Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] make the " in BNC.

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1 Shown a pile of apples and two trees , one with three apples and one with none , and asked to make the ‘ empty ’ tree so it had more , children added apples until there were more on the empty tree .
2 Labour tried and failed to make the election a referendum on these changes .
3 Even so , he was defeated in the City parliamentary election of 1734 and failed to make the opposition slate in 1740–1 .
4 A weight can be tied to the bar by a piece of rope and then raised and lowered to make the exercise more difficult .
5 It is , therefore , proven that a combi-steaner is not only an advantage in the commercial kitchen , but an essential ingredient designed and built to make the chef 's life easier and to realise dramatic savings so that it quickly pays for itself .
6 That low , dishonest decade was when we broke free of our parents , banished the Fifties , discovered that we 'd missed the Sixties , and tried to make the best of it with an orgy of revolting clothes , tasteless music and formless anomie .
7 The girl threw caution to the wind and tried to make the most of every minute via sex , drink , numerous abortions , and late-night revels .
8 She screamed for her brother and tried to make the boys understand that she was the daughter of the house , but her pleas did not register in their drugged minds .
9 ‘ Well , it was something like a castle , and he 'ad tons of servants and a butler as well , and a sister who was secretly a witch and tried to make the poor girl worship Satan , but — ’
10 When the office lifers came the next day and tried to make the computer come up with some figures they wanted , what it printed out was this poet 's poetry instead .
11 It was strange how good and bad could run into each other , could appear as interchangeable : not the good of succouring the sick , nor the bad of shooting the helpless , but in the subtler regions of morality where things blended together and seemed to make the business of living easier .
12 Dorothy Hardisty , General Secretary of the RCM , knew the problem and advised making the best of it :
13 I think we 've all gradually come to terms with Jennifer 's condition and learnt to make the best of it … but … ’ she stared at her telephone as it suddenly rang , her thoughts obviously far away ‘ … but I do n't think I 'll ever forgive David Markham for the way he treated her , ’ she said at last as she stretched out her hand to answer the phone .
14 Although I denied being ill and scorned to make the demands for attention usually employed by invalids or malingerers , there is no doubt that I was by this time making a bid for power .
15 In a key breakthrough , the Green Party took their first County seat in the region and pledged to make the Green voice heard .
16 This state of affairs , he said , jeopardized perestroika , unnerved the population , and threatened to make the country ungovernable .
17 After the interval , Swindon sharpened their wits and began to make the heart of United 's defence look ponderous .
18 In perfect unison , based on long marital experience and an infinitesimal twitch of the eyebrows , Desmond and Margaret Seymour-Strachey rose from their chairs and began making the ritual noises .
19 It is natural that some of these stories were developed and adapted to make the message of the Gospel relevant to people of differing backgrounds to the Jews .
20 ‘ I was given a good speaking part and enjoyed making the film .
21 Dear god , everything is so wrong , look , it took you six days to make the world , but does it say in the bible that it took you fifteen days to design it , oh no you just got up and decided to make the world .
22 It was Jo who recognised the value of the ‘ minefield of memories ’ we had stirred up and made visible , and decided to make the work public .
23 McMaster moved from the seaside to take up a new teaching post in Drumahoe near Londonderry last week , and decided to make the break with the club he has served so well for a decade .
24 ‘ Look out for over-size or deformed rounds , ’ Woolley said , and managed to make the advice sound like a curse .
25 Out of his family 's travails he helped to make a fastness of domestic security — Cis , Ifor and the barricades of brothers , sisters , cousins , aunts , ever-open houses … out of the outwardly unpromising landscape of a war-battered , low-waged steel , coal and chapel culture he took a fine voice , musical knowledge , a skill in many sports , a love for learning : and he never forgot that a few shillings would and did make the difference between dignity and pity , poverty and decent comfort .
26 Middlemass had finished The Times crossword by quarter to ten and had made the rest of the paper last as long as possible .
27 While at Kedleston , he had already started altering the earlier , formal landscape and had made the upper lake .
28 The real limitation was time ; many students , although they enjoyed the projects , felt the pressure of looming final examinations and said that they were unable to complete their project to their own satisfaction and had to make the best of a bad job in order to work at other , equally pressing , aspects of the course .
29 Labour was in government and had to make the best of it , but the party was with a less numerous support bloc than even the Selsdon Heath of 1970 .
30 Dowd took his leave without further exchange , escorted as far as the lift by Charlotte Feaver , and left to make the descent alone .
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