and emotions will ultimately bring release and freedom to follow as their hearts dictate .
10 She knew in her heart that she did not need drugs , she needed rest , patience and understanding from those around her .
11 Soon , he was upon her labia — fumbling the thick folds and searching between those succulent lips for an entrance into her most intimate place .
12 They 've made hectic visits to Brussels registering your interests and meeting with those with greatest influence in the E C institutions .
13 They started to put up big screens behind the altar blocking off some of the stained glass and writing on those big screens the Creed or the Lord 's Prayer in English , which was done in the seventeenth and eighteenth century .
14 This was in a period when I was based at Llandudno and every available minute of spare time was spent in climbing and scrambling among those delightful hills .
15 When I began to be seen around camp with a new face , I was subjected to a lot of nudging and winking from those who did n't know the facts , and people came up to me with knowing smiles on their faces , saying , ‘ I see you 've got a new boyfriend !
16 Agreeing a philosophy and getting agreement from the private sector on a philosophy is a matter of getting round the table with people and getting into those kind of discussions .
17 While the key features of each — the limited liability company , the use of collective bargaining and the state provision of welfare — all have something of a Christian basis in terms of providing outlets for savings , strengthening the family , and correcting injustice and providing for those in need , nevertheless it is easy to see how they can become taken over by humanistic philosophy — so that they become unlimited freedom to create wealth , the use of collective power and the denial of individual merit and the state as the alternative for the family and private charity .
18 Any non-governmental movement might be suspect in such circumstances , untried and lacking in those essential relationships and assets by which inter-state bargains can be struck .
19 Pearce was standing in front of him , talking angrily and pointing to those doors as two other men began to push clumsily inside , admitting a gale of icy air that even Cardiff could feel from his position .
20 ‘ They 've been workin' and diggin' in those s … fields for years and do you know what it is ?
21 Fixing my eyes on them , I could n't help cursing Aisha , wishing she was dead , swearing by the Prophet Muhammad that I would have my revenge because it was she who was stopping me walking those streets and riding in those red buses to find work and a flat or a room of my own .
22 We sometimes saw elderly people stopping to catch their breath and calling to those descending ‘ Is it far ? ’
23 Given the nickname ‘ Woodbine Willie ’ by the troops , he once described his chaplain 's ministry as taking ‘ a box of fags in your haversack and great deal of love in your heart ’ and laughing and joking with those he was called to serve .
24 ‘ I play hard and to win and that produces frustrations — and dealing with those frustrations is what I need help with . ’
25 The text itself is transformed into a protean tool for unfolding ideas and responding to those of others .
26 ‘ There was this public person , acting that part — sometimes the hysterical story teller and raconteur plunging into that great bath of imitation , nostrils flaring and eyes sparkling , and putting on those extremely funny lofty voices .
27 A Federal Housing Act ( 1949 ) provided funds for slum clearance and housing for those on low incomes , though it only scratched the surface of an increasingly serious problem .
28 The trouble is , in the middle you 've got a great gulf of lack of information , and predicting in those
29 It was his country , and campaigning across those noble moors under the Cheviot was his true life , as natural to him as to the hawks hovering on languid , sinewy , expert wings above the heather .
30 Soon all were aboard and waving to those unfortunate enough to stay behind , and we would be off to Dymchurch or some other exotic foreign place .
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