Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] in all " in BNC.

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1 Most conspicuous is the practice of placing large rhomboids in the rectangular panels which lie adjacent to a central square — in two panels ( e.g. pls. 23 , 13 , and 11 ) or possibly in all four ( e.g. pI .
2 This applies where two companies have used identical or similar marks for at least five years or more in all honesty and have built up goodwill in ignorance of the use of the mark by the other company .
3 While this change was not the immediate source of the popular jingoism that swept the lower middle classes in Britain at the time of the Boer War , or later in all the Great Powers in 1914 , nonetheless popular nationalism and imperialism were becoming factors in national politics .
4 Reflux was seen in the standard test or at cine-cardiography , or both in all cases , endoscopic oesophagitis in 16 ( 12 histologically confirmed ) , and 36 had positive Bernstein-Baker test .
5 The claim that declination is universally unmarked in English , or even in all languages , is a strong one .
6 The world has not seen more than once or twice in all the course of history a literature which has exercised such prodigious influence over the minds of men , over every cast and shade of intellect , as that which emanated from Rousseau between 1749 and 1762 .
7 I mean the big ones erm , obviously are the erm , savings of the U S A on telecommunications and freight er , but then there 's lots and lots of things , for instance , the one I mentioned at Minton , two hundred and fifty thousand and so in all of our businesses , you know those , many , many small items .
8 The head , body and arms rise upwards and outwards in all the happy emotions as can be seen in the final dances of The Sleeping Beauty , La Fille Mal Gardée and Daphnis and Chloë .
9 The church must seek to develop its spiritual and personal resources to minister imaginatively and responsibly in all of these situations in its care of people from the cradle to the grave .
10 In London , and later in all major cities , new impervious trunk sewers were built on scientific principles to replace or intercept the old ducts and to ensure that all sewage was discharged downstream .
11 It may be described in general terms as a duty which requires a partner to act openly , fairly and honestly in all partnership dealings and which prohibits his obtaining any private benefit at the expense of the firm .
12 These tests increased the quantity of carbon-14 in the atmosphere and hence in all photosynthetic material .
13 This was how he had felt , yesterday , the days before yesterday , and intermittently in all the thousands of days since childhood .
14 Secondly , English contributes to preparation for the adult world : people need to be able to communicate effectively and appropriately in all the widely different social situations in which they find themselves .
15 Many of these boats had been supplied to foreign naval powers and had been proved able and fast in all sea conditions .
16 But the chances are that the momentum of this week 's success will carry his Christian Democrats to victory in West Germany 's election in December and then in all of Germany next year .
17 Gallup first asked in 1964 and then in all its 1992 surveys : ‘ With Britain in economic difficulties , which party do you think could handle the problem best — Conservatives or Labour ?
18 Again one could draw as it were a sort of a picture of erm one 's true self as a sort of largish lump , er much of which was the body and then within this smaller portion which is the soul , and within that a still smaller portion which is the mind , and then in all of us there is present to us the one , and we 're told that we ought to think about our body , that it is not our true self .
19 Everybody in Paris and indeed in all France knows what a flower seller 's bunch of violets looks like , but whoever heard of such a cookery direction , let alone of a sauce containing a mixture of dates and parsley ? "
20 And yet in all three cases the CSM either acted tardily or not at all .
21 It is a delightful and civilized place and nowhere in all Egypt is the Nile in more picturesque form .
22 The head , body and arms move downwards and inwards in all the sad emotions as in the final dance of the Swans in Swan Lake and the opening dance of Requiem .
23 But in many , and certainly in all those which have achieved relatively high average levels of living , not all time and energy need be devoted to work and the creation of the means of subsistence .
24 Our interest is not simply in any one department of social life but rather in all these in a community , and especially in their mutual interdependence as parts of a whole .
25 Symbolization is involved not only in the psychic functions of reason but also in all forms of selective attention and perception , dreams and fantasy , and in imagination .
26 Younger , perhaps , and less well travelled , but there in all her essential details .
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