Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 The recent history of educational innovation , from Nuffield and mixed ability onwards , shows that unless change is generated and/or wholeheartedly appropriated by teachers it will end up on the mounting scrap-heap of ‘ good ideas that never quite took off ’ .
2 Copyright protects your work from being copied or commercially exploited by someone else without your consent .
3 The high rates of known opioid use in Wallasey Village and Bebington may be partly or wholly explained by microdiffusion processes .
4 Areas of crustal subsidence usually form topographic features with minimal local relief because they become partly or wholly filled by sediment transported from surrounding highlands ; examples include the Lake Eyre Basin in southern Australia , the Kalahari Basin in southern Africa and the Ob Basin in the USSR .
5 The corporate power-brokers who dominated Los Angeles a decade ago when the Olympics were about to be staged — the oil moguls , the aerospace kings , the old movie-studio emperors — have now mostly left the scene : their firms broken up , in the hands of bureaucratic managers or wholly owned by foreigners .
6 There is an important stage at which the person-centred world is superseded or rather supplemented by the world of which the person is one part .
7 The ORTF had become too big to be effectively controlled politically by the Information Minister or effectively managed by DGs ( three between 1958 and 1964 ) ; the latter , whether top civil servants , ‘ conseillers d'etat ’ or not , were not broadcasting professionals and had too short a ‘ run ’ to master the vast and complex , heavily unionized and bureaucratic juggernaut that the ORTF had become .
8 The constitutional authorities were mindful of the constraints imposed by elections and trade unions , but the Left sees democracy in Britain as constrained , not by these things , but by the presence of unaccountable economic power and by the independent power of those closed and secret parts of the state machine that are not popularly elected and that are not even truly accountable to , or effectively controlled by , that part of Parliament that is subject to regular election by the people .
9 Other origins for the structure might be as well or better served by hot dark matter .
10 There is no reason at all to suppose that the policies of these states would have been more intelligent or less influenced by fear and ambition if they had been decided by parliaments elected on the widest and fairest franchise possible and carried out by diplomatic services freed from social distinctions .
11 All of these problems were more or less overcome by ingenious chemical manipulation , so that a very wide range of semi-synthetic penicillins have become available .
12 Since the Scotts , like so many other Borderers , more or less lived by making raids into the North of England in search of cattle , women and other benefits , Rankilburn was entirely in favour .
13 Number of blocks with a working interest of 10 per cent or less reduced by 42 per cent .
14 It is more or less surrounded by Centaurus ; the only other common boundary is with Musca .
15 If Gunnell herself has cashed in , she 's not been so blatant or obviously motivated by the financial side as other athletes .
16 Although it can not be entirely free of period distortions , it shows more modest fluctuations in fertility than the TFR and in particular gives an estimate of fertility of over 2 children for most of the time since 1972 , not the 1.8 or so given by the IFR .
17 Then she turned to speak to all the eagles there , for most were listening in silence to her except those , and there were some , who had been so long in the Cages or so affected by them that they showed interest in nothing but food , their spirit killed by imprisonment .
18 Instead , the sites are used by local residents , of who some 25 per cent or so come by foot and use the sites like an urban park , primarily to take a walk ( Harrison , 1981 ) .
19 Am I alone in questioning the wisdom of giving a gift which the donor can not afford and which must be paid at the ludicrous interest of 25 per cent or so charged by the credit card companies ?
20 The ecology wall charts were to be the most recent in a series of a dozen or so published by the Natural History Museum with sponsorship from BP and featured in their educational catalogue .
21 Later , when E.L.T. Mesens offered them his fabulous collection , which included a hundred or so works by Magritte , thirty by Max Ernst and twenty Dalís , asking only that the exhibition areas should bear his name , the directors were equally negative .
22 Its de facto leader — or so identified by the right-wing Springer press empire — was Rudi Dutskche .
23 Before I knew what I desired , the desire itself was gone , the whole glimpse withdrawn , the world turned commonplace again , or only stirred by a longing that had just ceased .
24 Because of the ontological indeterminacy inherent in the narrative , it is often impossible to tell who an interlocutor is , or whether a scene is being remembered or merely imagined by one of the characters involved .
25 The fact is that Dame Maggie alone owns to charisma , a responsibility which she bears with easy , unpretentious authority , dominating the stage whether bestriding it or merely sitting by idly .
26 The section provides that the Secretary of State may make provisions by regulations in relation to revised accounts and reports which , in particular , may : — make different provisions according to whether the previous documents are replaced or merely supplemented by a statement of corrections ; deal with the functions of the auditors ; require the directors to take specified steps in relation to circulation to members and others entitled under section 238 ; laying before a general meeting and delivery to the Registrar ; and the application of provisions of the Act ( including penalties ) .
27 Those less in touch with the feeling , or unconsciously consumed by repressed but unmitigated envy from their own infancy , are often in trouble when a real baby is part of the married scene .
28 Selection of this sort raises all kinds of problems of the sample being consciously or unconsciously affected by the selector 's personal biases .
29 C. A. Moser in Survey Methods in Social Investigation identifies three sources of bias in sample selection : ( 1 ) the use of a sampling frame which does not cover the population adequately , completely or accurately ; ( 2 ) the use of a ‘ non-random ’ method of sampling , so that the selection of subjects is consciously or unconsciously affected by human judgement ; and ( 3 ) the refusal to co-operate among some segments of the chosen population .
30 Although the choice of task may , according to this notion , be consciously or unconsciously determined by political factors , the subsequent choice of machine or technique to achieve the task is claimed to remain a politically neutral technical task ’
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