Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [vb base] do " in BNC.

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1 Needless to say Lord Elphinstone did not hesitate to respond to the challenge and rallied his friends , while at the same time pointedly expressing his hope , when writing to the duke , that ‘ neither my friend or I have done any thing to deserve your Grace 's withdrawing your friendship , interest & protection ’ .
2 Or you 've done a tiny bit and you need something that 's not
3 Er a a and then say , well we can take that on board for you if you like but it might be more efficient for you to do the possessions because the civil engineer Leeds , actually is part of your organization a a and it might be more appropriate for you to get those possessions in , for you to decide whether or not you want one big bang o o o of a week 's possession or , or you want to do it i in four hour no-trains periods for the next three years .
4 If , however , you ca n't get it out immediately , do n't poke and do n't stick your finger blindly down her throat or you risk doing more damage .
5 And the big thing that happens is you you suddenly in the middle of differentiating start integrating or in the middle of an integrating start differentiating or you start doing taking you 've had enough of this so you start doing little short cuts like erm differentiating sine three X just as if it was sine X
6 The problem is that at the beginning of each new year , we either ignore the tradition of making resolutions , or we try to do too much at once and fail dismally .
7 Or they have to do what we will never do and that is take the quality out of it .
8 Nor I think did Rodriguez , who had subsided into his seat again , a sad , dazed look on his face .
9 I 've got to play some flamenco and bass on a couple of songs and I get to do lots of weird effects and things . ’
10 One to the sea , which is about 80 miles away , and another to Sao Paulo which is quite near , and I hope to do some shopping for presents there before I come home .
11 But getting into RADA was quite a searching process and I remember doing four one-hour work sessions with some of the tutors there , including the Principal , before finally being accepted for the three-year course there .
12 and I remember doing my first , one of my first essays erm saying that I did n't think they were and all that they were erm was the fact that er er of and you said to me at the end that 's fine as far you 've argued it but I think you 'll change your views as you go on and I do n't know if I have .
13 Oh yes varied , and there interesting , with , with children , particularly if they erm if I 'm doing workshops er with art and writing workshops and we come across an abstract picture , the children music , and , we , as a way into their vocabulary which is n't as large as their , their writing skills , and there 'll , there 'll decipher an abstract picture , wonderful language and I like doing that you know
14 And I 've done chicken ! ’ said Henry .
15 The only way I 've managed to get carers is to put up adverts in newsagents , and I 've done that twice — And I 've had about 30 people ring up through that , and a lot of them seem pretty good … ’
16 The gaunt man with a snarl in his Canadian voice said , ‘ You said before Winnipeg , and I 've done it and I want my money . ’
17 ‘ You said before Winnipeg , and I 've done it and I want my money . ’
18 ‘ You 've been asking all the questions , and I 've done my best to answer them .
19 ‘ I do n't need that kind of restriction on my playing , and I 've done it loads of times in the past when recording , always having to think , ‘ Well , I ca n't play the F£ there ; I 'll have to go down and play it there . ’
20 Many 's the time I 've been with people whose eyes glazed over when I 've said I was a feminist and I 've done the same with people who say they love to play golf .
21 While in London he said , ‘ You name it and I 've done it .
22 And I 've done it with the same manager — Harry Bassett . ’
23 Yes , I 've done the mandate workshop , yes , and I 've done it with other groups too .
24 David has done some transcription this week , erm and I 've done a bit , erm and that 's basically , well we 've got one side of , you 've got one side of those lectures to do erm and I 've got some of the recording that I made on Thursday to do and that and that .
25 You left him for me to tend , with never a word , and I 've done my best for him .
26 And I 've done myself a on that reckoning , because until we 've got that sorted anyway .
27 She 's made me more responsible and I 've done better in my exams and I 've worked at my English .
28 Erm I like doing water colour painting and I 've been on two holidays down in Cornwall and I 've done that and that 's very relaxing erm and it seems , you seem to forget about everything else , and that 's quite good fun er but erm obviously if it rains all your , all your colours get washed away , but that 's good fun .
29 A survey it 's a at the college you know , and er and they did er carnations and I 've done , the chrysanths about growing them .
30 Well I 've tried to explain to him , I 've actually sat down and said , You have got , and I 've done it in a way of , of sets .
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