Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] i 've " in BNC.

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1 Very red and frothy , frothy colour blood , okay , supposing I had er damaged the lining of the stomach , or perhaps I 've had an ulcer that I 've perforated , and I was coughing up blood from the stomach what colour might that be ?
2 Or so I 've recently been led to believe . ’
3 She shows some talent , or so I 've been told .
4 about the last month or so I 've felt it getting slower .
5 A two-shot pistol — and keen to use it , or so I 've ‘ eard .
6 Or so I 've been told . ’
7 Or like I 've , I 've slept with him in tents and stuff but not in a bed .
8 Yeah , well I 've only got the one I 've only got the one erm golly how long have I had that yellow must have had it four years or more I 've only worn it about three times I think it 's erm a telly mac and it 's a yellow one erm and it is a bit longer so all these go underneath it , quite well
9 Once or twice I 've wondered whether it was n't all a trap .
10 She said and I 've once or twice I 've found a we 've got ta have that , but then what am I gon na give Ashley ?
11 I have had people ring me up at weekends and luckily I 've had the stuff and taken it back .
12 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
13 ‘ I remain confident about my ability to do the business at Premier League level , and suddenly I 've got the chance to prove this self-belief is not misplaced .
14 Then she breathes out and gives a real smile — one of those big things that brightens her face like a starburst — and I see she 's been frightened , and I sigh , and suddenly I 've got a lump in my throat and I 'm trembling and I do n't think I can move away from this wall .
15 My heart is so full of you , I must pour it out somehow , and so I 've devised this little diary of my travels , and will write a piece each day .
16 I mean , I formed the band , and so I 've accepted the responsibility .
17 So I wanted to remain a listener , still be excited by other people 's music and so I 've always remained a listener .
18 ‘ She 's only seven years older than me and so I 've never looked on her as a mother figure .
19 And so I 've got his precious kids all for my very own , have n't I ?
20 I could have gone on of course erm , longer but er I wanted to do erm , I 've always wanted to write and so I 've er been able to do that since .
21 And so I 've quite often been in Stromness and somebody said to me , how are you getting home tonight ?
22 Now we 've covered the basic techniques of sailing , the best way of putting them into practice is by sailing round the triangular course and so I 've laid out these three marks .
23 And so I 've tried to open it up er rather wider and w what I 've I 've I 've been put in touch with a a thing called the independent schools , design and technology association , which covers design and technology studies in all independent schools .
24 And so I 've done that
25 and so I 've always associated them with sort of erm , you know , what people had before all those sticky labels came
26 so I had it disconnected , had it disconnected and so I 've asked for it to be re-connected , they ca n't do it until twenty seventh December
27 Well the farmers for the last couple of years have been arguing that they want this green rate devalued er to try and bring it line more with the market rate er and what this would do would er increase our guaranteed prices in this country and in fact on Friday this happened er the green rate was devalued by 60%. er and so I 've done a few calculations er and for the farmers that are listening and er may understand this er if he was selling his grain in November 89 he would be getting about £99 a ton , whilst if he sells it in November this year he 'll be getting £110 a ton .
28 Yes I 'm trying to get it done , but I am getting pressure from the year group as well , it was , and so I 've got that , back out at Wednesday , so I 'm gon na have to have my hair done last
29 And perhaps I 've found the thing for me already .
30 In section three erm I set out erm my basis for the valuation of all those criterion for each of the sectors and basically I 've adopted erm a fourth grade evaluation of each of the factors and you 'll see on table one , which is contained within section two , erm the er the summary of that consideration .
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