Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 Nellie was not a bit shy or timid like I was , and I was attracted by her outspoken ways .
2 I hope that I am not thought too patronising or authoritarian when I say that I do not believe that parents should leave children in unattended cars and they certainly should not leave the keys in the car as well .
3 But I do n't speak French or Arabic so I 'm going to stick out like the proverbial sore thumb .
4 I will always make people angry or happy because I make things happen .
5 ‘ Because I do n't feel mature or civilised when I 'm anywhere near you , ’ Jessamy threw back at him fiercely .
6 The reasons are neither sentimental nor superstitious although I accept that arguments for live worship can fall sometimes into these categories .
7 So it may be the Regional Association or perhaps the local estuary er Sailing Association is first contacted and what will happen er when one is contacted is that you will come into contact with environmentalists and conservationists and not all environmentalists and conservationists are quite as af affable and conciliatory as I am , some can be quite confrontational and therefore there will be the need for a considerable amount of lip biting and self restraint .
8 In fact , everything was much less traumatic and emotional than I 'd expected , probably because I 'm pretty hard on myself anyway .
9 I swore my pupils would never be restricted and repressed as I had been .
10 I think basically , if you 've got good colour sense you 're home and dry as I have said many times , it does n't matter how you put it together , but if the colours are superb , it 's going to look good .
11 Small and weak as I was , I stared firmly back at him .
12 Tried projecting negative of Bride from holograph enlarger , he wrote , but image thin and weak where I want it strong ( though indeterminate ) .
13 In fact the other day I just could n't face yet another day of taunts , kicks and bag-snatching so I skived off school .
14 It appears to have escaped Berkeley 's attention that not all imaginary things , for example a drunkard 's pink rats , are voluntary and lack the vivacity of the real thing , and also that , when I set myself to imagine something , I can make my ideas as orderly and coherent as I like .
15 You 've grown fat and lazy since I saw you last . ’
16 " I thought you frivolous , malicious and heartless when I lived with you .
17 I also like to give credit where it is due , and would , therefore , like to thank members of the Great Central Railway who were very helpful and friendly when I made a recent visit to Rothley and Loughborough as an ordinary visitor .
18 M.J. talked a lot , and Donald said I encouraged her too much , and that I.C.B. was on the point of being more personal and interesting if I had let her — but I was rather shy of it .
19 ‘ Frank , listen , ’ I say , suddenly inspired , and sounding a lot more sober and calm than I feel .
20 Even bent and old like I am , I 'm a better man than you 'll ever be .
21 It made the universe more savage and unknowable than I had ever dreamed …
22 I was eventually given my clothes back , but they were all muddy and damp because I 'd been on gardens .
23 ‘ I always feel sort of furtive and illicit after I 've been with Sebastian . ’
24 I had explained this to Aunt Louise , who enjoyed her bath and filled it almost to the top ; but she took no notice , becoming affronted and resentful if I reminded her .
25 She had no travellers ' tales , no air of a person who had been on a journey , and I knew she would be both disbelieving and resentful if I should try to describe the eternal vistas I had glimpsed .
26 Both Jessica and Nadea seemed to agree that it was fitting and appropriate when I told them my first choice would be to serve with the Royal Canadian Air Force .
27 My coat , like a bearskin , is well groomed but very thick and warm so I had my usual ‘ Irish siesta ’ in the afternoon .
28 Yes an I mean and I mean in winter time a wooden sole and a clog they wer they were nice and warm cos I mean you only used to polish 'em you used to put oil on them .
29 ‘ If I 'm crying because someone 's been nasty to me , he 'll want to rush away and knock their block off ’ , said one woman , ‘ for anything else he 'll just sit there and look miserable and uncomfortable until I feel I 'm supposed to comfort him ’ .
30 My golf swing is tense and uneven because I am tense and uneven .
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