Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 On Ruth 's bed lay a brown-haired whimpering female child , also draped in a shawl and with dabs of make-up less hectically or successfully applied to its face .
2 The patron of the third kind , offering social reputation and protection , often worked within conditions where the work was being partly or wholly offered to a paying public ; the Elizabethan public theatres were in that sense fully commercial institutions .
3 It has already been made clear that the definition of a ‘ professional ’ degree course being adopted here is an operational rather than conceptual one : it is a course which has a consistent and fairly exclusive relationship with a particular occupation , exclusive in that graduates from such courses tend not to go into other occupations , and in that entry to that occupation is largely or wholly restricted to graduates from such courses .
4 ARE non-American jazz players more or less doomed to imitation ?
5 ( There was an Act of Parliament in the reign of George I , just when this house was being built , which decreed that their measurements should not be less than 13½in by 9½in by ½in ; , and these dimensions are still more or less adhered to today . )
6 It is fundamentally important that these 12 Steps are actually worked rather than recited or merely thought to be nice in theory .
7 To Marmeladov , Raskolnikov , and the underground man , I now add Svidrigailov , because the chief enormity which is being confessed , or merely admitted to , or flaunted , or feigned , binds Stavrogin to the America-minded debauchee no less tightly than does the boredom theme of the ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ chapter .
8 Again the goodwill is either inherent in the site or personally attached to the owner .
9 It is reasonable to assume that the carer 's preference provides some part of the causal explanation ; but it is also likely that the carers ’ preferences were influenced by the severity of the sufferer 's condition , and by whether long-term institutional care was expected , already planned , or already known to be unlikely .
10 However , as late as 1979 a Soviet researcher wrote that no system existed for checking and analysing technical and economic information relating to product quality , and that ‘ present methods of assessing the quality of goods manufactured for export or already delivered to the foreign consumer can not provide an adequate view of how well they are produced ’ ( Gruzinov : 1979 , p. 191 ) .
11 So , getting down to specifics , the two species mentioned both make excellent aquarium subjects , the only cause for concern being whether they have been maintained in brackish water or already acclimatised to freshwater if you wish to maintain them in this environment .
12 Doctrinally , the canons were undeniably Calvinist in outlook ; yet at the same time they expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination , and hinted at a recognition of the potentially damaging consequences of it being inadequately or incorrectly explained to the laity .
13 Should insurance cover be overall , or just limited to high risk sensitive areas like the City ?
14 They were on average 18 months younger than known users , 22.5 years as compared with 24 , with 56 per cent being 22 years old or under compared to 47 per cent for known users .
15 But she never complained or ever referred to the château as ‘ that damned place ’ …
16 No price was in fact paid or ever intended to be paid .
17 Hartlepool was the only candidacy he applied for , or ever intended to .
18 Workers who were too low or irregularly paid to be accepted by Friendly Societies and did not join a trade union , might contribute through the Post Office .
19 Townsend 's data shows that a higher proportion of the non-manual groups — 19 per cent — received paid holidays of five weeks or more compared to a very negligible proportion of the manual groups — 1 per cent .
20 I am allowed a say on this question of standing up at football matches because I first planted my feet on the terraces at Barnsley when I was five and spent the next 15 years or more rooted to the spot .
21 Yet others were situated in , or later moved to , places which eventually became towns with a full range of central place functions .
22 The itinerant ticker of classic gritstone , steeped in the lure and legend of this most elemental of climbing forms , must sooner or later come to an end of the unusual circuit of well-publicised , polished testpieces and crowded crags .
23 Dr Peter Fleming , who has done research in Bristol , said overheating due to environmental temperature , over-insulation or both contributed to cot death .
24 Unfortunately , it is uncertain whether he was writing during Emma 's marriage to Cnut or that to Æthelred , but these tales hint that one or both suggested to Richard II that a claim to England was worth recording , and that he wanted to keep his options open .
25 Arrese got together a study-group of hard-line Falangists , whose mission was to draft four documents : a new version of the Party Statutes , which had last been revised seventeen years earlier , in August 1939 ; a law of the Fundamental Principles of the State , which was to encapsulate the basic tenets of Francoism ; a law of the Movement , which was to give legal form to the distinction between " the Party " , FET y de las JONS , as a clearly delimited group of political activists , and " the Movement " , which encompassed all those who actively or passively subscribed to the values which inspired Francoism ; and an Organizational Law of the Government , which was to lay down ground-rules for the legislative and executive powers of the government .
26 ( 3 ) The register shall not be rectified , except for the purpose of giving effect to an overriding interest or an order of the court , so as to affect the title of the proprietor who is in possession — ( a ) unless the proprietor has caused or substantially contributed to the error or omission by fraud or lack of proper care ; or … ( c ) unless for any other reason , in any particular case , it is considered that it would be unjust not to rectify the register against him .
27 ( 5 ) No indemnity shall be payable under this Act in any of the following cases : — ( a ) where the applicant or a person from whom he derives title ( otherwise than under a disposition for valuable consideration which is registered or protected on the register ) has caused or substantially contributed to the loss by fraud or lack of proper care ; … ( 6 ) Where an indemnity is paid in respect of the loss of an estate or interest in or charge on land the amount so paid shall not exceed — ( a ) Where the register is not rectified , the value of the estate , interest or charge at the time when the error or omission which caused the loss was made ; ( b ) Where the register is rectified , the value ( if there had been no rectification ) of the estate , interest or charge , immediately before the time of rectification .
28 A State is bound by a provision of a treaty to which it is not a party if : ( a ) the parties … intended that the provision in question should be the means of creating a legal obligation binding upon that particular State or class of States to which it belongs ; and ( b ) that State has expressly or impliedly consented to the provision .
29 Where the plaintiff has expressly or impliedly consented to the presence of the source of danger and there has been no negligence on the part of the defendant , the defendant is not liable .
30 However , the abolition legislation had not at that stage been passed or even presented to Parliament .
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