Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ Whereas , it is necessary that steps be taken to ensure the continued conservation of the countryside in mountain areas in certain other less-favoured areas ; whereas the Member States have already taken or plan to take positive measures for this purpose and these efforts should be encouraged ; whereas farming performs a fundamental function in this respect . ’
32 Only the Lollards , however , seem to have elaborated a pacifist doctrine founded upon the Biblical injunction against killing : the tenth of the twelve Lollard conclusions published in 1395 declared that ‘ manslaute be batayle or pretense lawe of rythwysnesse for temperal cause or spirituel withouten special revelaciun is expres contrarious to the newe testament , the qwiche is a lawe of grace and ful of mercy ’ .
33 Any growth which has occurred must either have come later or have involved other forms of temporary working , such as the imposition of a special " temporary " status on certain workers recruited on open-ended contracts — something which our case studies indicate might have been the case .
34 It is best known for persecuting Indian peasants , especially the lower castes or ‘ Untouchables ’ , who may have stolen from a neighbour or have demonstrated dirty habits .
35 IF YOU bought into privatisation issues with limited allocations , or have inherited small parcels of shares , you may find selling them a problem .
36 I would like to year from any readers who are developing or have developed local codes .
37 Stopping smoking is the most effective single treatment for those who have had a heart attack or have developed arterial disease of the legs .
38 The dogs have been kennelled , and the bodyguards have either gone back to bed or have fallen asleep in the hall .
39 The granting or the withholding of that use depends on factors over which the voter has no control : lower-preference votes come into play only if higher-preference votes have proved surplus to the quotas of candidates who have been elected or have become useless to candidates who have been eliminated .
40 Club members — they have all either undergone open heart surgery themselves or have helped loved ones through the ordeal — display this zest for life which would encourage anyone faced with the same ordeal .
41 At birth babies who have been jaundiced , premature or have had certain antibiotic therapies — to list just a few instances — should also be screened for impaired hearing .
42 Patients who may benefit most include those who have multiple cardiac risk factors , a low exercise capacity , are slow to adjust psychologically to a new lifestyle , or have had recent cardiac surgery .
43 So unless you have been self-employed or have had other money , not connected with your job , you may never really have needed to give the question very much thought .
44 Girls may be there simply because they are young and things are not working out at home or with their boyfriends , or they may be designated as " ESN " ( educationally sub-normal ) , or have had previous children that they have lost through negligence or ignorance .
45 It is composed of Law Lords , and others who hold or have held judicial office in the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth .
46 Other peers who hold or have held high judicial office may sit but rarely do so .
47 To put it more crudely , those students who are male , white , middle-class and Christian , will very rarely have their views challenged or have to make sympathetic adjustments as a consequence .
48 Donkeys acquire infection as foals and yearlings and tend to remain infected , presumably through re-exposure , all their lives .
49 They therefore have a shorter shelf-life than the trans forms and tend to turn rancid more easily .
50 The appropriate Government departments in most cases issue model forms of these byelaws and tend to oppose major departure from their standard forms .
51 Similarly , configurations of insurance against liability enlarge the ability to pay this tax and tend to attract legal obligations .
52 They all look shopmade and tend to have unimaginative decorations on top .
53 Such adjectives belong to the popular , rather than learned , stratum of English vocabulary and tend to have emotive connotations , here largely pejorative .
54 Most corporate acquisitions achieve little for society as whole and tend to worsen economic ills in the older cities .
55 Do n't be tempted to skimp on quality in living rooms , which get the most wear and tend to develop distinct traffic routes between the furniture .
56 Her husband dies in a car accident alongside another woman and driven by grief and jealousy , she investigates his secret life and becomes entangled with a rather nasty mystic group , some of whom are 400 years old and tend to drop rotting flesh and eyeballs on the carpet .
57 down and sit writing long hand ?
58 It may become intolerable and make sleep impossible .
59 They are certainly effective , and make using high-power binoculars much easier .
60 We will bring in much tighter labelling requirements for all foods , and make funding available for food research and scientific establishments .
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