Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] on his " in BNC.

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1 Additionally , carried away by enthusiasm that ought not to affect the judgement of experienced lawyers , they advised him , or agreed on his urging ( I do not know which ) , that he should issue writs for libel , which he did , with the disastrous effect that he actually accepted some damages from one publication before he was compelled to reveal the falsity of his assertions .
2 He has on , or had on his wall a poster with the itinerary of their , of their tour .
3 They manhandled Mr Reagan to the side of the stage and pounced on his attacker , forcing him over the podium to check him for any possible weapons before dragging him away .
4 Fifteen years ago Ally MacLeod said we 'd bring home medals from Argentina and reneged on his promise spectacularly .
5 Mr Gatenby 's addiction had started with one phone call because , he said , he was unsettled , did not mix easily and lived on his own .
6 The man kicked and struggled wildly , and rose on his knees .
7 He frowned and sucked on his cigarette and I somehow got the impression that my question had annoyed him , but when he answered his voice was mild enough .
8 Denis whisked open the fridge and sucked on his teeth .
9 He nodded to himself , as though many things had now become clear to him , and drew on his cigar .
10 ‘ And is there , ’ the Substitute pursed his lips in a smile and drew on his cigar , ‘ a brother in the case ? ’
11 He bent his head and concentrated on his own big ugly hands .
12 He dropped his gaze and concentrated on his hands , examining his clean perfect nails .
13 The waiter shrugged and concentrated on his task .
14 I pulled godfather rank and played on his guilt . ’
15 This lasted only four years , and from 1845 he worked and experimented on his own .
16 A single-club man , Jim began his career with the Palace back in 1970 , and scored on his League debut against Chelsea in the 1st Division derby match at Selhurst Park against our South London rivals ( 2–0 ) , in front of a near 40,000 crowd on 31 March 1973 .
17 Johnny was immediately made captain , a position he held for nearly five years , and scored on his debut , but even Johnny 's seven goals from the 12 remaining games could not keep us out of the new basement division .
18 He hardened his heart and turned on his computer , smiling acidly at the screen .
19 He yawned , closed his eyes again and turned on his side .
20 Paul blushed , did not reply , and turned on his heel to go in .
21 Snatching the change which was finally proffered , he pocketed it without a word and turned on his heel .
22 It 'll save me the trouble , ’ and turned on his heel and went back to the shop .
23 ‘ Young Nicodemus , ’ he said , and turned on his heel .
24 He merely grunted something incomprehensible and turned on his heel , leaving her — as always — to follow .
25 He pushed his mobile tray away from him , mumbled non-committally , lay down and turned on his right side , determined not to be trapped again .
26 He bowed and turned on his heel and walked slowly to the green door where he blew me a kiss .
27 ‘ So long as you do n't gossip with him , no , ’ he said flatly , and turned on his heel to stride coolly out on to the terrace again , so tall he had to dodge the metal chimes that hung over the french windows .
28 But David Pratt , photographer , has gone off it since he travelled half way round the world 's trouble spots unscathed to be battered and mugged on his own Glasgow south side doorstep .
29 ‘ I guessed as much , ’ he said , and reckoned on his fingers .
30 He parted Jean-Paul 's thighs , and began on his legs .
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