Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 The combination of the general election and the constitutional judgment caused the Unionists to put further pressure on the Executive to the effect that Sunningdale should not be implemented until there was an alteration in the constitution of the Republic and/or another election was held in Northern Ireland .
2 13 1775 & that Body is vastly improv 'd the longer it is kept & the little remains of fat shine a little more thro' & it is now very much the colour of Indian Copper , i.e. it is very near the colour of finished work 'd mahogany & is really a beautiful mass , the Legs are now perfectly dry and from the Beginning to the end there is nothing of putrefaction .
3 This is not because it can be proved one way or the other that either or neither version is the type of play that Marlowe would have written .
4 It will also become the focus of political lobbying by health authorities who stand to gain by this or that factor being included .
5 Similarly , we may find that arms and faces are raised , or that kneeling is an appropriate response in the congregation .
6 It is sometimes very strange to see an AIB Engineering Inspector and an RAF doctor with their heads down inside the wreckage of a crashed aircraft in the AIB hangar at Farnborough , arguing , discussing or merely agreeing that this or that component is not strong enough to sustain survivable crash forces on a row of seats or that a part of the galley constitutes a lethal hazard against which passengers could suffer injury in a crash .
7 Acknowledge in your wording — " possibly " , " maybe " , " one explanation … " — that there is room for other points of view or that evidence is insufficient to admit of confident verdicts .
8 Yet at the same time this doctrine leads to the altogether counterintuitive conclusion that there can be no such thing as style or that style is simply a part of content .
9 If you want a nuclear-free world , do you believe that the world 's political leaders are crazy warmongers , or that humanity is out to destroy itself , or that the world is a dangerous and evil place ?
10 We might believe that other people are selfish , greedy and unpleasant , or that folk are generally kind and loving .
11 To crown it all , I now read in my newspaper that we are living in ‘ the post-feminist era ’ which I take to mean either that the battle is won — a view informed by the same kind of stupidity which once encouraged Macmillan to proclaim ‘ we 're all middle-class now ’ — or that feminism is a spent force and has slipped back into obscurity for another sixty years of oblivion .
12 This means either that air has got into the system or that corrosion is causing hydrogen gas to collect .
13 When faced with what we regard as consummately bad taste , or people who seem to revel in exactly the behaviour we abhor , we often feel revolted , nauseous or acutely embarrassed , as when parents say the wrong thing in front of a child 's peers , or that child is forced to wear clothes whose image he or she rejects .
14 And , having no idea how important this or that person was , whether they worked for the BBC or the TLS or the BFI , he treated them all with equal condescension .
15 Neither is it our view ( as some correspondents have suggested the envelope implies ) that rape in any way morally compromises or degrades its victims , or that women 's lives should be defined primarily in terms of their relationships with men , or that rape is not grossly abhorrent in itself .
16 Or that avocado is the only fat-containing fruit and that when you order it with an oily dressing , or with prawns in mayonnaise dressing , you are ordering one of the most fattening first courses of all ?
17 The tape-recording of this or that speaker is significantly different from a written or printed report of what he said .
18 These results suggest either that 5HT receptors are more widely distributed than previously recognised or that sumatriptan is less specific in its agonist activity .
19 But from this it does not follow either that we can dispense with identity or that identity is not really applicable to objects as ontological existents .
20 Another justification advanced is that social deprivation variables tap aspects of need for resources not adequately represented by morbidity measures — for example , that it is more difficult to provide services in a deprived area or that effectiveness is reduced by adverse conditions .
21 ‘ I doubt if he intended to meet a priest or that Erceldoun was murdered by one ; he was a powerfully-built young soldier , I doubt very much if any priest , or even more than one , could get the advantage of such a man . ’
22 They it is who tend to be always insisting this or that figure is the one to emulate , or repeating what some particular hero is said to have pronounced upon professional matters .
23 The court may order that the action be stayed or dismissed or that judgment be entered for plaintiff or defendant .
24 c ) the Question on any amendment or Motion standing on the Order Paper in the name of any Member , if that amendment is moved or that Motion is made by a member of the Government ;
25 One sometimes hears it said that this or that innovation is not a matter of extra resources but of new attitudes or different ways of working .
26 Or that Landfall was built by giants .
27 A playwright will often do his best to supply this non-lexical information by telling the reader that the character shrugs , winks , or looks heavenwards as this or that phrase is uttered .
28 The failure of such experiments to demonstrate any effect of homoeopathic remedies is therefore just as likely to be due to inappropriate remedy selection for the model under study as to the possibility that the remedy really is inactive , or that homoeopathy is just a load of fantasy , wishful thinking and mumbo jumbo .
29 For example , if Newco issues deep discount securities under Sch 4 TA 1988 , no or little interest is paid to the lender , but when they are redeemed the discount element becomes payable ( representing , effectively , rolled-up interest ) .
30 & this Helianor was of the daughters , heirs
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