Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] was to " in BNC.

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1 When a special event or a victory like the Nile , Trafalgar or Waterloo was to be announced , the Mail Coach and horses were decorated with laurels and a red flag floated from the roof of the coach .
2 Just a month later however , this great work was threatened by an advertisement in the Mercury which stated that another plan of Manchester & Salford was to be on the market and carried out by J. Oldham .
3 Classes were allocated and Balbinder was to be in class 1 with a Mrs Allinson and a nursery assistant .
4 They had left school that summer , not wishing to study any more , and Fontanellato was to be their home until the end of the war .
5 What was good for catholics was also good for protestants , and Ireland was to be no exception .
6 These ‘ cardinal points ’ , they now proposed , should find expression through a series of experimental poems in which Coleridge was to concern himself with subjects ‘ supernatural , or at least romantic ’ , and Wordsworth was to ‘ give the charm of novelty to things of every day ’ , seeking for characters and incidents ‘ such … as will be found in every village ’ .
7 The work of Hume , Kant and Lessing was to be of especial significance for theology ; for while they undermined the earlier kind of rationalism by restricting the claims and powers of reason and pointing to the sheer variety and diversity of history , they raised equally sharp questions for theologians .
8 The animosity between Stratford and Kilsby was to some extent personal , yet even where it was related to principles , they were set within revealing limits of assumptions , experience and motives .
9 English fiction in 1945 was already beginning to return to its eighteenth-century roots — a return confirmed soon after by Kingsley Amis , John Wain and Iris Murdoch , where the realism of Defoe and Fielding was to be self-consciously revived .
10 This new era which opened the century in both Britain and America was to be characterized by an increased politicization of the city as political parties widened their hold , by an increased interest in every aspect of city life , and by increased regulation through political and philanthropic agencies .
11 For , like tribal art , the Cubism of Picasso and Braque was to be essentially conceptual .
12 Another , less obvious factor , seldom mentioned , was that Chapman was planning a major expansion of Lotus ( his road cars and not his race cars ) in America , and Mario was to be , for him , an important marketing tool .
13 However , if what I had seen take place between him and Otto was to be a habit , I did not want to be a spectator to it .
14 On 29 June 1559 , Henri wrote to the pope , that notorious bombast Paul IV , about ‘ the incredible disaster which has since befallen the realm of Scotland to our extreme regret , disgust and displeasure ’ ; the letter stated his ‘ confidence in God who is so signally offended at this wretched plague of ruffians ’ , but God was to be given worldly assistance in the shape of ‘ a large and sufficient force of French soldiers , infantry and cavalry ’ .
15 Scholars and gentlemen were much given to complaining of the venality and corruption of stationers , but Martyn was to a large extent an exception .
16 But Mosley was to be no one 's pawn .
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