Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Dutch should have been aware of it , but strangely the RLD gave the KLM DC-10s a Netherlands certificate of airworthiness , or rather validated the US certificate , notwithstanding their considerable reservations about the strength or ventilation of the cabin floor .
2 Within them , the companies either owned or effectively controlled the services , so that the miners and their families shopped at company shops , drank at company pubs , and played sports at colliery clubs .
3 There is evidence of a religious enthusiasm more acceptable to the establishment among the nobility , some of whom appear to have either anticipated or eagerly embraced the official establishment of new liturgical feasts in devotional offices in their private chapels .
4 It was he who ended the war with Athens , or perhaps turned the hot war into a cold one ( because satraps continued to subvert Athenian-supported democracies in Anatolia ) : after the Persian recovery of Egypt in the 450s Athenian aggression against Persia was checked , except for a brief campaign in Cyprus at the end of the 450s .
5 ‘ Once you 've got that basic drawing of a person sitting sideways on a chair , if you draw straight lines around him you 've more or less got a pyramid shape .
6 Whereas before I had more or less ignored the game and engaged myself in gossipy conversation with whoever was E ) laying opposite me , I now began to act out a parody of the ludicrous pastime in which I found myself , tackling everyone in sight , yelling for the ball to be passed to me , jumping up and down , and generally getting in everyone 's way .
7 The two elements , those who more or less kept the rules and those who never tried , had always lived side by side in Paradise Street .
8 Certainly until John got sick his Dad more or less avoided the bedroom .
9 Once Edna had left school , she more or less became a fixture in the household and there was no doubt that Celia was a much happier and more tractable baby under her young but competent handling .
10 On being asked about the condition of the front door and windows , he admitted they had n't been painted for many years and that the door had more or less reached the end of its life , and showed it .
11 By this time the Hintons more or less had a monopoly on sugar processing , and more and more land was being turned over to sugarcane production .
12 There were no trends in death from cardiovascular or non-cardiovascular disease with length , though men whose length at birth was 20 inches ( 50.8 cm ) or less had a standardised mortality ratio of 103 from cardiovascular disease , compared with 93 in the remainder .
13 So I more or less had a crew cut .
14 ‘ David more or less said the same , but I really do n't know what to think .
15 This refers to the decision of the NATO countries in December 1979 , when Europe more or less begged the US to act as its protector .
16 The Great War more or less put an end to the era of the great station and with it the period of the pre-eminence of the railways .
17 He more or less started the Gloucester County Youth Orchestra , which he conducted for 13 years , as well as running the County Music Summer Schools .
18 I believed at the time that I more or less grasped the metaphorical implications of this , but after I had put the phone down I found I was not as clear as I should have hoped to be about exactly what was required of me in concrete practical terms .
19 Or so said the signals on the pit wall .
20 The remaining half-dozen or so clasped the last tattered shreds of the undergraduate life around them to keep out the cold winds of the world .
21 On hearing about our plans for a summer course at Green Park in 1982 some 30 or so showed a positive interest in attending .
22 Only in the last year or so did the attack flow more regularly to the three-quarters , to make the best use of Cooper 's thrusts from fullback quite often finished off by Timu or an exciting youngster Marc Ellis from the wings .
23 Previous reports have found that parity did not increase the risk of symptomatic gall bladder disease , increased the risk after a single pregnancy , or only increased the risk after several pregnancies .
24 Apart from the military and administrative functions of the town , which included offices for collecting taxes from native and Russian alike , there was the beginning of a perish structure established by Orthodox clergy who had accompanied or soon followed the first government forces .
25 Such thoughts soothed me , and then the reality of what had happened would come shooting through my consciousness like a speedboat churning up a calm sea : how dare he decree that I must wear a badge indicating , for men 's convenience , whether I was available or already had an owner ?
26 But alas , most seemed to have been born with only one or just mislaid the other on the way .
27 Type Images , ( or just hit the key if you ca n't remember the name of the database ) .
28 That was the best way to find out how good you were at your job , whether you could regard yourself as being on a par with the best — or still had a lot to learn .
29 This duty might vary according to the nature of the contract of employment but would be broken if the employee copied or deliberately memorized a list of customers .
30 He concluded that after the main chute had failed to open , Mr Tipping ( 34 ) either could not locate the handle for the reserve chute or possibly pulled the dummy by mistake as he hurtled towards the ground .
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