Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to more conventional strategies for innovation , especially found in America , organization development is holistic or systemic in that it concentrates on the organization more than on the isolated individual or practice .
2 However , some research methods , along with the data produced by them , are approach- or theory-specific in that they developed within , or have come to represent , a particular theoretical tradition or perspective .
3 Regulation can also be categorised as formal or informal in that it can be set according to statutes and rules , or set informally through self regulation or some form of implicit agreement .
4 Erm or short of that a firm local plan allocation with all the consultations and environmental impact study already done .
5 Although its scope is narrow , applying to firms employing fewer than 500 people , it is both flexible and innovative in that it allows the formation of a corporate body constituted under European , as opposed to national law .
6 She knew Gwen Evans only slightly ; she had seen her at the funeral , and previous to that a couple of times , but the memory stuck .
7 Right , he 's an outdoor sales manager , he 's been with T N T eleven years , erm , previous to being with T N T he was on , two sales for seven years , and previous to that he sold diaries , business cards , business gifts .
8 Indeed these two characteristics are all that is needed in the case of the adjective ; the relative clause is in a sense a stalking horse , convenient in that it is more tangible than the relation around which it is built , but unnecessary , and awkward in that it brings with it , in English , the requirement that it must express a tense ; for while it is often possible to read a tense into an adjective there is no reason whatever to suppose that there is always some particular tense present to the mind of the speaker but suppressed , as can be seen from instances like ( 35 ) , where more than one tense could plausibly be grafted onto the sense expressed by the phrase underlined , or , just as well , some adverbial notion like " because " or " if " without any specific tense being implied : ( 35 ) motorists guilty will have to pay heavy fines Likewise , the buildings adjacent of example ( 17 ) simply take their tense from that of the clause as a whole ; if , for instance , we were to switch the tense of the verb in that example in order to shift the whole situation to past time : ( 36 ) the buildings adjacent were closed for three days it would be quite unnecessary to presume that an independent mental re-assignment of tense , from present to past , internal to the phrase buildings adjacent , has to take place as well .
9 The system of parental contributions is unfair and unacceptable in that it expects students to remain dependent on parents into adulthood .
10 In 1991 case management was renamed ‘ care management ’ in a guidance document from the Department of Health and Social Services Inspectorate , on the grounds that the term ‘ case ’ was demeaning to the individual and misleading in that it is the care , and not the person , that is being managed .
11 Palatine consider themselves to be good employers , though their attitudes and practices might be thought to be slightly old-fashioned and paternalistic in that there is no measure of staff performance or formal mechanisms or procedures for staff management .
12 It is necessary for the efficiency of study , but dangerous in that you may let the ten minutes drift on into the next study period .
13 Victoria was more intelligent than most of them but typical in that she had conscientiously allowed herself to be educated without imagining any particular use for her good and well-trained mind .
14 They are polytheistic in that they seem to believe that many gods exist , but monotheistic in that they command obedience to only one of these many gods .
15 This was the sort of shop he liked , with its range of hand made jewellery in the oriental tradition , prints and puppets , and odd items of no functional use whatsoever , but attractive in that they reflected a long vanished Eastern culture .
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