Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [vb pp] they " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps she had scarcely heard them , or had taken them as a mere mechanical rejoinder to her own ‘ Do n't hate me ’ .
2 She was as much a part of this murky landscape now as if she had been born here , every step of the way between Miss Gemma Dallam 's cloistered corner and her own — in spirit a universe apart — being so familiar to her that it seemed she had always known them , or had known them before , in another place , a dozen other places ; another life .
3 Ten soldiers had not been compelled to give evidence and had indicated they would not attend the inquest .
4 She had heard of humans , of course , and had seen them walking about sometimes .
5 She handed two packets and a wafer to the boy , who had finished wiping the mattresses down and had leant them up against the wall to dry .
6 Her husband 's letter had reached them as soon as they arrived in their summer resting place and had plunged them all into abject misery .
7 The decision arose from a claim lodged with the ECJ by a group of mainly Spanish-owned fishing companies , employing vessels registered as British , that amendments to the UK 1988 Merchant Shipping Act which excluded 95 of their vessels from British waters were illegal under EC law and had exposed them to financial ruin .
8 Since she had been secretary to a bishop ( she learnt to type by trial and error ) , and also chauffeur to a bishop ( she learnt to drive by trial and error ) , she knew a lot of the clergy and their wives and had visited them all over the diocese , often in the black-out , and sat with the wives while the husbands talked to Bishop Owen , so she was good at remembering about them and their children and found the wives of the clergy to be fun .
9 Twice before she 'd had proposals of marriage and had rejected them because she could n't feel for the men they came from .
10 In those days also the boats were unchanged since Vincent Van Gogh had spent one week there in June 1888 and had painted them , red and blue , green and yellow , with coloured delicate masts erect , and the slanted , tapering yard-arms crossing each other on the pale mackerel sky .
11 Chatichai , who had previously removed three parties from his ruling coalition and had replaced them with two new members , had been under pressure for some time from the military and the media to carry out an extensive reshuffle in order to cleanse his government of allegedly corrupt elements .
12 Roger Gernet , hereditary warden of the royal forests of Lancaster , had seized this opportunity to exact from them an ox for winter pasture and a cow for summer pasture , and had prevented them from taking housebote and firebote in the forest .
13 The wedding , planned for November … ’ ) she had learned that she was the goddaughter of Lady Bartlett ( that mother of sons … ) and had joined them at the end of July .
14 From his days as a courier , Nicholas had many sources of information , and had asked them all to report .
15 Although she had not been prepared for his barrage of questions and had answered them almost truculently , she had made Nicky think twice about her simply because she seemed more direct and independent than most of the girls he knew .
16 She regarded the Tollemarche ladies as being outside the pale , and had treated them with such blatant condescension that they had quailed , and had sought her goodwill by voting her hastily into offices in those organizations in which she had deigned to take an interest .
17 They revealed he had been seriously injured in a knife attack at his home four months earlier and had urged them to drop their inquiries .
18 Since they did not understand what the Sign of the Cross meant or the meaning of Our Father , he had started with a simple explanation of these and had told them how important it was to start praying together .
19 The army had said we would average fifteen , but I had hoped for eighteen and had told them so .
20 He had never had anything to do with Bri and me , but the Yanks said he was very smarmy and had told them he was Iranian .
21 Their chief was coming specifically from London to see him , they said , and had ordered them to make certain he was present .
22 The seriousness of the revolt was evidenced by the fact that Soapy Simon , an arch-appeaser who wanted above everything to be liked , had become their spokesman and had let them cram into his room and sit it out ( with a break for dinner at the Savoy , of course ) until the PM gave his answer .
23 Tesco , on the other hand , had received good service from UK-based Merton and had used them again and again .
24 Some cousin of Lilian 's two or three times removed had found them in Florence while there on her honeymoon and had had them shipped home .
25 At the November hearing , the taxpayer said he had written to the building society in May and August and had telephoned them in September but still did not have the required details .
26 He and his colleagues were well aware of the more rapid progress in America , and there were regular transatlantic visits by headquarters engineers , but only when they were quite sure of new techniques and had discussed them thoroughly with the British manufacturers were they prepared to make a move .
27 But Elizabeth read women 's magazines and had offered them quiche and Coronation Chicken and melon balls in wine glasses .
28 The death of their mother , Ann Wordsworth , in 1778 , when William was seven and Dorothy six had cast a long shadow over their early lives , and had left them and their three brothers effectively orphaned .
29 He had brought out his lists , four sheets , and had got them half fixed to the door when Allan knocked him aside and tore them down and then spent an hour , with James 's help , going down the names and telling the young men to their faces whether or not they were listed .
30 Bowing to the inevitable , Kenya started to remove the controls in 1988 and had eliminated them all by 1990 , except for a few agricultural products like maize .
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