Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do know a Jo , Carol , ’ said ‘ You brought her up here once , or rather you got her to drive you here in that big flash Jaguar .
2 Or rather you did violently , but I judged you too hastily and I am not angry now .
3 BUT , no matter how quickly or slowly you absorb alcohol , it does n't take long before all the alcohol you 've drunk is absorbed .
4 Or perhaps you had n't noticed ? ’
5 Or perhaps you 've found that you can not make a square turn to the right like those you find so easy to the left .
6 Maybe you need to track down an old kitchen manufacturer , or perhaps you 've just signed a contract to get rid of a high-pressure salesman , and are worried because there does n't appear to be a get-out clause .
7 Or perhaps you 've an idea that you might worm your way into my affections , is that it ?
8 Or perhaps you 've been telling her about when her periods will be due .
9 Maybe you have visited Amsterdam and want to venture further afield , or perhaps you prefer to stay outside the city and just visit Amsterdam for a day excursion .
10 The psychoanalysis can be used to a limited extent , despite more collective , historical roles er , within disagreed over conflicts in people , or perhaps you say that all the time .
11 Or perhaps you do n't remember ? ’
12 Now ladies , I do n't mind if you do n't cleanse properly or perhaps you do n't even tone but the moisturizer is the most important , from my point of view .
13 Or perhaps you do n't need to .
14 Or perhaps you do . ’
15 Or perhaps you do n't .
16 Or perhaps you do n't know about that — goodness , dear , you 've gone a very funny colour ! ’
17 Or perhaps you have a good relationship with your financial backers ?
18 Or perhaps you have friends in my bank , eh ? ’
19 Or perhaps you started to work out in the gym round the corner from the office .
20 Or perhaps you wanted to hold on to one for sentimental reasons ? ’
21 Or perhaps you want to have more fun , and laugh more ?
22 Or perhaps you did n't get the habit ?
23 Or perhaps you did n't get the habit ?
24 or less you know .
25 That 's right , it 's different for different people over there , I mean Mark over there who has n't been with the company very long erm , I mean , my existing calls I mean I , I know them sort of to , to drink with more or less you know , but
26 But er it was quite interesting and er more or less you got a chance of going through the departments when you were before your time was out .
27 More or less you see them coming a mile off now .
28 Erm and then I think you 've you 've clearly gone outside the definition of rape or outside you know a reasonable
29 With people who 'd be have nothing to do with the music business or just you know it 's just the social er the social life you know .
30 any entertainment sort of thing or , or like you ring up best on the thing
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