Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [is] now " in BNC.

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1 Mr Taylor said : ‘ We have an improved offer from the Premier League and that is now under serious consideration . ’
2 Despite there being a demonstration of COSE desktops at the announcement last week — which included drag and drop between Motif and Open Look applications — what the resulting products will actually be remains unclear until the specification is released , and that is now expected to be sooner than the end-of-June timeframe that was given .
3 We put it in the second bag , and that 's now four blue and three red .
4 That was Sarah who did the Works Skills for Women Course at Fast Forward and that 's now helped her to get on to some G C S E courses at college .
5 Although they lost 10 seats , they 're still in control and that 's now the only Conservative-controlled County in the country .
6 The dummy was dropped back to Steve yesterday at the printers and that 's now gon na be done .
7 I 've got , I 've had it for but no , it 's been round there and that 's now going look .
8 We 're trying at the moment to get in non-conformist church records , or at least to get copies of them if the churches do n't want to let us have them , because they 're quite important for the nineteenth century history of East Sussex , and erm really any help that we can get from the general public who 've got old documents relating to their properties , minutes of any organisation that they 've been involved in , or that used to exist and that 's now collapsed , anything like that that can add to the history of the county we 're always very grateful to receive .
9 We 're trying at the moment to get in Nonconformist church records , or at least to get copies of them if the churches do n't want to let us have them , because they 're quite important for the nineteenth century history of East Sussex , and erm really any help that erm that we can get from the general public who 've got old documents relating to their properties , minutes of any organisations that they 've been involved in or that used to exist and that 's now collapsed , anything like that that can add to the history of the county , we 're always very grateful to receive .
10 Metrocast already needs frequency-agile paging to cope with the fragmented US market , and this is now being extended for British businessmen who travel to the States .
11 I used always to look fabulous , but that was then and this is now .
12 Encouragingly , the developers agreed to adopt the Burrell scheme and this is now going ahead .
13 The loose association of the public library and its public ( compared with , for example , the university library and the university ) has traditionally required it to be as visible as possible ; and this is now further stimulated by the need to publicize an extended range of new services and by the need to justify its existence in an increasingly harsh economic climate ( particularly in the USA and the UK ) where there are competing claims for public money from the various public services .
14 That was then and this is now and changes have to be made .
15 ‘ Citroen has done a lot of work in this area , starting back with the BX and this is now paying off with insurance quotes across the model range . ’
16 There is a legal potential for women to enter the world of management of capital and the professions and this is now beginning to happen .
17 Unless the judge makes a recommendation under section 1(2) of the Murder ( Abolition of the Death Penalty ) Act 1965 as to the minimum period of imprisonment a person convicted of murder should serve — and this is now done infrequently — he does not say what advice he proposes to give the Secretary of State .
18 They have had an enormous influence on the music of this country , both sacred and secular , and this is now perhaps wider than ever , thanks to modern communications .
19 Help starts with social work and this is now more readily obtained locally through the area team structure .
20 Safe Travel to School : the 1992/93 Roads and Transport Capital Budget includes a new item for a programme of works to improve safety for children on journeys to/from school and this is now dealt with in a separate section of the Plan .
21 A lot of our discussion so far has been concerned with this kind of " saying " , but I have purposely avoided introducing any of the technical jargon of semiotics ( the theory of signs ) and this is now leading me into difficulty because the ordinary use of words in social anthropological discourse is crudely imprecise .
22 And this is now well .
23 The mayoress appealed to them to drop the case and this is now being considered by the Crown Prosecution Service .
24 That was then and this is now was the message from ministers and harassed officials yesterday .
25 Du Pont trained 180 managers in safety auditing and this is now cascading down through the workforce .
26 If they really believe that the merger was the best way forward , they must now be be supporting something that they know to be less than best and and this is now rendered all the bad feeling and all the destruction of the past two years , a complete waste of time .
27 Erm there used to be an agreed area of three miles then it went to twelve miles but that 's now in question because of the different ways in which the sea has been developed .
28 but that 's now got forty six members some of whom are mutual
29 I mean just out of Heathrow and Gatwick I think traffic has dropped by about twenty per cent over the erm past two weeks , but that 's now beginning to pick up again .
30 There might have been an improvement earlier with an expansion of the German economy , but that is now being deflated .
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