Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adj -er] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There are 40,000 or so more-or-less Slav-speakers on the Greek side — the Greeks will not be specific — out of Greek Macedonia 's total population of 2.25m .
2 The Commission 's proposed interim measures took the form of requiring bidders not to purchase jointly or separately further shares in Irish Distillers unless the purchase was conditional on a favourable Commission decision under Article 85 ; the bidders were also required to refrain from exercising the votes attached to the shares already acquired .
3 Little ninth-century architecture remains above ground in any of these sites , though a rare surviving ninth- century crypt , as at St-Denis , or still rarer frescoes , as at St-Germain , Auxerre , or ( perhaps most impressive of all ) the sombre magnificence and elaborately-structured space of Charlemagne 's church at Aachen , give the modern visitor a unique insight into the religious experience of Charles and his contemporaries .
4 When the six LEAs in the Rampton survey were studied again for the Swann Report , a larger proportion of Afro-Caribbean pupils were obtaining academic qualifications : the percentage of such pupils obtaining five or more higher grades at O level and CSE and those obtaining one or more passes at A level had doubled in the period from 1979 to 1982 .
5 The exterior surface of most ammonoids is covered with ribbing — dense on some species , sparse on others — the ribs often split into two or more smaller ribs as they pass over the back of the whorls .
6 Where this condition ( or slightly weaker versions — see Kramer , 1973 ) fails to hold , the celebrated voting paradox may arise .
7 Woonerven had demonstrably reduced accidents , but it could be that there were elements of the design which alone and inexpensively , could achieve similar or even greater reductions .
8 It can be disconcerting at auction if the vendor or agents acting on the vendor 's behalf bid up the price from the floor in the early or even later stages of the auction .
9 There may have been a body of people , in medieval or even later times , who , either quite consciously or otherwise , planted clumps or individual trees in the ‘ right ’ spots .
10 The only music which is really non-tonal is that based on chromatic clusters of semitones ( or even smaller intervals ) , where no single tone can predominate .
11 Some of these developed into villages , others remained the same , yet others disappeared or shrank to farmsteads or even smaller hamlets .
12 For internal management control purposes a annual budget will normally be broken down into discrete quarterly , monthly or even shorter periods .
13 And where ag erm either erm a young mother or even older women who did n't have a husband to support them , then we would try and we had one woman coming in and saying , she had six children and er her husband had gone off , and her giro had n't been sorted out .
14 Disagreeing on seven out of ten occasions triggers a defensive reaction or even further disagreements .
15 These characters fall into two broad categories , the radial shields are sometimes bar-like and long , often covered over by the disk covering which is usually small thin scales or occasionally stouter scales , or a disk covered by distinct plates with the radial shield distinct and integrated with the other plates .
16 In an industry dominated by much larger producers who were able to benefit from economies of scale , the government therefore concluded that the sale to Ford was preferable to continued state subsidy and/or ever closer links with Honda .
17 He found that the Devon , although it was small , gave him good quantities of good beef and rather lower quantities of very creamy milk .
18 I think she has a fair point , even if there were better times in this home and altogether better times in other homes .
19 Moreover , if in practice the employees under some organizational forms are more powerful than those under other regimes ( e. g. unions have more representation in nationalized firms ) , then this may well lead to above normal earnings/employment conditions , and so higher costs ( see McDonald and Solow , 1981 ) .
20 This research aims to do that and , whilst it will not ‘ value ’ the benefits , these will be itemised and related to those costs and perhaps cheaper ways of producing similar benefits found .
21 Much of it is a matter of planning and approach , and most of us from time to time talk with colleagues and seek advice from older and perhaps wiser hands .
22 If my theorising is correct , then the " Cenomanian transgression " was in part due to wearing down of the Hercynian and perhaps later ranges ( as in the western United States ) together with marginal sedimentation .
23 These properties make possible studies of the pulsar at radio wavelengths with unprecedented detail , and indicate that it should be possible to detect both the pulsar and its companion at optical and perhaps shorter wavelengths .
24 In some ethnic minority families as a result , women are likely to have more children to look after than white families and less older relatives around them to help .
25 It had all been going on for years , Chertro said , and apparently earlier technicians had been doing the same for a long time before .
26 It is way above the levels when the Labour party was last in control and understandably so , because Britain is now a good home for investors with much better labour relations , much better quality , much better business management and much better relations between employees and management .
27 Share ownership is also unevenly spread with a heavy concentration in the South-east and much lower levels in the North .
28 I saw the report to which my hon. Friend referred and I am not at all surprised that the Opposition tried to shout him down , for the simple fact is that the report revealed that the majority of people in this country recognise that the Labour party has now promised to increase spending on just about everything under the sun , which would mean higher borrowing , higher inflation and much higher taxes .
29 President Hashemi Rafsanjani , who declared three days of national mourning , in early July announced that the death toll was between 35,000 and 36,000 ; this compared with a figure of 40,000 bodies so far recovered , given by the Red Crescent ( the Moslem equivalent of the Red Cross ) on June 27 , and much higher estimates initially .
30 From middle age onwards lower proportions of women than men are married , and much higher proportions widowed .
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