Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fair-haired Jews from Moscow and Leningrad mingled with olive-skinned Georgians to read the Cyrillic slogans welcoming them and then sank down in rows of plastic chairs or gazed at the panoramic photograph of Jerusalem covering an entire wall .
2 For ‘ Paris ’ add Prague , London , Venice , anywhere beautiful and foreign and not of the everyday , and for ‘ young man ’ insert ‘ or middle aged woman ’ and for ‘ lived ’ and ‘ or visited at a time in your life when you most needed it . ’
3 Although these are sometimes slavishly historical , or played at a frenetic tempo ( as if over-eager to cast off the stately past ) , the benefits of such experiments are clear .
4 None of the family spoke or looked at the others .
5 Upon recovery from the overdose , Charles said he had not cared whether he lived or died at the time of taking the tablets , but wanted to show Ann how desperate he was feeling .
6 In May 1990 the privatization of 28 heavily indebted industrial companies was announced ; another 21 would be liquidated and 200 industrial companies controlled by Greek banks would be sold or liquidated at the next stage of privatization .
7 It was buried in the garden with all due ceremony , and all I knew or felt at the time was grief that I should never see my beloved pet again .
8 Less common was the Doric peplos , a sleeveless tunic with overfold gathered in at the waist , the whole pinned or buttoned at the shoulders .
9 Overall , almost three-quarters of the participants either reduced their intake ( 61 per cent ) or remained at the same level ( 11 per cent ) between the first and the last three weeks of the course .
10 I stood up and gazed at a small pile of my toys which had been thrown to one side of my cupboard .
11 And gazed at the cross
12 As I stood and gazed at the now empty slit trenches , I could n't help a sinking feeling in my stomach as I pictured in my mind those who had occupied the trenches in this orchard , those who had been killed or seriously wounded .
13 Bragg looked up angrily , then walked to the window and gazed at the church tower beyond .
14 Five years ago , the cabinetmaker John Nethercott and his wife Annie stood in the drizzle and gazed at the leprous grey hulk of Upper House , Discoed .
15 Corbett and Ranulf , riding abreast , stopped and gazed at the chaos .
16 There were three or four cinemas round here — I stood and gazed at the pictures outside and thought , ‘ Space , cowboys and sex .
17 He raised the lid and gazed at the brightly coloured pots .
18 He walked into the lobby without a word , entered the kitchen and gazed at the four prisoners .
19 When I made no response he turned and gazed at the far line of coral reef that was marked by a fret of white breaking water .
20 He stuck the candle upright in a socket then sat and gazed at the flame , letting it mesmerize him into memory .
21 A low drone of talk hummed in the hut , and Holly lay on his back on his bunk and gazed at the roof rafters and counted the time between each fall of a water drop to his feet .
22 Victoria , oddly quenched , sat at Aunt Margaret 's feet and gazed at the shifting patterns in the fire , singing to herself a wordless , keening song .
23 Joseph fingered his rifle and gazed at the pretty little muntjac .
24 Carol Jackson rolled onto her back and gazed at the ceiling , aware of the movement from the adjacent room and also of the perspiration that sheathed her body .
25 The sergeant bumped over the sleeping-policemen and gazed at the neatly trimmed lawns and hedges with aggrieved jealousy in his eyes : the private estate was a symbol of a world from which he was excluded , a world of privilege and snobbery , a world that had turned its back on the poor , the sick and the unfashionable who had been swarming round their car only ten minutes before .
26 Helen leaned over my shoulder and gazed at the long lines of boy scouts , girl guides , ex-servicemen , with half the population of the town packed on the pavements , watching .
27 She sat there , her feet on tiptoe , just reaching the black and white floor , and gazed at the glazed bumps of the linen towel hanging from a hook on the back of the door , the little wash-basin shaped like a scallop shell , the black and white edging of the tiles above .
28 He lit a cigarette and gazed at the page of his book until the printed words ceased to dance about .
29 She braced herself and gazed at the compass , silently begging the needle to stop wavering to and fro .
30 That night , they sat on the ice together and gazed at the sky .
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