Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If he be a rustic , or unused to travelling , and he intends to take a morning train , he will probably make a point of taking up a strong position at the station the night before his prospective journey and camping on the platform .
2 In the three experiments the subjects were either normoglycaemic or hyperglycaemic with blood glucose concentrations stabilised at 8 or 15 mmol/l .
3 What sort of financial structure — rich in debt or rich in equity — is better at helping a firm create wealth ?
4 Even if the entire programme is too lengthy or unsuitable for classroom use , there may well be short sequences which could prove useful in teaching history .
5 Or low on petrol .
6 what would count as high , medium or low with respect to each criterion , and
7 However , as suggested at the beginning of this chapter , the target group for the intervention should be particularly vulnerable in some way , that is , be predisposed biologically to a major psychiatric disorder , or be low in self-esteem , poor in coping skills , or low in support .
8 However , there are differences between Type I and 2 diabetes : HDL levels are generally either normal or low in Type 2 diabetes ( Lopes-Virella et al , 1977 ; Kennedy et al , 1978 ; Reckless et al , 1978 ; Taylor et al , 1981 ; Rendel et al , 1982 ) : Studies on the subfractions have shown either an increase in the level of the HDL 3 subfraction ( Durrington , 1982 ) , or a reduction in HDL 2 .
9 The ‘ flagella ’ are kept moist by mucus material from adjacent parts of the nose and if the mucous thickens , as when we have a cold or catarrh or due to changes in humidity or temperature , they are incapacitated and our sense of smell impaired .
10 This could be because the word was misspelled in the original script ( user dependent error ) , or due to mis-recognition of at least one character ( recogniser dependent error ) .
11 Externalisation or blaming — admitting that there are problems but saying that the causes are due to pressures at work or unemployment or due to social , financial or other stresses or due to doctors or " pushers " or due to the inadequacy of the police , customs officials or the Government .
12 ( On the other hand , if the profit of the company rises after privatisation , whether due to efficiency gains or due to abuses of a natural monopoly position , the tax levied by the government on the company 's profits might actually rise . )
13 Unemployment which is seasonal , believed to be impending or due to resignation or voluntary redundancy .
14 Unemployment which is seasonal , believed to be impending when the insurance is effected or due to resignation or voluntary redundancy .
15 This allows for a far greater sophistication of analysis because it recognises that the state and the policies it pursues may well be a result of internal conflicts within the state or due to conflicts between fractions of the capitalist class or from struggle by classes opposed to capitalism .
16 It is not clear whether the plan foundered because of legal or constitutional doubts about the governor 's interim council lacking authority to incorporate such a bank , or due to opposition from the mercantile , creditor interest .
17 Discrepancies between the deduced amino-acid sequence in this figure and peptide sequences in Table 1 can be ascribed to difficulties in the assignment of some derivatized amino acids , or due to divergence of bovine and human coding sequences .
18 Finally , it must be remembered that where odour nuisance arises from outside the workplace , affecting employees inside the workplace , for example from a nearby factory or due to manure spreading in the surrounding fields , then sections 92 to 100 of the Public Health Act 1936 will apply should the odour amount to a statutory nuisance , since the Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1982 amended s.92(1) ( d ) of the Public Health Act 1936 to ‘ any dust or effluvia caused by a trade , business or manufacture or process which are prejudicial to health or a nuisance ’ deleting the words [ to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood ] .
19 Covers non-recoverable travel and accommodation charges in the event of unavoidable cancellations or curtailment of the holiday due to your injury or illness , or that of your travelling companion , relative or close business associate ; or due to unemployment , all occurring after the date of issue of the policy .
20 It was not too deep or strong for horses but a tree had been felled across it for foot-passengers .
21 All shafts , levels , adits , watercourses and works to be kept open or upstanding for present or future working , and to yield up these at the end of the term , with the bottoms clear of all dross and rubbish ; and the drifts , cross-cuts , sumps , pits , buddles , water-courses , dwelling houses , cabins , smelting houses , store houses , bingsteads , smithies , forges , workshops , etc .
22 If the walls and ceiling of the room are white or near-white in colour , the lamps can be turned upwards over the heads of the performers who are then illuminated indirectly by the reflected light .
23 ( Would you describe yourself as generally satisfied or unsatisfied with life — or neither , particularly ? )
24 In fact my honourable friend , the parliamentary under secretary of state for the department of trade and industry who 's responsible for deregulation is also the sponsoring minister for one of these orders , namely the one on the insurance companies , and secondly our intention is that the cost here should be negligible , or nil er in that they do n't go beyond er what is already required or or possible by way of a right to report , here we 're imposing a duty to report .
25 Wealth , other than pension entitlements , can be quickly turned into cash or used as security against which to borrow .
26 Any number is even or odd by virtue of there being a connection between the idea of ‘ number ’ and those of ‘ evenness ’ or ‘ oddness ’ .
27 But women are still under- or unrepresented among subjects in many areas of psychological research .
28 In contrast , HDL levels may be elevated or normal in Type I diabetic subjects ( Garcia et al , 1974 ; Mattock et al , 1979 ; Lopes-Virella et al , 1983 ) .
29 Since there was never anything at all gratuitously coarse or vulgar about Karajan 's music-making , it is true that he never attempted to graft on to a score like Verdi 's Falstaff additional jokes or belly-laughs .
30 Some of the sounds are familiar , yet not instantly Fender or Gibson-like in origin .
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