Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [vb base] she " in BNC.

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1 She was strangled all right , or I suppose she was .
2 Besides , she 's got a good husband and I hope she 'll be very happy with him .
3 We would visit her on occasions and I remember she had a rather splendid grandfather clock .
4 So if a child gets spoken to in a fairly direct way by imagine a female child by her father and the same female child gets spoken to in a not so direct way be her mother , then even of this The child is likely to both version , she 'll grow up using female variety because she 's she can affiliate herself with her mother and I mean she knows that is the variety she 's expected to use .
5 Wee question , and I mean she 's dependent upon them but she may own
6 And I mean she 's , you 've got room out there to have it if it just stands .
7 And I mean she 's so sort of closed about everything really , I mean he 's not the sort of you know
8 on their own back , she did n't ask for it and June ai n't worked since Christmas , so er , I says I know what it 's like with my sister and I mean she 's been right in it ai n't she ?
9 And I mean she 's a good kid , she is n't a bad kid by any means but er , oh the late nights and er
10 She had an invitation from him yesterday , and I know she 's longing to go . ’
11 She even left her chocolate rum pudding , although it was delicious , and I know she loves both ingredients .
12 She has a part of me inside her , and I know she will come for me some day .
13 Our Nancy might be only seventeen , but she 's already a full-growed woman to look at , and I know she 'd be pleased to be 'is wife , 'e 'd only 'ave to ask 'er , except 'e did say once that 'e 's waitin' a while before 'e gets married .
14 " And I know she is . "
15 She had been outraged when her husband left for another woman , had addressed him with religious vehemence and spoken of hell , but as time passed she had realised that life was very much more pleasant without him , that he was generous with money , and so she had , not forgiven , but ceased to revile him ; and I know she found grim amusement in my stepmother 's harassed countenance and the irritating ways of her two small children .
16 offices as well , but erm , and I know she 's half time and some offices have only got a quarter , but as I say , she 's the busiest person I know and , and she 's
17 I know that girl , know her as only a mother can , and I know she 's not well .
18 And I know she knows , but I worry that maybe I have n't said the right words the right way .
19 And I know she likes me , but I do n't know how far her liking will stretch if she knows I 'm the means of you … well , not marrying .
20 I love her , and I know she loves me … and that 's enough .
21 She said I was too much for her , and I assume she thought she was being admiring , though she certainly meant I was not enough .
22 Set a fire beneath her bed and I warrant she 'll be out quick enough . ’
23 And I bet she 's got a face like the back end of a sheep . ’
24 Amaryllis is the first woman to whom I have proposed and I trust she will be the last .
25 And I imagine she 's not a forgiving woman at the best of times .
26 From now on we must keep her mind free of stress and I guarantee she will improve daily . ’
27 You seem to have styled yourself as a knight in shining armour for her , and I admit she makes a rather sweet damsel in distress , but — ’
28 Knock on her door at 3 a.m. for a leg massage and I swear she would get up and do it for you , though she might swear a little under her breath !
29 A friend of mine did it erm they did n't burn the erm the spirit when they 'd finished and erm you know you 're meant to actually put a piece of paper under and burn it under the light or smash the glass and erm for the next six months she could n't sleep properly and it felt like there , she was like tormented and erm things were like pulling at her , her bedclothes and I swear she 's like seeing a psy a psychia psychiatrist and she had to sleep in her parents ' room and everything really scary .
30 Head to toe black leather , and I believe she has a ring through her nose .
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