Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] are so " in BNC.

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1 But now Don and I are so straight it 's not true .
2 Prunella and I are so careful .
3 I feel almost ashamed that Tony and I are so lucky .
4 ‘ Your mother and I are so pleased you are so happy .
5 Charles and I are so sorry to miss you and most grateful to you for guarding our chattels while we gallivant round Italy .
6 But and I are so used to early rising now that we were awake betimes as usual .
7 And you are so old . ’
8 But we may well have seen them without registering that fact ; perhaps a film is set in a particular location and we are so involved in the plot that the background scenery enters only our subconscious mind .
9 I count it a double honour to represent Framlingham this afternoon and to offer you a welcome back , a welcome into our homes which we look forward to seeing you on Saturday and we are so thrilled to think that so many of you have made the journey back to visit us and I echo the sentiments of another speaker , do n't let it be so long before you come again .
10 and we are so much younger
11 These eruptions give rise to rocks known as ignimbrites , and they are so powerful that tens of cubic kilometres of ignimbrite can be erupted in nuee ardente-like incandescent clouds in the space of a few hours or days .
12 Such attitudes to both the giving and receiving of aid ( and they are so common ) spell the same dismal answer — an opportunity missed , for how much could have been achieved by a well-funded national commission .
13 I 've seen the transport systems in Barcelona and Paris and they are so much better than ours it 's embarrassing . ’
14 ‘ This is horrible , especially for the children , ’ she says , ‘ because children are not guilty and they are so frightened of everything .
15 They rap , they rock ( rack ? rop ? ) , they 're tighter than a miner 's shopping budget , they scare the shit out of the entire convention with a brutality that could put Rollins to shame and they are so flabbergastingly right for 1992 they ca n't possibly fail to sell , ooooh , millions .
16 the forces of the countries of the socialist camp are so great today and they are so strong economically that they can fully take upon themselves , on the basis of the development of normal trade relations , the provision of Cuba with all the necessary goods which are denied her by the United States … the Soviet Union is prepared to deliver oil and other goods in amounts fully meeting the requirements of Cuba , in exchange for Cuban goods .
17 These interpretations have met some opposition on two main counts : very few of the presumed terraces have beach material on them and they are so fragmentary as to rouse the criticism that their interpretation is at times subjective rather than objective .
18 And they are so beautiful , and so much alike . ’
19 I had one of those yoghurts last night , and they are so nice .
20 People who have been encouraged to visit something , or somewhere , or some place , when they 've done so say ‘ well , I 've lived here , you know , X number of years and this is the first time I 've been here ’ and they are so pleased .
21 But you are so used to an unquestioned independence that you forget how many people do n't have it , people who , in human terms , Christian terms even , have just as much right to it as you do .
22 Raynor said softly , ‘ But you are so beautiful that men would die for you , ’ and Grainne looked up , startled , because the words had been so soft that she could not be sure she had heard them correctly , yet she knew she had .
23 I 've thought about it but we are so different , with you being a thief and I 'm just an ordinary woman . ’
24 ‘ My impulse was to pick them up and hug them , but they are so frail I was afraid they would break .
25 Having tried out these various methods you might consider them too time-consuming to use for large areas but they are so attractive that they can be put to good use as trimmings .
26 These may all be worthy aims , but they are so far removed from the reality of most house officers ' experiences as to be laughable .
27 The amphiuma , from the same part of the world , still possesses all four of its limbs but they are so minuscule that you have to look very carefully if you are not to miss them .
28 The dicta in Reg. v. Director of Serious Fraud Office , Ex parte Saunders are not , of course , binding on us , but they are so closely linked to the ratio that we think it would be wrong to depart from them .
29 Oh I 'm sorry but they are so , oh what , well actually we live in Majorca you know ?
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