Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] up [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know , ’ he said tersely , then , slowing down , he asked , ‘ Which would you rather do — go back to the party or drive up on to the Downs overlooking the sea and take a little stroll ? ’
2 Do I wan na go this way or go up round ?
3 When you repress or bottle up so much anger , you simultaneously diminish other feelings , including love and affection .
4 Did I look so obviously the sort to get into trouble that I could n't go about with circles under my eyes , or telephone a doctor , or throw up once in a while , without everyone immediately jumping to a single conclusion ?
5 Schemes which place teachers into industry without adequate preparation or follow up usually offer little of lasting value and may even have a detrimental effect on the relationship between education and industry .
6 More important , the pores in some rocks are either large or join up so that water can flow through them easily .
7 Come and sit up here now .
8 Then you go back and sit up there .
9 This time we planned to take in two other Munros on the northern ridge of the corrie , Carn Liath and Stob Poite Coire Ardair , before dropping down to the window and back up on to Creag Meagaidh 's vast plateau .
10 The stained sex chromatin body in mouse nuclei is not as distinctive as in the nuclei of some other mammalian species because the chromocentres ( regions in which centromeric heterochromatin collect ) are localized and stain up almost as intensely .
11 But by the time strands of sounds of the fair floated up from the park , people were beginning to get home , wash , relax and pick up again .
12 On sites rich in fossils , collectors often become bored with the commoner animals and pick up only the rarer ones .
13 Couple this with the subtle change in image ( from naked half-man , half-mutt on ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ to a grey suit ) and you have the beginnings the funky sojourn Bowie was about to embark on — which would , of course , peak with ‘ Young Americans ’ and crop up again whenever he was short of a few ideas .
14 Couple this with the subtle change in image ( from naked half-man , half-mutt on ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ to a grey suit ) and you have the beginnings the funky sojourn Bowie was about to embark on — which would , of course , peak with ‘ Young Americans ’ and crop up again whenever he was short of a few ideas .
15 Because of the pain I could n't manage to pull the sledge in the uphill parts , so I had to break the bales in half , tie them up separately and carry them to the level bits , and load up again .
16 Why do n't you for Christ sake get on with it and hurry up now .
17 To avoid danger you must start off sensibly and warm up slowly , says consumer magazine Which ?
18 Although in many parts of the world babies do n't drink milk after weaning and grow up perfectly healthy , in Northern Europe cow 's milk is part of our diet and young children are encouraged to drink it because it 's cheap , convenient , high in protein and energy , and a good source of calcium and vitamins A and B. There are conflicting opinions on when cow 's milk can first be given to children .
19 Oh , I see ah I thought they had sort of you know like fairy tales , you can see through the wall , that 's what they do put a camera in in , anyway it was rather funny and those birds come out and grow up quite quite wonderful .
20 If you 're thinking of getting into shape , take it easy and build up slowly — a frantic training programme greatly increases risk of over-use injury .
21 Responsibilities , I mean , it would have to be torn down and build up again it was in such a bad shape , it was really , I mean , terrible , it must of been , it was , it was man who lived in since the second world war , alright , so you get .
22 To cope with these complications , socialization theories break down gender psychology into ever simpler units , and build up more and more elaborate models of learning around them .
23 If you wish to increase your writing speed , begin with sessions of two minutes or so and build up gradually .
24 Begin by exercising moderately for 5–10 minutes per day , and build up gradually over a period of a month .
25 The eggs eventually hatch inside the mother 's pouch , the young crawl out and clamber up on to her back .
26 Brutality , as Hill describes and felt it , was a bitter part of his prison life ; you just learnt to get down on the floor as fast as you could and cover up as best you could .
27 The ideal working dress would , therefore , be one in which you could reach up high to bring down the best china , bend down low to pick up the dropped toy , feel comfortable in for walking around the park and pushing a pram or playing ball , not worry about if baby food was deposited on it , move around in easily with a baby on your hip and cover up totally for rolling out pastry or helping with painting .
28 I told them if we did n't get more light and heat up here soon I 'd tear a few more of them apart , but after that they only started acting all stupid , and anyway they 'll soon forget ; they always do . "
29 If light of a certain colour shines on the surface , molecules on the surface will absorb the light and heat up so that they ‘ glow ’ in the STM picture .
30 At another , the women wrap themselves in blankets and line up pitifully like a group of refugees .
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