Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 The German helm type of covering to the square or polygonal tower was especially typical of the Rhineland , of which the Church of the Apostles in Cologne is a notable example ( 328 ) .
2 A medical history , electrocardiograph , blood pressure , and standard laboratory findings were obtained before the experiment and were found to be negative or normal Haematocrit was also obtained 24 hours after the experiment .
3 However , unless an accident or acute illness was associated with onset , memory problems are likely to confuse the result .
4 Thus the proportion of unskilled manual workers reporting longstanding illness or acute sickness was almost three times as great as that of the professional group .
5 In both groups , treatment with sulfasalazine , azathioprine , cyclosporine A , or parenteral nutrition was not allowed .
6 The sense of comic opera or mini tragedy was reinforced by the fact that at the March meeting the Shetland Islands Council received a letter from the Scottish Office , indicating that as ministers would not be able to deal with the issue ‘ for quite some considerable time ’ , could not the Shetland Islands Council sort out the matter ?
7 The deconstruction of narrative as a natural or unproblematic activity was to be amplified by several other literary theorists .
8 The more important contribution of large firms in terms of investment or technical change was evident , but large and small firms alike shared in the remarkable growth of output .
9 Anticoagulated blood or platelet-rich plasma was passed through the column at a fixed flow rate and platelet counts were performed before and after exposure to these foreign surfaces — the difference being the number of platelets adhering .
10 In the building industry in France , Sweden , Britain and West Germany the fact that the respective employers ' organisations are essentially federations is also tied up with the structure of collective bargaining , since in most cases the local or regional organisation was — or is — a bargaining agent ( Sisson , 1984 ) .
11 In the United States multi employer or association bargaining at district or regional level was by no means unknown , primarily in industries exemplified once again by highly competitive product markets .
12 The most famous of these meetings — that held in 1155 and attended by the count of Flanders , the duke of Burgundy , the counts of Troyes and Nevers , in addition to the lords of the royal demesne — provided the occasion for Louis VII to come as close to legislating as any twelfth-century French or English king was to do .
13 But this would still fail to resolve the outstanding obstacle which to a greater or lesser extent was incorporated in earlier Western neutralisation plans — the attitude of the indigenous Afghan resistance groups .
14 Goulding J found as a fact that all parts of the sales information had been used for the purposes of the defendant 's business and he divided information into three categories where it was not the subject of any express provision : ( 1 ) Information which because of its triviality or public accessibility was not confidential at all .
15 Agnosticism or scientific materialism was a poor thing which did not take the universe and its order seriously enough .
16 The positive or scientific method was ( or would be ) the triumph of the last of the stages through which mankind must pass — in Comte 's terms , the theological , the metaphysical and the scientific ; each with its own institutions , of which Mill and Spencer at least agreed that liberalism ( in the broadest sense ) was the suitable expression .
17 Rather than any physically deterministic or geological reasons , we need to consider the social and religious organisation of the original settlers , their technological capability ( i.e. what tools and techniques they had knowledge of ) and whether , like us , they saw their economy in terms of least effort/cost-benefit or whether some aesthetic or non-practical consideration was equally important .
18 In each case the team 's community psychiatric nurse or social worker was designated as key worker and would continue to monitor every patient , as well as to obtain or increase other services when they thought necessary .
19 Even when no political or social statement was intended , the most abstruse philosophical inquiry , the most obscure historical research , the narrowest psychological study took on political meaning .
20 With aromatic compounds the adoption of the English benzene instead of the German benzol or French benzine was a consequence of the agreed significance of these ends ( cf -ine above ) .
21 And though we often generalise , calling one person more or less intelligent or fearful , we know that our appreciation of these qualities is rooted in our knowledge of the context in which the intelligent action or fearful response was made , and also in the history of its development .
22 Radio in the 1940S and television under the Fifth Republic enabled de Gaulle to ‘ commune ’ with the French people : circumstances frequently conspired to dramatize the stark alternatives associated with his name ; in 1940 the rejection of collaboration and defeat ; from 1946 to 1958 , when out of power and largely absent from the radio , he slowly became ‘ le recours ’ , the possible saviour from the ‘ regime des parties ’ , party factions and divisions ; when President ( 1958–69 ) , and master of the airwaves , the recurrent implicit or explicit message was ‘ but for me , France faces chaos ’ — ‘ moi ou le chaos ’ — the twentieth-century equivalent of Louis XIV 's celebrated ‘ l'état c'est moi ’ — ‘ I am the state ’ .
23 On the Prime Minister 's orders , no minister or civil servant was allowed to meet him .
24 Counterpoint of the fugato or canonic type was used as accompaniment in Baroque times , but has now largely fallen out of use , as it fails to express individual mood or atmosphere .
25 The Chapel of Our Lady ( 13 ) or Imperial Chapel was founded by Charles IV but the altar is of a much later date , to a design by Josef Mocker , 1903 .
26 Cuvier 's commitment to this adaptationist or utilitarian approach was complete .
27 The mean or average amount was nearly 8 a month or about 0.76 per cent of average earnings .
28 One of the problems with these job losses is that they were almost entirely unplanned : anyone who wanted to take severance or early retirement was allowed to do so irrespective of its effects on the department concerned and on the shape of the university .
29 Epinephrine or pure alcohol was commonly used as the solution for injection for the arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage in the past 10 years .
30 British case at least , the problem of national or ethnic difference was masked for a long period by development occurring in the peripheries at the same rate and in similar ways to development in industrial England .
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