Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [coord] his " in BNC.

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1 Men like the radical literary critic of the 1840s , V. G. Belinsky , or Chernyshevsky and his colleague N. A. Dobroliubov , were cold and embittered men .
2 I want to thank Mum and Dad for throwing this lovely party so that you could meet Annabelle and her family ( or Steven and his family ) .
3 However , the two men he approached to arrange the murder were undercover detectives and Taylor and his daughter were arrested .
4 And William and his family sported the Titford arms , listed in Burke 's General Armory as : ‘ Gules .
5 As the sun climbed higher in the sky , the heat grew gradually more oppressive , and Chuck and his father also retreated to the shade of their cabins .
6 Their selection spreads over Sickert 's entire career , ranging through his music hall and theatre subjects , his studies of Venice and Dieppe and his later pictures which were based upon photographs .
7 Several attempts were made to construct such a theory by such people as Watson , Thorndike , Hull , Tolman and Köhler and his colleagues .
8 Vinnie Kilduff , accomplished on tin whistle , guitar , mandolin , uilleann pipes , bodhran and piano , has played with a host of bands including ‘ In Tua Nua ’ , U2 , The Waterboys and Clannad and his recent solo album ‘ The Boys from the Blue Hill ’ is simply stunning .
9 664 to be succeeded by his kinsmen , Sigehere and Saebbi ( see Appendix , Fig.2 ) , and Sigehere and his people lapsed into paganism in the plague of 664 , it was Wulfhere who organized their reconversion ( HE 111 , 30 ) .
10 They did not need an extra hand until harvest , he had said , or even later when they could lay off the casual help and Richard and his father would be more than sufficient labour to see the small hill farm through the winter .
11 tres beau , cos there 's the living room , its like he 's got two living rooms and Richard and his sister and there 's a vid there a telly and a video in each of them , buggers
12 ‘ It 's serious ! ’ said Robert , ‘ and Rafiq and his boys wo n't stop at a few groans this time .
13 But in the third and final part of his expectations , Pip redeems himself by his loyalty towards Magwitch and his attempt to make things up to Joe and Biddy and his pursuit of the truth .
14 Coke 's juridical ideas lived on through Hale and Mansfield and his political ideas filter through the work of Blackstone and Burke .
15 When Ma had come home from London with her there 'd been great excitement , and Edward and his brother Billy had looked at the mite as if she were a fairy found among the budding snowdrops .
16 However , his ultimate intentions must remain doubtful because in September Warwick and Clarence invaded with French backing and Edward and his brother had to flee into exile in the Low Countries .
17 However , his ultimate intentions must remain doubtful because in September Warwick and Clarence invaded with French backing and Edward and his brother had to flee into exile in the Low Countries .
18 It traces Alfie 's career on the field with Downpatrick and Ireland and his rise to the top of officialdom 's tree , highlighting the impact he made for essential change in promoting the game and in the need for better communication .
19 It traces Alfie 's career on the field with Downpatrick and Ireland and his rise to the top of officialdom 's tree , highlighting the impact he made for essential change in promoting the game and in the need for better communication .
20 The usurpers or foreign kings will have included Caedwalla and Swaefheard and his family .
21 If we do n't get together collectively to get rid this government , you and your families and Mick and his grandchildren , there wo n't be a health service there .
22 These were men unmarked by battle who screamed indistinguishable news as they rode , so that over the river and through the trees you could glimpse the turning masks of grinning enemy faces , while on this side of the river the King put up his hand and Tuathal and his men came to a halt .
23 Dilly , the little dinosaur with the 150-miles-per-hour scream , is the centre of attention in Dilly 's Birthday Party and Dilly and His Swamp Lizard by Tony Bradman ( Mammoth , £3.50 and £2.99 respectively ) .
24 Stirling of Craigbarnet , an impoverished member of an important regional family , was the first to solicit support for his attempt to displace Kirkton , and Craigbarnet and his relatives were friends of the Montrose political interest and therefore dangerous to offend .
25 This saves time and money and Robert and his team will be looking for further ways of working with them to streamline the process .
26 Canada in the Spring is already planned and Roy and his wife , Ann , are finalising the details of what promises to be an exciting six-week sojourn .
27 The entire ‘ BRIDGES ’ section fell on top of a bunch of frantic pupils and Tock and his protective case were knocked over in the confusion .
28 The aspect of society which is seen to be most important in this respect is called the dominant instance , and Althusser and his followers argue that it is determined in the last instance by the economy .
29 They had seen the rise in output from the giants Fender and Gibson have an adverse effect on quality ( in short , they were n't making 'em like they used to ) and Jol and his team were determined to put matters straight .
30 And Lee and his girl-friend , Suzanne , drove up from Plymouth in time to miss it , but joined us for dinner at Browns .
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