Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He must have removed the remains of the heart from the carpet , or Michael or Maria had cleared it up , like the mouse .
2 They 'd be able to get in unless Jack or Tom had put a padlock on since he 'd last been there .
3 MacGibbon & Kee had published a book by him about the Suez affair .
4 Or Sam had found Zeno by the noise : he was captured .
5 On the other hand , the despair and decay of much of the northeast or Merseyside had left their mark , too .
6 DC & CA had received requests from external institutions for labels to be made .
7 Authorities such as Rochdale ( Grt Manchester ) and Tyne & Wear had used existing legislation to declare informal IIAs before 1977 .
8 Sarella failed to gather in her scattering thoughts , but knew that whatever she or Peter had said was being stacked against her , no matter how innocent it really was .
9 In reply , the plaintiffs argued that either Pan Am or Aviv had waived that protection by knowingly leaking the report to the media , and Chief Judge Platt referred the issue to Magistrate Judge Allyne Ross for a ruling .
10 Even in the fading light it impressed her , if only because it was worse even than she had imagined — or Lionel had said .
11 It was rather as though Attlee or Macmillan had spent post-war autumn holidays at Saratoga Springs while eschewing any contact with the United Nations in New York .
12 CW & RP had prepared a list of security risk areas , which included :
13 Above their heads the music still throbbed , more sweetly now since either David or Sandra had switched the records to more old-fashioned melodies .
14 An early-morning meeting with Goodwin , finance director Rodger Braidwood , Lazard 's — the company 's bank — and stockbroker Carr Kitcat & Aitken had confirmed the chief 's Friday night order .
15 There were notices all over , but that was like the Army to bring her all the way over to Sweetmary not knowing Hatch & Hodges had shut down its stage service .
16 Unquestionably , if either Richard or John had married her , it would have added plausibility to Philip 's claim that this vital territory was his sister 's marriage portion and , as such , might one day be returned to France .
17 Of course it turned out not to be a Gainsborough , in spite of what Evans or Owens had said .
18 Over his coffee , Pascoe toyed with permutations of possibilities in which Felstead or Evans had written the letter ( all the letters ? ) , in which Mary Connon had a lover ( someone at the Club ?
19 Whereas his state visits to Washington , London or Bonn had given Ceauşescu enormous status even within Romania , his tireless travelling around the Third World helped to undermine respect for him at home .
20 A strange fierce joy had filled him after that , and he had n't really heard anything Ashton or Smith had said to him .
21 It had been such a good idea and all that had resulted from it was a double punishment for her and a complete failure to make anyone believe to Alicia or Daryl had played the trick .
22 Quite apart from blackmail the New Zealand police had no proof that either Mafart or Prieur had planted the bombs so when the two appeared in court in Auckland on 4 November 1985 the prosecution announced that they had accepted a plea of manslaughter .
23 Until now neither Lineker nor Taylor had admitted what everyone close to the England camp knew — they simply did not get on .
24 A second vote for the " leader " was postponed for at least two months , since neither Barzani nor Talabani had won an overall majority .
25 The parliament , designed to promote political and economic integration in the region , was formally established on Oct. 28 by Honduras , Guatemala , and El Salvador , but its credibility was immediately in question as neither Costa Rica nor Nicaragua had joined , for domestic constitutional reasons , and would remain as observers .
26 After the funeral at Golders Green Crematorium , the entire Williams clan — including cousins neither Pat nor Ken had seen for a quarter of a century — assembled for drinks , ‘ a real old Cockney wake , ’ as Pat put it .
27 Whether he was feeling the cold neither McCrea nor Sam had thought to ask , but he had put on jeans , his new cashmere sweater over his shirt and a zip-up leather jacket .
28 Bull revealed : ‘ Alex Ferguson contacted me later and was incredibly apologetic , saying that neither he nor Edwards had contacted Barnet . ’
29 At the time Circular 7/88 was published , neither Cambridgeshire nor Solihull had had any experience of the use of funding based on a formula .
30 Which was how Thorfinn of Orkney and Scotia learned that the wind had achieved what neither Rognvald nor Norway had managed to do .
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