Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] did not " in BNC.

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1 The Greeks did not react — or rather did not go beyond the surface of Roman life — until they found themselves faced with a first-class power which had defeated the Greek armies of Pyrrhus on the open field .
2 Apparently , not everyone agreed , or perhaps did not get what they considered to be their fair share , for eventually the Backless baron was transported to Australia , no doubt to become another ‘ Wild Colonial Boy ’ .
3 Even those who had arrived in early 1939 or before did not as yet have complete command of English and this made communication with their new and sometimes reluctant hosts difficult .
4 The other partners are only safe if the individual who acted had no authority in fact and the party with whom he dealt either knew about the absence of authority or else did not know or believe the individual to be a partner .
5 The stewards established there had been interference , but it was accidental and had taken place before the second last and thereby did not count under the rules .
6 Roy 's Dream had won the Town Arms and Ladhope Inn Novices ' Chase , so his owner pocketed £2,788 prize-money and presumably did not feel harshly treated either .
7 After a hearing in 1976 , the Chief Commons Commissioner found that the road verges were part of the highway , and so did not fall within the definition of ‘ common land ’ in section 22(1) of the Act .
8 However , there was one big kolkhoz consisting of 150 households only 20 versts from Roslavl' that was said to be too well satisfied with itself , and so did not welcome visits from the town .
9 In practice , that rarely happened because , they said , people from Awlad Amira and from Jlulat were travelling in a vast area and so did not often meet ; and because , knowing that all Jlulat would unite , Amira refrained from attack , and vice versa .
10 Ranulf and the lay brother were left behind as Thomas explained that the Picti were secretive people , hostile to those races who had pushed them from their lands and so did not take kindly to strangers .
11 At other times they did not have transport and so did not travel .
12 The only problem was that the big men in Formula One were not delegated at the Plenary Conference of FISA and so did not have a vote .
13 The police were advised that it was a potentially fatal weapon , but when the case was brought before Mr Bros at Clerkenwell , he ruled that although the pistol was a ‘ weapon ’ it was not a ‘ firearm ’ , and so did not fall within the prohibitions of the Act .
14 Admittedly , the media was quite coarse , and so did not trap smaller suspended dirt particles .
15 Tyler Blacklock had little interest in the millinery world , for he hardly ever wore a hat and so did not move in such circles ; neither had he made enquiries with regard to Beth or her husband .
16 Both thought they knew Rachaela 's life and so did not ask many questions .
17 As she paced , unaware of the picture she presented of extreme agitation , she looked only at the ground , and so did not know that she was observed .
18 Cuban officials had made clear that these spoiled or blank ballots would not be considered valid and so did not affect the election .
19 It was the end of the ST–18 , General Aircraft did not have the money to build another one , and perhaps did not feel inclined to , with the lukewarm interest they had experienced .
20 He made no announcement until 19 October , and perhaps did not even close his own mind until no more than a week earlier , but on 3 October , the same day that the Italian attack was eventually launched , he went to Bournemouth and for the first time in seven years addressed the Conservative Party Conference .
21 From some remarks in Sir Alfred Ayer 's autobiography ( Part of my Life Vol. 1 , 1978 ) , it seems that the two met infrequently and perhaps did not altogether get on .
22 Lily too had noticed the policeman by now and perhaps did not want to encounter him .
23 In many parts of the Asian elephants ' range the slaughter began with the coming of colonial man , who not only shot for sport but also cleared the forest for rubber and other crops and naturally did not want elephants to undo his good work .
24 The gardener Thomas Knowlton was more of a plantsman and obviously did not really enjoy digging the lakes or ‘ canals ’ as he called them .
25 Baldwin was half with him , but was ‘ suffering from sciatica and obviously did not know which way to turn in the midst of his conflicting advisers ’ .
26 Having eaten well the day before he was not hungry and anyway did not trust the Men .
27 But more important , she realized that the gesture was available to all and thus did not really belong to her : when she waved her arm , she was actually committing theft or forgery .
28 Control subjects that experienced training in which the immediate consequences of the light did not differ in their reinforcing value from one trial to another ( for these the interval between the offset of the light and food delivery was fixed and thus did not depend on whether it contained a tone or a clicker ) showed a steady decline in the frequency of the OR .
29 The yard did not appreciate the significance of the words , ‘ without prejudice to our rights , ’ the owners realised that this was so and deliberately did not draw the yard 's attention to the significance of the reservation .
30 Charles was not inclined to look too hard at what he was giving away in the charters he issued , and he issued two charters , one to the Earl of Carlisle and one to Sir William Courteen , which covered the same islands , probably because people in England did not know much about the geography of the area and possibly did not much care .
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