Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] be me " in BNC.

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1 Speed was required last night , and It 's Me won the £3,000 first prize by 0.98sec from Marie Edgar on Everest Sure Thing .
2 It means that someone is being kept out of the know , and it 's often been me in the past , and it 's me now .
3 It 's a cold , ragged , gypsy girl with filthy feet , and it 's me .
4 It was me who cut her ropes and killed the men aboard her , and it 's me who has sailed her to a place where you 'll never find her .
5 ‘ I 've got eyes and it 's me that had to brush his clothes .
6 I 've told him : sinful pride and it 's me and my children who suffer . ’
7 we won five one Wednesday and it was me that lost .
8 And it was me , and I was due to have Nicola the next month , at the beginning of May that the and I said no , I said !
9 I said to Bev erm do n't mean to say , I mean I might get home and find she 's got a phone call but she said to me yes I mean we , she did think of going out yesterday , and it was me that stopped it but if I feel so inclined today we 'll go down if she 's in
10 I am not a full man , and nothing can ever alter that ; but I am me , and I regard that as compensation enough .
11 ‘ You belong to the SD now and Reichsführer Himmler , but it is me you answer to and no one else , so to start with : this message from your cousin in London .
12 But it 's me , ’ said Endill , wondering why Blunset had n't recognised him .
13 But it 's me , Blunset , ’ repeated Endill , not knowing what else to say .
14 I would n't mind so much but it was me who had to make all the moves when Andy and I first got started . ’
15 Mum felt that she 's failed me by not stopping me sooner , but it was me who 'd let us both down .
16 But it was me that skipped sideways on to the cobbles .
17 I could have resisted him until we were married , and I know he would have waited , but it was me who did n't want to wait .
18 ‘ Ah , but it was me , Miss Honey , ’ Matilda said .
19 But it was me she wanted to talk to now .
20 But it was me who allowed myself to get fat , so it was me who had to make the effort to get slim .
21 Both of us went down and rolled off the hard , wet pavement into the gutter , but it was me who cracked the back of his head en route and me who got a boot in the stomach which even my US Navy parka did little to cushion .
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