Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] say [that] " in BNC.

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1 I phoned Fr Nick to express our sympathy and condolences and I said that we would offer 11.00 Mass to day for her .
2 Recently , we were having a debate in the Lords and we got on to nationalization and I said that one thing that we need to nationalize in this country is the Treasury , but nobody has ever succeeded .
3 I met the promoter at a party and he was looking for an opening act and I said that I had this dance band which would be a perfect opener for Gary Glitter and he took us on .
4 There was a lot of laughter , not the least when someone asked the whereabouts of Alan and Joy , and I said that Alan had gone to be induced !
5 He was very interested and he would like to meet us and I said that if he 's actually doing a directory
6 Professor Ferguson and I said that a routine clinical history and examination ( preferably in private ) were essential in helping to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment of all patients , particularly in people who might be under the mistaken impression that their symptoms were due to allergy .
7 So , I gave you two examples and I said that it was often
8 Then she asked why I was laughing again , and I said that that was n't what had happened , and she looked angry , and I had a shower .
9 I could n't accept it ; my resolve to carry on snapped and I said that if they were going to do this , then 1 , too , would not eat .
10 ‘ It 's nothing to cry about , ’ said my mother contemptuously , and I said that I was n't crying .
11 Well then er quite , so he said erm it was all quiet and I looked up into the darkness and I said that the old fellow had gone and he litten his fuse and there was me there I could see the sparks in the darkness and I was way twenty feet below him and he must have whatsit .
12 There was therefore no longer any reason for or point in hesitation ; and I said that if I were the choice that I would respond to the best of my ability …
13 Well I did think about it but the Careers Officer advised me no cos he thought that you have to be really really good before y get in and he asked me if I thought I was really good and I said that well I was not too bad but and he said that he thought it would be better to concentrate on something else .
14 tutorial programme , we talked last , last term er and I said that I 'd like to as soon as possible put up a complete programme of titles , it would be nice if we could have a little er what am I supposed to call them ?
15 I find this a little strange since he was quite happy to support us when my colleague and I said that there was a greater good to be considered and that people had issues that had to be raised in that area above and beyond the local community .
16 This is erm Nick and I said that erm it 's rather confusing here because on the one hand he represents the American dream boy because he 's young , he 's beautiful , he 's got his future ahead of him .
17 He represents the past and he keeps talking about history because he is history and I said that he 's he represents old fashioned moral values .
18 Well , she tells me that she is going to throw Shaun out because Shaun is boring , er , Don put her , Shaun she has no respect for she says because he has n't got a job , he wo n't get a job , he wo n't work , and she said to Lee what did I think of the idea of taking Pete back , once they were properly divorced take Pete back just as a lover and I said that sounds to me to be a very good idea , I said then your not at his mercy because anybody who 's at Pete 's mercy will suffer , his got a very nasty streak , his got a nasty snide way of putting things .
19 And er , I told Adele that , and I said that erm my mum erm said that I was better off sticking with you , playing with you cos Jessica erm is just between the two like like me .
20 But he said er , and I said that I gather you 're seeing Lynda the weekend if you do find anything perhaps you could pass it on to her .
21 does , , he came in one day and I said that we really do n't travel a lot you know
22 Yeah , and I said erm , and I said that were n't , if that was n't enough I said bearing in mind he 'd just come out of intensive care off a life support machine , I said and which I think that , that tells us that he needs a bit of extra care compared to some of them on the ward , I said I know they 're all important and I know you 're busy but I said I think you should 've had a bit of priority , he was dying , and you know he 's dying , you 'd been told , she said yes that 's right , I said but what really broke my bloody heart was from one o'clock that dinner time he sat in that chair , we left that hospital at half past eight and you assured us he 'd go to bed and when we came in the next morning at half past ten Joy he sat there exactly the bloody same , in the same filthy blanket and the same catheter on him , oh I went fucking mad and I said how dare you , I said because somebody 's told they 're dying does that mean they 've got to be forgot ?
23 And I told him that you had all the gear and I said that you wanted sixteen .
24 We 've been in a couple of times and I said that I wanted a chaise you see ooh I got this erm one for Victorian one it 's very nice , and lovely warm you know , the legs anyway it was one one thousand three hundred you see , so I thought , oh I said well I did n't wan na
25 you know and I said that so I put that on , he said and what you actually want them to collect
26 Frankly she goes , she goes yeah he 's alright she said but he 's too two faced and I said that does n't sound like him , I said I thought he was quite nice and she goes yeah well he is she says he says one thing to you and then you find out that he 's said something completely different and you hear another side of it .
27 I started it basically on my own initiative and I said that for six months I would use it on people that I was going to sentence just to maintain a one judge control over the project and see how it was going .
28 No , I mean , I wrote down here what tone of voice — English obsession with newspaper class , which is what I was talking about format which you covered , and I said that I felt that in the States that seems to an outsider only the New York Times , but even that sort of , as you say , covers a whole range of non-quality , from a British point of view non-quality , press .
29 Des transmits that he found me , and I say that I 'm going over to the flats to see what 's happening , but both Des and the radio warn me off .
30 As for the point my hon. Friend raises about the Opposition 's attitude to legislation , it is up to the Opposition to speak for themselves — and I say that knowing that they will do so honourably .
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