Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Othe possibilities include Brian Robson ( experienced international ) Ray Wilkins ( experienced & I think he 'd be pretty good ) .
2 Are we gon na do dates now or I think we regard the deputies visit as a special visit and
3 ‘ Norman Lamont is a good friend of the NHS and I am sure — or I think I am sure — that he will prove it , ’ Mr Clarke said .
4 The third floor was a no-smoking floor or I think I might have started smoking again after six years ' abstinence .
5 The sort of stuff that you get in in y'know sort of everyday gossip between friends about y'know when people talk about each- other , oh I think he 's a bit er I think he 's a bit camp , or I think he probably is but erm yeah yeah all that kind of thing yeah erm is is like the the informal repertoire , the informal repertoire that you do between friends erm , between people to whom it sort of y'know it 's not very important if you give them the wrong impression sort of thing .
6 I , I can remember once I , I think it was Hill , or I think it was Estate , it was quite a new estate in those , in those days when I , when I was there .
7 On 2 May 1839 Prince wrote to Gould in Australia warning him of Swainson 's impending visit : ‘ Mr. Yarrell has just called and requested me to tell you that Mr Swainson is going to Australia whether to collect or to settle is not known at present but he considered it of importance that you should know it as quickly as possible not that either he or I think it can in any way affect you as you have so good a start and his wonted and well known irregularity of publication will surely militate against him . ’
8 Things we think you might be interested or I think you might be interested in talking about this morning .
9 Also , you think you deserve it or you think you 've earned it or you think you can afford it , and everyone began to act like that .
10 Also , you think you deserve it or you think you 've earned it or you think you can afford it , and everyone began to act like that .
11 Now if you did recognize the voice or you think you can help the police then there 's a free phone number to contact it 's O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine it 's O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine that 's a free phone number so it wo n't cost you anything to call O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine it 's the number to call if you did recognize the voice there or you think you can help the police in any way O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine and there 'll be more on that in our next main news which is on the way at one o'clock .
12 Now if you did recognize the voice or you think you can help the police then there 's a free phone number to contact it 's O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine it 's O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine that 's a free phone number so it wo n't cost you anything to call O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine it 's the number to call if you did recognize the voice there or you think you can help the police in any way O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine and there 'll be more on that in our next main news which is on the way at one o'clock .
13 So you would know the output rate , or you think you 'd know the output rates but you only know those output rates if somebody bothered to collect them !
14 And you think that 's not just a sort of relatively recent phenomenon in the sense of you know , the sort of mid nineteen thirties or you think it 's always been there ?
15 Or you could just write about how you enjoyed the story or you did n't enjoy the story , or you think it 's a great story , or what actually happened in the story .
16 But if we do not think that , er or we think there are possibly problems in in relation to using protective clothing , we will also do that .
17 They often agree to intercourse because they feel they must or they think they 've got to a certain age where they have to do it .
18 Or they think they do .
19 Or they think they are . ’
20 He explains : My boys are grown up — or they think they are .
21 Or they think they do n't need it .
22 Or they think they are .
23 Whether they themselves are therefore put off the idea or they think their clients will object , is hard to say , as very few bureaux seem to have given the system a try .
24 And I think her judgement is impaired by the fact she feels nervous .
25 And I think her husband will probably die before she will but erm he cos he 's older than she is even , but erm and he 's not very well , has n't been for a long time .
26 Very briefly Chair , to say I think nothing 's perfect , as I said , I mean there are areas that still need to be improved , and I think our , the image and in a sense our marketing section does need to be improved , and I think no-one would deny that .
27 Then I think I read some of my favourite English poems — Hardy , Hopkins , Housman , Blake , Yeats , Edward Thomas , Wilfred Owen , and I think one each by Ted Hughes and Thom Gunn , the only contemporaries I could stand at that time .
28 But no , and I think one could assume , and indeed expect , that they 'll now stay that way .
29 And I think one might go on to argue that far from saving labour it creates it — that its function is to give one the task of understanding it .
30 Erm , I would have to say that 's going to be in the range of five hundred to six hundred , and very much depends to some extent on what happens in the winter months , and I 'm sorry to keep stressing this point , but we have n't yet got twelve months ' experience of operating this particular change , and until we 've got at least a year 's experience , and I think one would have to say , that some of the figures need to be portioned , but equally , you ca n't afford to be too cavalier in terms of your assumptions about that demand might reduce to , and I 'll touch a little later on how you control expenditure in those terms .
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