Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 Unlike other UK retailers in the Canadian market — Boots came out last year and Marks & Spencer has been struggling to break even — WH Smith has shown profits growth .
2 MARKS & Spencer has been criticised by mothers who claim that it is Britain 's least parent-friendly stores group .
3 History might have been different if Cleopatra 's nose had been longer or Napoleon had been taller .
4 The European eco-label designed by Newel & Sorrell has been thrown into confusion following the introduction by France and the Netherlands of their own individual labels .
5 Costain , Tarmac , John Laing and Higgs & Hill have been forced to make huge provisions and cut their dividends .
6 If only Teddy or Richard had been spared from that terrible war , she would n't be cast out like this .
7 She asked whether Joseph or Merlyn had been back earlier .
8 I think we have to recognize that the effect of these images and the conflicts from which they spring in Brent or Bradford has been to call into question any antiracist or multicultural project in education and indeed the idea of antiracism in general .
9 But how much work was done , how much , if any , ore was obtained and how long the Quakers or Patrickson had been at work we may never discover .
10 However , much misunderstanding surrounds the nature of the so-called ‘ one voice ’ campaign which Caterer & Hotelkeeper has been instrumental in promoting .
11 In religious matters the restoration of monarchy was followed by the decisive establishment of the power of the Church of England , and in constitutional questions Charles showed that he was much more resigned to the need to work with Parliament than either Charles I or Cromwell had been , but in colonial affairs there was no change of direction , though the new government may have been able to follow its policy with more continuity than its predecessor .
12 Ernst & Young has been the exclusive distributor for KnowledgeWare in Europe since 1986 , but the company now has direct distribution operations in most European countries including Belgium , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Italy , the Netherlands , Norway , Portugal , Spain , Sweden and the UK .
13 D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles has been appointed for the UK launch next month of Procter & Gamble 's sanpro range Always .
14 When the apostles wrote letters to their friends and colleagues they were always trying to pass on words of encouragement and the people who received these letters regarded them as precious sources of information , that is why many of the letters of Paul or John or Peter have been carefully guarded and handed down to ourselves .
15 For the US or Britain to have been the first to recognize Bao Dai would , said Acheson , have been to give him the kiss of death .
16 JAM & LEWIS have been here before , and that 's why you ca n't trust 'em .
17 Frederick Montague gave evidence to the Commissioners that no Court of Attachment or Swanimote had been held in Salcey Forest since he became Ranger , ‘ and I doubt whether such Courts have been held ever since the Rangership has been in my Family , which is about 120 years ’ .
18 Hearts , who have been at Tynecastle since 1886 , decided to redevelop their existing stadium after plans to move to a greenfield site at Hermiston or Millerhill had been rejected by Lothian Regional Council .
19 When the Validation program has been run and the output in VALIFY.TXT and/or VALIDATE.MOD or VALIFY.CRC has been checked and is found to be satisfactory , the LIFESPAN system may be restarted .
20 Federal US prosecutors say that a former partner at Frost & Sullivan has been indicted for allegedly trading on inside information stolen from the law firm of Skadden , Arps , Slate , Meagher & Flom : Michael Borlinghaus was indicted for allegedly receiving the non-public information from an IBM Corp executive and the allegation is that Borlinghaus , his friend and neighbour Leonard Bellezza , and others traded on the information ; he faces a possible maximum prison term of 20 years and fines of more than $1m if he is convicted of the offence .
21 Fiona & Paul had been together for six years before deciding to tie the knot .
22 Incumbent Saatchi & Saatchi has been using a 90-second ad with the key line ‘ For him , for her , forever …
23 Prima facie either the settlor has made a chargeable transfer which has attracted CTT on the value transferred ( unless his death before the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , has prevented his disposition from being a chargeable transfer by giving rise to liability to estate duty under Section 2 ( 1 ) ( c ) of the Finance Act , 1894 ) or , in the case of a mortis causa settlement , either estate duty or CTT has been paid on his testamentary estate .
24 Midlands , West & Wales has been awarded a £1.4 million contract by the Ministry of Education to build a two-storey extension to the Pates Grammar School in Cheltenham .
25 There would have been objections if areas of Scotland or Wales had been linked with parts of England for convenience er of this review , but it seems Cornwall once again as a distinct and separate identity , continues to be ignored .
26 Wheldon & Wesley has been appointed sole distributor for Europe and America by Yasaka Shobo Inc , Japan .
27 When on 5 September the Lords Lieutenant of the four most northerly counties were ordered to make their respective militias ready for immediate service , it emerged that neither Northumberland nor Durham had been reimbursed by central government for the money they had previously spent in keeping the force mustered , while the authorities in Cumberland admitted candidly : ‘ T is so long since the militia was raised that we are apprehensive the arms are either lost or in bad order . ’
28 Of the previous four presidents one , Johnson , had been effectively driven from office by the failure of his Vietnam policy ; one , Nixon , had resigned in disgrace and neither Ford nor Carter had been able to cope with the limits on presidential power .
29 It is still a sore point with both grandparents that neither Alice nor Henry have been baptized .
30 Laing and Costain had been medium and small building firms respectively in the north of England before both moved south to London and prospered …
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